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最后的对决 11月


We have to stop Metal Mouth… 我们必须阻止铁嘴…… Megamart 换成 超市出口

…or he will put his formula in the town water. 否则他就会把药水投进镇上的水里了。

We need our weapons now! 我们现在需要武器!

There is just one way. 要想拿回武器只有一个办法……

How? 怎么做?

Like Dad says, we have to say we are sorry. 就像爸爸说的,我们只能向大人们道歉了。

I am very sorry. 对不起。

Good job. Here are your yo-yos back. 知道错就好。给你,这是你的悠悠球。

Your dog is all clean. 您的狗狗已经洗干净了。

That is better. 这样做就对了嘛!口香糖拿去。

This will fix it. 瞧,窗户修好了。

Thank you. 谢谢你哦。

The Fearless Four are back! “无敌四人组”又回来啦!

You were right, Whiner! 还是你的主意好,抱怨鬼!

Hooray! 哟嘿——

We did it 我们现在又有武器啦!

Look out, Metal Mouth! 小心,铁嘴来了!

We are ready! 我们已经准备好了!

Here we come! 我们现在可不怕他了!

If we have to… 我们是不是一定要……

Metal Mouth is on the move… 铁嘴正偷偷展开行动……

It is time for my plan. 现在时机正妙,准备实施计划!

Our army will rule! 我们马上就能大事成就啦!

We have to move fast! 我们得动作快一点。

It is getting dark! 天越来越黑了。 Town water改为 小镇水源, Pant改为 呼哧!

Quick! I see them. 快,我看到他们了。

Wait for me! 等等我呀!

The time has come. 时间到啦!

At last! 好,行动!

Yo, Metal Mouth. 喂,铁嘴!

We are back! 我们回来了!

This is war! 现在是我们之间的对决!

So…tired… 哎哟,好累哦!

Get them! 抓住他们!

Can you distract them for us? 记住,你要设法干扰他们。

Me??? 啊,我?

The Whiner distracts them: 抱怨鬼开始了干扰行动……

Hey, Metal Mouth! Uh…you do not scare me! 嘿,我说铁嘴,嗯……其实你不用害怕我……

Go now! 我们去那边。

It is time you got braces. 哈哈,喝了这药水,你就必须要听我的了!

Help! 救命啊!

Be the first one in our army. 你就是我们的第一个手下!

This will stop your plan! 看我的弹力裤怎么阻止你! Zing改为嗖——

Nooooo!!! My formula! 不——我的药水!

My yo-yos will black your magnet braces! 现在来看看是我的悠悠球厉害,还是你的磁力弹绳厉害!

Uh! 呜——

And you let him go! 你还不快把抱怨鬼给放开!

I told you to stick around! 停!我说过不许你们走!

We are trapped! 我们被困住了!

We did it! The town is safe! 太好了,这下小镇安全啦!

The Fearless Four are the best! “无敌四人组”是最棒的!
