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The Reflection of Confucian and Socratic Philosophies on College English Teachin

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Abstract:The thesis made a comparative study of philosophies of Confucius and Socrates.Through the explanation and exploration of Confucian and Socratic philosophies,the reflections on the college english teaching are drawn.The traditional teaching conception should be improved and cultural consciousness of communication and reservation should be developed as well.

Key words:Confucius and Socrates;confucianism;teaching conception;cultural consciousness

1.Introduction to the philosophies of Confucius and Socrates

The root of the word philosophy is philosophia,which is derived from two Greek words:Philein,meaning “love,” and Sophia,meaning “wisdom.” Its original meaning is “loving wisdom” or “the pursuit to wisdom”.Confucius and Socrates are two greatest mind masters in China and Greece respectively appearing almost simultaneously around 500 B.C.Education in the cultivation of human has its own standards according to different social backgrounds and ideologies.Confucius and Socrates both contributed their original ideas to the problems concerning the existence of human beings.The original ideas of the two greatest thinkers shaped distinctive cultural traditions and educational conceptions,which have been making influences on the whole world today.

Li and Ren is the root of Confucianism.Li as an exterior standard is to restrict one’s behavior and Ren is the interior quality to shape a consistent personality.In Confucius’s opinion,cultivating people with virtue and morality is considered as the educational goal.“To subdue one’s self to return to propriety is perfect virtue.” is the basic conception of Li and highly appreciated by Confucius.Ren,as the basic moral value of confucianism,has a wide range of meanings including reverence,generosity,truthfulness,diligence,kindness and filial piety,and the core of them is benevolence.While Socrates realized his mission was to arouse his fellow citizen from the state of ignorance and activate them to think about the meaning of life and the nature of virtue.And he considered “virtue is knowledge.” Democracy and equality are highly stressed in his life philosophy.

2.The differences in teaching conceptions

If the educational conception is lecturing in Confucius,that is tutorial in Socrates.

“To subdue one’s self to return to propriety is perfect virtue.” is highly appreciated by Confucius,while the free,heated discussion is emphasized by Socrates.Confucius’s talks are like perfect pieces of art,which don’t support questioning or challenging.While talks of Socrates are more like half-finished artworks which allow,welcome and encourage others to find out the faults and to help make them faultless.Confucius taught students mainly in the knowledge-transference way.The loyalty to tradition and superiors,compliance with the rules and regulations are deemed as propriety.The embodiment of Confucian ideology in educational practice is less suspicion,and more compliance.Learning is more focused than thinking.The educational mode of teacher-centered is fully revealed in Confucius’s lecture.The teacher’s role as the imparter of knowledge and the disseminator of civilization was established from then on,which have been impacting on the Chinese educational conception.

Socrates guides students to be critical and creative in a democratic and equal learning atmosphere.Intense discussion between teacher and students are rather welcomed.Authority can be questioned.The educational mode of student-centered is realized through the positive guidance.Perhaps it is just on this point western and eastern teaching conceptions have parted.The most effective teaching method is not to tell you the answers,but to question.Education is not implantation,but igniting the fire of learning desire.Socrates stimulates people to be conscious of oneself through irony,induce and deduction.The educational subjectivity is not teacher at all,but students instead.The teaching itself is the communicating in ideas.Under influence of such an educational conception,the creativity,initiative,self-awareness and confidence are gradually developed,which are not the qualities possessed by most Chinese students.

3.Reflection on teaching practice

Nowadays,globalization is becoming a high-frequency vocabulary appearing in people’s lives around the world.English,as the Lingua Franca,plays more and more important role in world economics,technology and cultural communications.In our country,College English is a compulsory course for all university students.It has become a powerful spreader of English language and culture.Therefore,how to make College English effective has become a top challenge for all College English teachers.

3.1 The improvement of educational conception

The educational conceptions of Confucius and Socrates have been discussed above.In teaching practice,the combination of their teaching conceptions will be an effective way.During class periods,the active learning awareness should be developed.Student-centered status should be established.Education is not being taught,but a kind of enlightenment,guidance to assist and inspire students to achieve their life goal.Education is not a matter of certain period,but should be shining in their whole life.Besides,the sprit of challenging must be encouraged.Education is not absolutely abidance,but the collision of different thoughts,and the discussions and disputes are rather needed.The uniqueness of the thoughts should be revealed in their learning process.Only in this way,can students’ creativity and initiative be aroused,the faiths in themselves be formed and the consciousness of self values and responsibilities be generated,which are very crucial for the development and prosperity of a nation.

3.2 Develop students’ cultural consciousness of communication and reservation

With the fast development of our society,the cultural communication between east and west has been increasingly widespread.Many Chinese people are fascinated with western cultures.They enjoy great enthusiasm in western festivals like Christmas Day,Halloween,or Valentine’s Day to touch western culture in person,especially in college students.Meanwhile,in an effort to promote our Chinese culture and language abroad,our government has set up many Confucius Institutes around the world to help foreigners to understand our munication in cultures is well welcomed,but reservation of our own cultural tradition is a must.During the class periods,teacher should help College English learners establish the mainstream cultural consciousness,which is significant when English is strongly advocated in our country.The questions like “Have you tried to be together with your family during Mid-autumn Festival? Have you greeted your teachers during Teachers’ Day? And have you called your elders during Chongyang festival?” should be asked to remind students of their own cultural tradition.The Confucius’s virtues of Li and Ren shouldn’t only be the luminous rings around us,but should be transformed into the lighthouse to guide us forward.Without our own culture as the foundation,people are easy to lose ourselves,and feel confused with our identities and values,which will push our own culture in a state of dilemma.


Confucius and Socrates are two great thinkers in China and Greek respectively.But their philosophical ideologies have made profound influences not on these two countries only,but the whole eastern and western civilizations.The aim of education is not to develop similar groups,but to cultivate unique social man with gracious virtues and moralities instead.Creativity is the inner force for a nation’s progress,and cultural communication and reservation are two indispensable ingredients in globalization.With these qualities,it is hopeful for us to built a harmonious society and make our Chinese dream come true.


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