团圆愿望 跨越世纪
合璧之旅 用心良苦
“《富春山居图》问世已660年,几经辗转,纸张已经非常脆弱。温度、湿度的变化和灯光直射,乃至每一次展卷,都可能造成无法弥补的损害。”浙江博物馆馆长陈浩告诉记者,浙江省博物馆对《剩山图》的展出环境提出了严格要求:展柜的温度需控制在20℃至24℃之间,湿度在58%至63%之间,照度50 LUX。陈浩说,《剩山图》和《无用师卷》是各自装裱的独立画轴,为了实现最大限度的合璧,双方经过多次商讨,最终确定将两幅画一同放入博物院量身定制的10多米长的大通柜中。大通柜24小时恒温恒湿,其中置有高度适宜的斜面展台摆放作品,方便观众参观。
Reunion of Two Parts ofa Masterpiece
By Xiao Zhu
The afternoon of May 11, 2011 witnessed journalists from media on the mainland and across the straits gather together at Zhejiang Museum on the West Lake in Hangzhou. They were there to witness the moment Remaining Mountains starting its long-expected travel to Taiwan for the reunion and joint display with the bigger part of the same masterpiece entitled the Mountain Dwelling on the Fuchun River.
The masterpiece was created by Huang Gongwang (1269-1354), an artist of the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1370). It is considered one of the top ten all-time paintings of China. In 1650, the owner of the painting Wu Hongyu on his deathbed asked his family to burn the painting so that the artwork and he could go to the next world together. It was salvaged out of the fire by a relative, but part of the long scroll was hopelessly destroyed in the fire, and the rest fall apart in two parts. The longer part, about 6.4 meters in length, is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The small part, 0.51 meters long, has been in the collection of the Zhejiang Museum since the early 1950s. It adopted the name Remaining Mountains. The two parts have stayed separate for hundreds of years since 1650.
A lot of people have wanted to see the two on display together. In 1986, a Japanese art historian photographed the two respectively in Taipei and Hangzhou and published the two together in a publication of celebrated top artworks put together by Ashahi Shimbun, a leading news media of Japan.
In fact Zhejiang took actions in the 1990s to bring the two together, but all the efforts came to nil. It was not until 2005 that the National Palace Museum in Taipei gave a positive response. In 2009, the two museums got down to business and started exploring the possibility of exhibiting the two parts together in Taiwan.
The turning point came in 2010 when Premier Wen Jiabao expressed his hope at a press conference during the NPC annual session that he would be very happy to see the two paintings come together in a joint exhibition as soon as possible. In June, 2010, Zhejiang Province Governor Lu Zushan said during his visit to Taiwan that Zhejiang would take the first step and bring the painting to Taiwan and hoped that the big part in Taiwan would one day come to the mainland.
On January 16th, 2011, a memo was signed in Hangzhou for the joint exhibition in Taiwan. By the time, the masterpiece had been in two pieces for more than 360 years and the two pieces had been separated by the Taiwan Straits for more than 60 years.
The joint exhibition is scheduled to start on June 1, 2011 and end on September 25, 2011.
A handover ceremony was held on the afternoon of May 11 at Zhejiang Museum. It would first go to Beijing and then go to Taiwan later. At 2:55, the artwork was put into a tailor-made box inside which constant temperature and humidity were maintained. Regrettably, as it drizzled and humidity was quite high, the painting wasn’t opened for view at the ceremony.
The masterpiece is considered a priceless treasure for various reasons. Xu Hongliu, vice curator of Zhejiang Museum, says that Yuan Dynasty is one of the two peak periods in the art history of China when landscape painting experienced landmark transformation. Literati-styled landscape painting matured in the Yuan Dynasty. Huang’s masterpiece stands for this crowning glory of landscape painting in the Yuan Dynasty. Huang Gongwang is a great representative of the mature landscape painting of the dynasty. The long scroll depicts a dream landscape like Shangri-La where people can live in harmony with nature and poetry and beauty. This is why it holds such a tremendous appeal to viewers.
The joint exhibition of the two parts of a masterpiece embodies a much larger aspiration over the last 60 years: the reunion of the motherland torn apart in history.