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He has the voice of an operatic 1)tenor and the status of a rock star. In the past few years Andrea Bocelli has sold 45 million albums, making him the biggest-selling classical artist the world has ever embraced. (“Bigger,” as his publicist reminds me, “than Pavarotti.”)

He is blind; he is handsome; he is Italian; and―in a “soft-classical” market dominated by female artists―he has been described as man’s last stand. Celine Dion has said that “if God had a singing voice, he would sound like Andrea Bocelli”.

I have been invited to meet him in London’s Savoy Hotel. The room is 2)thronged with people in black suits―some speaking Italian, some speaking English, and all of them clucking round the singer as he poses for photographs holding a framed disc. He is dressed, like all the members of his 3)entourage, in a black suit, but he appears markedly less animated

than they are. Tall and well-built, he stands with a slight 4)stoop and, perhaps out of sensitivity to the flashbulbs, with his face inclined towards the floor.

When the majority of his court has left, one of Bocelli’s Italian managers conducts him to a

5)chintz-covered armchair in which I am told that he will remain for the next 45 minutes, talking to me. We are joined by an Italian interpreter, who explains that Bocelli’s English is good but she will help out where necessary. In whichever language, he speaks slowly and almost inaudibly. He has a deep,

6)syrupy voice but, perhaps surprisingly for a singer, one with almost no inflection.

Bocelli is a favourite with the ladies, a fact of which he is well aware, although he hasn’t worked out why. “There are no rules to such things,” he says, crossing his legs and still holding his head bowed. “It is sometimes very difficult to explain someone’s

success, but I think I am basically a fairly male

figure. If you appreciate someone, it’s 7)reciprocal and I appreciate women a lot. I always have.”

On meeting Bocelli, it is hard to imagine him

8)eliciting quite such a fuss. He appears immensely uneasy, incessantly twitching his right leg and clas-ping and unclasping his hands. At 50, he still suffers acute stage fright. “It is part of my character, it will always be there,” he says, reaching a hand to his

voluminous grey beard.

He says he feels a duty to his admirers, yet one senses that his instinct is for 9)reclusion: “Nobody in my kind of business has the right to be unkind to people who approach and express their appreciation,” he says, “but sometimes I feel the need to go for a walk without being stopped all the time.”

Bocelli was born with 10)glaucoma, and was blinded at the age of 12 by a brain 11)hemorrhage, which he suffered when hit on the head playing football. He will not discuss his disability and has always played it down. His childhood was coloured by music, to which he says he has been “addicted” since he first heard it as an infant. As a singer, his rise was not 12)meteoric. After studying law at Pisa University, he became a singer in a piano bar where he 13)languished for several years, 14)warbling to the chink of wine glasses. “I wasn’t particularly ambitious”, he says. “I just wanted to do it for the music.”

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Others, however, had greater ambitions for him. His destiny was sealed in 1992 when

Pavarotti heard a syrupy ballad he had recorded and urged the Italian rock star 15)Zucchero to take him on tour. His performances caused 16)mayhem which, in the decade since, has not abated.

For a man who says he is not ambitious, does he feel he’s been over-promoted? “I have always followed my destiny,” he says, gripping his hands together. The heaviest price he has had to pay so far has been the 17)disruption of his family life. He remains based in his native Tuscany, but was separated from his wife Enrica, with whom he has two sons.

Surrounded by his management team, Bocelli is not in a position to complain. But I sense a certain sadness about him. He says he cares only for music, yet he is shunted around 18)glitzy 19)galas and awards ceremonies in a life that must at times feel like a circus. “I get very tired of hotels,” he concedes. “It was never in my character to enjoy travelling very much, even for holidays.”

Our 45 minutes are now up and, as one of Bocelli’s management team gently reminds us, he is running late. “Busy,” he says, levering himself resignedly out of his chair. “Busy! Busy! Busy!”













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