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Killing Time《消磨时光》

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There's a striking moment when you step into the second room of this playful collaboration between artist Graham Fagen and theatre director Graham Eatough of Suspect Culture. You have just been watching a series of video projections in which actor Paul Thomas Hickey steps in and out of the sets of classic plays, bringing some momentary activity into the inert lives of the characters he finds. Each video recalls a famous play - Look Back in Anger, The Dumb Waiter, Waiting For Godot and The Cherry Orchard - and Hickey passes from one to the other in a cleverly timed journey around the room.


This is brightly entertaining: there's a droll irony in seeing characters from plays about waiting doing even less than they do in the theatre. Osborne's Alison gets on with the ironing in Jimmy Porter's bedsit; Pinter's Ben stares into space from a bare mattress; Beckett's Estragon empties his boot of a stone; and Chekhov's Yepikhodov endlessly strums his guitar.


But this pleasure takes tangible form when you enter the next room and find yourself centre stage in Look Back in Anger. Porter's jazz LP has run its course on the record player to your left. The ironing board is ahead and, to the right, like a scene from Goldilocks, Alison is asleep in the bed - for real.


The eight actors from the videos are doing four-hour stints in the gallery, killing time on the various sets. Returning later in the day - recommended to get the full time-bending effect - you find Jimmy Porter reading the paper and one of Chekhov's old boys doing the same. If Waiting For Godot is a play in which nothing happens twice, Killing Time is an exhibition in which nothing happens for two months.
