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Wyne Veen 的吃食幻象

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“想像力是一些人事物生发的源泉,它像梦一样美好。我一直为那些无法记住自己梦境的人们感到悲哀,他们永远不知道他们错过了什么。如果你把梦里的某些片断注入到生活和工作里,我想那就是创新。创新只是针对特定级别而可能存在的,因为所需的一些都已齐备, 但也正是如此,新的尝试才显得尤为可贵。”- 荷兰静物摄影师wyne veen 如是说 。


Wyne Veen:在创意没有形成之前,灵感可能来自各种契机,有时是个单品,有时是个电影,有时是个风景。我会把所有靠谱的想法记录下来,所以现在仍然有将近1000个待执行的灵感列表。

ZEST: where is your beginning ofthese fantastic photographic art.

Wyne Veen :At undefined moments ideas evolve. Sometimes they come from looking at products and sometimes from seeing a movie or a landscape. But like said before, it can be anything. I write every credible idea down. So now I always have a list of about a thousand ideas I still need to work with.

2. ZEST:说说你创作的核心主题。

Wyne Veen :我的创作主题是“无用”,我觉得生活是荒谬的,作品中的静物和安排是为了反映人类付出的时间和精力。它们展现了我们的社会发展,就像古老而著名的17世纪荷兰艺术作品。但我不认为这种发展是值得骄傲的,而相反是过于夸张的。所以我是批判地看待这个问题的,我时常在想地球上的人类都在忙于什么样的琐事,而忽略了其他更好的所在。我并不想界定哪些是更好的所在, 因为这取决于每个人自身的情况,但是我非常确信的是,另一个塑料桃子永远不会诞生。

ZEST:please talk aboutthe central theme of your work?

Wyne Veen :My central theme is uselessness. I feel that life is ridiculous. The products and arrangements I show are a reflection of investments of time and effort by men. They show the development of our society just like the old 17th century famous Dutch still lives did. But I don't see this development as something to be proud of, I think it is way over the top. So I criticise it.I often wonder what on earth people are occupied with while there are so many better things to do.I don't want to define these better things, because it's up to people themselves. But I am quite sure it won't be creating another plastic peach.

3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?

Wyne Veen :我先选择拍摄对象,然后是背景,再来、设置其他,布光然后拍摄,都是些基本的步骤。但是在这个过程中,我会持续提醒自己,怎样才能让作品有趣,我想这才识最重要同时也最困难的部分。一些失败经历:如果景物必须取得平衡,我从来不使用胶带活者其他辅助,因为我觉得最终的真实平衡才是最好的。所以你能想像,我总是一遍一遍的沦陷在坍塌的景物场景里。

ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ? Is there any interesting experience to share?

Wyne Veen :I choose my objects, than a background, arrange everything, put my lights on the subject and take the photo. Very basic. But during this process, I keep on asking myself every second if what I do is interesting. That, I think is the most important and hardest part.Some unrecommandable experience: If something has to balance, I try never to use tape or other tricks, because I think the final look of true balance is the best one.

So you can imagine how often my things fall and I have to start over again.

4. ZEST: 创作中最重要的是什么?

Wyne Veen:问自己:这值得么?我一直都会审视所有对象是否值得拍摄,所以在这方面我是很严格的。所有东西都要以正确的方式传达给观众,一个细微位置的变化都会给最终的意义造成天翻地覆的影响。

ZEST:What's the most important thing when you creating ?

Wyne Veen: Asking myself: Is it worthwhile? I consider hardly anything worthwhile to photograph. So I am very strict. Everything has to communicate the exact right way.

A change of composition can create a world of difference in the final meaning.

5. ZEST: 有人说吃什么,像什么,你怎么看这句话 ?

Wyne Veen:我认为你选择的食物会给你的身体和世界来去巨大的影响,但是维持最好的食物选择是非常困难的,这受制于知识、金钱和时间。所以我不认为吃什么,像什么。我对于欧洲健康的饮食风尚很赞赏,这传统几乎始于百年以前。因为我们离吃实在不能再近了,环境与健康改善应写如宪法,这样就能影响每个人。

ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?

Wyne Veen: I think your choices of food have a huge influence on your body and on the world. But it is very hard to maintain choosing the best food. Due to lack of knowledge, money and time. So I don't think that you are what you eat. I am happy with this health trend in Europe, but it should have started centuries ago. Because we are nowhere near what it can be. Environmental and health improvements should be made into constitutional rules, so they influence everybody.

6. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?

Wyne Veen: 想像力对我来说太重要了,局限的思维无益于我们的世界。想像力是一些人事物生发的源泉,它像梦一样美好。我一直为那些无法记住自己梦境的人们感到悲哀,他们永远不知道他们错过了什么。如果你把梦里的某些片断注入到生活和工作里,我想那就是创新。创新只是针对特定级别而可能存在的,因为所需的一些都已齐备, 但也正是如此,新的尝试才显得尤为可贵。

ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?

Wyne Veen: Imagination is highly important to me. Limited minds are not good for our world. Imagination is for everybody everywhere and makes everything possible. Just as good as dreaming. I always feel sad for people who can't remember their dreams. They don't know what they are missing! If you apply certain aspects of your dreams or imagination to your life or work, than I guess that is innovation.Innovation is only possible to a certain level, since everything was already done. But therefor no less important to always give it a try.

7. ZEST: 对你来说什么是好的摄影作品 ?

Wyne Veen: 当介质被用于优化所要展现的主题,这并不意味着技术的完美,只是最适合的方式而已。例如一次性相机可以是非常优秀摄影作品的载体。

ZEST:What is good photographic work?

Wyne Veen: Whenever the medium is optimally used to show the subject. This does not mean technical perfection. Just the best suited way.Disposable cameras for example can be the carrier of good photographic work.

8. ZEST: 你都喜欢哪些艺术家? 下一步的打算是?

Wyne Veen: Wim T Schippers、Kamagurka 、Arjan Ederveen、Thomas Vinterberg

、Wolfgang Tillmans.下一步 继续创作,并尝试有所突破。

ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.

Wyne Veen: Wim T Schippers/Kamagurka/Arjan Ederveen/Thomas Vinterberg/Wolfgang Tillmans.Well next step I’ll continuing and trying to improve.