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Low-Tech High Life



Lately I’ve been 1)contemplating how to best 2)integrate technology into my life so that it balances well against low-tech or no-tech things. I’ve come to the conclusion that while high-tech often has great value, it is also important to 3)deliberately choose low-tech solutions and spend time in no-tech activities.

Not very long ago, I could be found on my computer on weekends, checking email, surfing the web and so on. However, after years of high-tech experience, I’ve reached the point of getting enough of technology during the week. This might be better stated as a realistic view of technology. I work in a high-tech field (web design) and use many high-tech 4)devices (PDA and Macs), which fills my week with high-tech input. I’m now finding I really need weekends away from technology to 5)decompress and recover.

I’ve also always had a bit of 6)resistance to the idea that technology is the “great solution” to all problems. I do think technology is not necessarily the right solution for every problem we encounter Ñ often a low-tech solution is much better. Maybe this resistance is because my life experience pre-dates computers being so entwined into daily life.

As a young 7)graphic design student in college, I was fortunate to have been taught the traditional, 8)manual methods of art and design, using pencils, pens, chalk, 9)pastels, brushes, paint and paper. During my early career as a graphic designer, I can still recall days when the power would go out at our design studios. The computer systems running 10)Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator would shut down, yet I was able to 11)grab a piece of paper and a pencil and continue working, while many other designers were lost without a computer.

I don’t mean to knock computer systems, but I believe too much 12)reliance on computer hardware tends to 13)dull a designer’s creative mind, hands and eyes.

On the other hand, activities and solutions that are not reliant on high-technology can help provide a break from the constant pressure a high-tech life 14)generates. Further, maintaining a low- and no-tech aspect to our lives gives us opportunities to explore our human creativity in ways that don’t require a computer or high-tech device.

Turn off your computer. Leave your PDA and mobile phone behind. Forget about your email. Go have a cup of coffee or tea with good friends, read a great book for pleasure, take time to write a real letter to a friend, 15)sketch something, take a walk on a sunny day, go for a bike ride, visit the beach, explore your own hometown. Whatever it is that you enjoy that doesn’t require a high-tech device to do... do it!




当我还是一个年轻的平面设计学生时,我很幸运,因为大学老师教我们用传统的手工方式进行艺术创作与设计,使用铅笔、钢笔、粉笔、彩色蜡笔、画笔、颜料和纸张等工具。至今我依然记得早年当平面设计师时,我们的设计室断电的情景。正在运行Adobe Photoshop和Illustrator的电脑关机了,然而我可以抓起一张纸和一支铅笔继续工作,而很多设计师一旦没有电脑便会无所适从。


