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1. “What’s the matter?” “A friend of mine sold me a radio that _____.”

A. didn’t work B. doesn’t work

C. not to workD. hasn’t worked

2. “What’s her new telephone number?” “Oh, I _____ .”

A. forget B. forgot

C. had forgottenD. am forgetting

3. He has changed a lot. He _____ not at all what he _____ years ago.

A. is, is B. was, was

C. is, was D. was, is

4. I _____ quite get what you said; would you speak a little louder?

A. don’t B. can’t

C. didn’t D. won’t

5. I’m afraid those days are gone and they _____ again.

A. will never come

B. have never come

C. never came

D. are never coming

6. “Mary, the phone is ringing.” “Oh,_____ it.”

A. I’m going to get

B. I’ll get

C. I get

D. I’ve got

7. “Have you ever eaten snails?” “No, and I hope I _____.”

A. will neverB. never will

C. have never D. never have

8. I missed what was happening because I _____ very closely.

A. hadn’t watched B. don’t watch

C. haven’t watchedD. wasn’t watching

9. “I suppose you _____ that report yet?” “I finished it yesterday, as a matter of fact.”

A. didn’t finishB. haven’t finished

C. hadn’t finished D. wasn’t finishing

10. I left my pen on the desk and now it’s gone; who _____ it?

A. took B. has taken C. will take D. had taken

11. You’ll never guess who I met today―my old teacher! We _____ for 20 years.

A. didn’t meet B. haven’t metC. don’t D. couldn’t meet

12. I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; I’m sure he _____ abroad all week.

A. isB. was C. has beenD. had been

13. I feel sure I _____ her before somewhere, for her face is so familiar to me.

A. was to meetB. have metC. had metD. would meet

14. He didn’t sell half as many computers as he thought he _____ .

A. had B. would

C. wasD. sold

15. I _____ for five minutes; why don’t they come?

A. am callingB. called

C. was callingD. have been calling

16. “Don’t throw the waste on the ground.” “Oh, I’m very sorry. I _____ the dustbin there.”

A. don’t see B. isn’t seeingC. didn’t see D. haven’t seen

17. “How is the weather in your country this summer?” “It _____ as little as it does now for a long time.”

A. hasn’t rained B. doesn’t rainC. wasn’t rainingD. didn’t rain

18. “Does Liu Hui serve in the army?” “No, but he _____ in the army for three years.”

A. servedB. has served C. is serving D. would serve

19. “Do you know if the basketball game has started yet?” “Started? It must be certain who _____ by now.”

A. is winning B. wins C. has wonD. would win

20. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have been so rude to you.” “You _____ your temper but that’s OK.”

A. have lost B. had lostC. did loseD. were losing

21. “Sorry. I _____ to post the letter for you.” “Never mind. _____ it myself after school.”

A. forget; I’d rather postB. forgot; I’ll post

C. forgot; I’m going to post D. forget; I’d better post

22. “Tom came back home yesterday.” “Really? Where _____ at all?”

A. had he been B. has he been

C. had he gone D. has he gone

23. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Professor Smith _____, so we only had time for a few words.

A. has just left B. had just left

C. just left D. was just leaving

24. “Has your sister finished her composition yet?” “I have no idea. She _____ it this morning.”

A. wroteB. has written

C. had written D. was writing

25. “What were you doing when I phoned you last night?” “I _____ my painting and was starting to take a bath.”

A. have already finishedB. was finishing

C. had just finishedD. was going to finish

26. “Can I drive on the freeway, Mr Green?” “You can when you _____ a bit more skilled.”

A. will getB. are getting C. will have get D. get

27. You _____ television. Why not do something more active?

A. always watch B. are always watching

C. have always watched D. have always been watching

28. I have been studying computer for several years and I still _____ .

A. have B. doC. have been D. am

29. By the time he leaves university, he _____ much work experience so long as he takes a part-time job.

A. will have gainedB. has gained

C. may have gainedD. will gain

30. “Was Andrew there when you arrived?” “Yes, but he _____ home soon afterwards.”

A. had gone B. has gone C. is going D. went

31. They won’t buy any new clothes because they _____ money to buy a new car.

A. save B. were savingC. have savedD. are saving

32. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _____ him, but failed.

A. has held B. had held C. was holdingD. would hold

33. “John took a photograph of you just now.” “Oh, really? I _____ .”

A. didn’t knowB. wasn’t knowing

C. don’t knowD. haven’t known

34. “Which is your car?” “Neither, mine _____ .”

A. is repaired B. has repaired

C. is repairingD. is being repaired

35. How have you been? We _____ we should never see you again.

A. think B. thoughtC. are thinkingD. have thought

36. “Mike is not coming to the football game this afternoon.” “It’s a shame! But he _____ !”

A. promises B. promised C. will promiseD. had promised

37. He’s unemployed at the moment and _____ for over six months now.

A. was B. isC. has been D. had been

38. Hardly _____ Edinburgh when they were ordered to return to London.

A. they had reachedB. had they reached

C. they reachedD. did they reach

39. “_____ any replies yet?” “Six yeses and two noes so far.”

A. Do you have B. Did you have

C. Have you had D. Had you had

40. It didn’t seem fair for him―employers were unwilling to offer him a job just because he _____ in prison.

A. wasB. has been

C. had beenD. would be



6―10 BBDBB

11―15 BCBBD

16―20 CAAAC

21―25 BADDC

26―30 DBDAD

31―35 DCADB