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1. For Mary, the keys to becoming a healthy eater involved finding nutrition habits that worked with her lifestyle and _________ (have) the support of a health coach.

问题:由and 可知,have和worked应为并列并系,应填had,但是为什么答案却是having呢?(学生 陈震达)

此空应该是和involved并列,答案应该是had, 为什么不对?(学生 黄慧青)

解答:and 是并列连词,这对我们做题是一个很好的提示,但是我们要学会恰当分析句子成分,准确找出and前后对应的成分。本句的谓语动词是involved,而finding the nutrition habits that worked with her lifestyle 和 ______ (have) the support of a health coach是两个并列的宾语,与(have)并列的是finding,而不是worked或involved,故填having。本句句意为:对玛丽来说,成为一个健康饮食者的关键包括找到对她的生活方式奏效的营养习惯及得到健康指导教练的支持。

2. Everyone in our class was hard-working and did what we could _______(enter) a good college.

问题:情态动词后应当用动词原形,答案为什么不是enter?(学生 温宝明)

解答:我们可以从以下几个例子逐层对句子进行分析:We should do something to enter a good college. 从这句我们可以看出: to enter作目的状语;进一步:We should do something that we can (do) to enter a good college. 当主句里出现了实意动词do的某种形式后,从句的do可以省略,同样to enter 作目的状语;再进一步:因something that 相当于引导名词性从句的what,用what来替换something that,那么句子就变成了:We should do what we can to enter a good college. 本题的情况跟此句一样,what we could 是did的宾语,这个宾语从句中的情态动词could后省略了动词原形do,(enter)a good college是目的状语,故填to enter。

3. We can hardly imagine the difficulty the graduates have__________ (hunt) for a job.

问题:have后面应该用to do, 为什么用doing?(学生 卢称新)

解答:分析句子成分,可知the graduates have是省略了关系代词that或which的定语从句,修饰先行词the difficulty,所以have的宾语应该是代表the difficulty的that或which,因此,此句考查的是have difficulty (in) doing something(做某事有困难)这一固定句式,故填hunting。

4. Limited natural resources should be made full use of ________ (meet) the increasing need of energy.

问题:介词后面应该用动名词,可答案为什么不是meeting呢? (学生 何健华)

解答:在做题的时候一定要分析句子成分,不能断章取义,一看到熟悉的形式就不动脑筋了。我们把这句话变成主动句:We should make full use of limited natural resources ______ (meet) the increasing need of energy. 句中make use of 可以用同义词use来代替,这样,句子就变成:We should use limited natural resources ______(meet)the increasing need of energy. 结合我们学过的搭配use something to do something,可知此句用to meet作目的状语。将此句变成被动句,返回到开头的那个题目,可见meet在句子中作目的状语,答案应为to meet。

5. I felt so excited the first time I had it, as I was about _____ (tell) people around the world, “I have been to China and now I am eating real Chinese food!” (学生 钟家丽)

问题:about是介词,介词后面应该用动名词,为什么用to tell?

解答:这道题做错,就是受到了惯性思维的干扰,一看到about就判断出介词后面用动名词,这是不对的。做题时要认真分析,本题考查的是be about to do something (正要做某事或打算做某事),故填to tell。

6. But over the past few decades the number of things people worry about _______ (rise) at a dramatic rate. (学生 石健宗)


解答:我们来分析一下句子成分,句子的主语是the number of things,其谓语动词是什么?我们从句子中来找,只有两个动词,一个是worry, 另外一个就是所给单词rise;而(that) people worry about是定语从句,worry about是从句的谓语,主句的谓语动词应是rise,又由时间状语over the past few decades可知,要用现在完成时,所以答案是has risen。


责任编校 蒋小青