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[摘要] 目的 探讨肝胆管结石上皮survivin及增殖细胞核抗原(pcna表达与肝胆管癌之间的关系。方法 采集正常对照、肝胆管结石、肝胆管癌患者肝胆管组织,免疫组化法测定肝胆管上皮Survivin及PCNA表达阳性率。结果 正常对照、肝胆管结石、肝胆管癌患者肝胆管上皮Survivin表达阳性率分别为0、42.1%和70.0%。三组间两两比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。正常对照组PCNA阳性率为0,而肝胆管结石、肝胆管癌患者肝胆管上皮PCNA表达阳性率均为100%,强度为++或+++。其中肝胆管结石组的PCNA与病程长短和结石大小呈正相关,肝胆管癌组的Survivin和PCNA表达呈正相关(r=0.701,P<0.01)。结论 肝胆管结石上皮组织高表达Survivin及PCNA,提示肝胆管结石上皮有癌变倾向。

[关键词] Survivin;PCNA;肝胆管结石;肝胆管癌

[中图分类号] R735.8;R657.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)23-53-03

The Correlation between the Expression of Survivin and PCNA in Hepatobiliary Epithelium of Hepatolithiasis and Cholangiocarcinoma

ZHANG Miaozun1 LI Mingzhu1 GU Xin2

1.Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the People’s Hospital of Yinzhou, Ningbo 315040, China; 2.Department of Pathology, the People’s Hospital of Yinzhou, Ningbo 315040, China

[Abstract] Objective To estimate the correlation between the expression of survivin or PCNA in hepatobiliary epithelium of hepatolithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma. Methods The specimens of hepatobiliary tissue from the paitents of normal control, hepatolithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma were obtained during the surgeries. The expressions of survivin or PCNA were examined by immunohistochemistry. Results The positive expression rates of survivin were 0, 42.1% and 70.0% in control group, hepatolithiasis group and cholangiocarcinoma group respectively. The hepatolithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma groups had statistically higher rates of survivin than that of control group (P<0.05). And the rates in cholangiocarcinoma patients were significantly increased, compared to that in hepatolithiasis (P<0.05). Hepatobiliary tissue didn’t have PCNA expression in control group. However, the positive PCNA rates in hepatolithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma were both 100% with levels from ++ to +++. PCNA rates in hepatolithiasis were significantly associated with duration and diameter of calculus. A positive correlation was found between survivin and PCNA in cholangiocarcinoma group (r=0.701,P<0.01). Conclusion Increasing expression of survivin and PCNA in hepatolithiasis indicates that the epithelium of hepatolithiasis has a high risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma.

[Key words] Survivin; PCNA; Hepatolithiasis; Cholangiocarcinoma

Survivin是凋亡抑制蛋白家族(inhibitor of apoptosis proteins,IAP)的成员,表达于细胞分裂期,具有抑制细胞凋亡、促进细胞增殖的作用,在癌症的发生及发展过程中起着重要的作用,是很多癌症的重要生物标志物之一。增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)是反映细胞增殖活性的重要指标,PCNA表达越多,则提示肿瘤细胞增殖越快。肝胆管癌生长缓慢隐蔽,临床上很难早期发现,往往以梗阻性黄疸为首发症状,术后复发性高,预后差。病理检查发现,肝胆管癌中心经常合并有结石的发生,因此我们推测,肝胆管癌的发病机制之一可能是肝胆管结石上皮的恶变与发展。本次研究通过对正常对照、肝胆管结石、肝胆管癌患者的肝胆管上皮细胞中Survivin及PCNA表达的研究,探讨Survivin及PCNA表达与肝胆管癌的关系,以期进行早期预测肝胆管结石患者肝胆管上皮癌变的可能性。

1 材料与方法

1.1 标本


1.2 免疫组化染色


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1.3 Survivin及PCNA免疫组化染色阳性分级


1.4 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 Survivin免疫组化染色结果



2.2 PCNA免疫组化染色结果


2.3 Survivin和PCNA关联性


3 讨论





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