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by Judy Lukeman


What's it like to be 22 and the winner of the1)Billabong Pro in Maui, the2)Triple Crown3)champion, and new women's world title holder? On Sunday afternoon, after a busy4)press conference, journalists caught up with Chelsea Georgeson, and now you have the chance to find out more.

Q: Who inspired your surfing the most when you started surfing?

Chelsea: I have two older brothers who I always wanted to be with. They took me out, even on bigger days, and told me to "just5)charge."

Q: Growing up, Lisa Andersen and Layne Beachley were world title holders and such icons in women's surfing. How does it feel to be taking over their6)reins as they move on?

Chelsea: It's like a dream come true. Looking back, we used to look up to them and want to be like them, now that I am here it is kind of weird to think, "Wow, I finally did it, I'm here,"but it feels7)awesome. If it wasn't for Lisa and Layne leading the way we wouldn't be here, so it is so great that they were so8)supportive.

Q: Now that you have9)obtained a world title, what are your goals for the future?

Chelsea: I am so happy with my one world title, I don't know if I will want to try for the six or seven that Layne has. I want to enjoy10)accomplishing such a big dream and have fun with my surfing. In the future, I definitely want to11)settle down and have a family.

22岁就成为毛伊岛Billabong职业冲浪 比赛的冠军、三联冠所有者以及新一代世界女冠军是什么感觉?一个星期天下午,在一场忙碌的记者招待会之后,记者逮住了切尔西・杰金森,现在你有机会知道更多。


切尔西: 我有两个哥哥,我总是喜欢跟他们呆在一起。他们带我出去冲浪,即使在风浪很大的日子,然后告诉我:“只管往前冲。”


切尔西: 感觉就像梦想成真。回首以前,我们总是很崇拜她们,希望可以像她们那样,而既然我现在已经身在其位,感觉有些奇异,心想:“哇,我终于做到了,我也和她们一样了。”但是感觉很棒。如果不是丽萨和莱恩起了带头作用,我们不可能有今天的成绩,所以她们提供这么多的支持实在非常棒。


切尔西: 我对自己现在获得的这一世界冠军头衔感到非常高兴,我不知道自己是否想像莱恩那样争取六或七枚金牌。我想充分体会美梦成真的感觉,尽情体验冲浪的乐趣。今后我真的希望能安定下来,组建一个家庭。