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Broken Friendship

I used to have a best friend named Katie. We shared everything, even our passwords. One day I got online and noticed a bunch of emails from someone whose name I didn’t recognize. The

subject was: “You look hot.” I opened one up and read what it said. It was from a guy at school who was two grades older than me. He said he wanted to do stuff that I’m embarrassed to even say. These girls at school the beautiful people, as I call them

they convinced Katie to give them my password. She thought that, if she gave it to them, it would make them like her. I think she was scared too. These girls do mean[卑鄙的] things to everyone.

Anyway, the girls got into my email and sent emails to all the senior guys that looked like they were from me. In the email was a picture of me with no clothes on. They got a picture of someone else from anwebsite and “Photoshopped注1” my class picture head shot on it, I guess. Then they wrote things like, “I will do anything to make your fantasies come true” and signed my name. Since it came from my account, everyone thought I really sent it. Now I can’t go anywhere at school without guys looking at me funny, and people whispering and pointing at me when they think I can’t see. I don’t have any friends and I don’t even talk to Katie anymore. I feel so alone. I wish I could move somewhere and start over.

I thought it was safe to share my password with my best friend. Now I know you can’t. I wish I could disappear.

You Can’t Take It Back

I heard about a lot of things my friends were doing online that were really mean or just plain crazy. I never thought I would do anything like that.

One day my friend, Pat, showed me a website he made. He posted a list of girls in our school and had guys we know go on and rate them; sort of a “Hot or Not” kind of website. I thought it was pretty funny so I rated them too. We had a good laugh and I thought that was the end of it. The next day, everyone at school was talking about it. He had sent it out to the whole school to see. I could tell a couple of girls had been crying, and I knew it was because of what the guys had said about them and how they looked. I felt bad, but I didn’t really get it until I went home that night. It turns out the guys had put my little sister on the site too, but hid it from me because they knew I would get upset. She was crying when I got home, and she wouldn’t even look at me. I would never have said those things to someone’s face. I didn’t even mean them. I thought it was just a joke between friends. Now Pat’s suspended[中断一段时间] from school, and they might kick me out too.

Once you put something online, you lose control of it. You can never get it back. People can use it in ways you never even meant. I learned that the hard way. I wish I never saw that stupid site.

Julie’s Journey

The Internet, it’s a tool that has to be used properly. You know, it’s like a knife. I mean, it’s…it’s very helpful, but it can also cut you.

My name is Julie. When I was 13, I started talking to Tom. He didn’t act or even sound like a 56-year-old man. So he was different on the computer. I knew that I wasn’t supposed

to be talking to him, but I did it out of a retaliation[报复] against my parents. It felt nice to have somebody who wasn’t always trying to tell you what to do. It started to get more like a relationship, where it went from just friends to best friends, more personal relationship than best friends. I would Instant Message注2 him between three and six hours a day. I was really upset whenever I couldn’t get on the Internet because I knew that he would be like, “What were you doing?” and he emailed me, like, ten times wondering where I was at. Then you feel like, extremely bad about it. It was…an opportunity for him to manipulate[操控] more. I trusted him more than anybody else.

He mentioned, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we were together all the time?”, and then the thought came up of running away. The night I left, I kissed all my brothers good night, and he was in his truck and we just rode out and ran away for three weeks. The day that I was found we were on our way to Reno. Somebody reported us and saw our truck. I knew pretty much it’s over, and I never really thought the day would come. He’s gonna be in jail for 25 years. He sent a letter to me, saying that it was my fault and that he was going to kill me if he ever got out of jail. I was really upset because he didn’t say anything about caring about me. I didn’t think of his background and I didn’t apply it to myself, and so, maybe, he could have done anything to me, even killed me. And so, you know, now that I’m back, I feel like there’s this huge emptiness inside of me.

If I could have talked to people, maybe I would have had a different view on some things.

If you’re planning to run away, it doesn’t help solve anything. If it does anything, it makes it worse. Little things can end up becoming a big thing. I kind of wish that I never would have run away in the first place. I would never do it again.















注2:Instant Message(IM,即时消息)在此处作动词用。现今流行的QQ、MSN、Skype等都属于即时通讯工具范畴。

Know More:网络安全小提示

 上网时最好不要把个人信息告诉网友。个人信息包括你的用户名、电子邮箱、手机号码,以及自己或亲友的照片。

 如果你在网上自己的照片或视频――任何人都可能对它们进行修改。

 不要相信垃圾邮件的内容。

 陌生人发来的邮件或文件最好不要打开。你不知道里面包含什么――里面或许有病毒,更糟的是一些不雅图片和


 人们上网的时候很容易说出一些现实生活中不会说的话。

 一些人在网络上经常说谎。

 不要随便和陌生人聊天。

 如果有人让你感到不自在,一定要告诉你相信的人。