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中图分类号:X524;X713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)15-3287-03

Investigation on Livestock and Poultry Breeding Pollution to Water Body in Fuxian Lake Basin

WANG Lin1,LIU Yu2,QI Yun-kuan2,LIU Jia-zhong1

(1. College of Resources and Environment, Yuxi Normal University, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan, China;

2. Yuxi Institute of Environmental Sciences, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan, China)

Abstract: To protect the Fuxian lake, the production, uitization and loss of night soil from human, poultry and animal in Fuxian lake basin was investigated. The results showed that the livestock and poultry manure production in the basin was much larger than residential emissions. Among them, the basin COD, TN, and TP was respectively 6.1, 1.7 and 3.3 fold of the residential emissions. Compared to backyard livestock, large-scale farming had high utilization rate and low emission rate; the COD, TN, TP in the loss of livestock and poultry manure contributed to 52.9%, 41.7% and 42.9% of the total amount of non-point pollutants respectively. The resource utilization rate of night soil was low; and the ratio of fertilizer to applied night soil had raised from 1∶9 in the 70s to the present 8∶2. Thus, a substantial increase in fecal resource utilization, reduce in the amount of chemical fertilizer was important way to protect the excellent water quality of Fuxian lake; and it was suggested that circular agriculture and organic agriculture must be developed in Fuxian lake basin.

Key words:Fuxian lake basin; livestock and poultry breeding; water pollution; investigation

仙湖流域面积674.69 km2,其中湖水面积216.60 km2[1],流域包括澄江、江川及华宁3个县的8个乡镇共351个自然村。2010年流域内常住人口178 832人,其中农业人口158 299人。发展畜禽养殖业,一方面可以为居民提供食物、增加经济收入;另一方面,由其产生的粪便如果管理不善,大量污染物随雨水流入湖中,将导致湖泊水质污染,使湖泊的生态系统服务功能遭到严重破坏。因此,加强和规范抚仙湖流域畜禽养殖业管理,提高畜禽粪便资源化综合利用率,既能减轻畜禽养殖业对湖泊的污染,又能为发展生态农业提供优良的肥料。本研究对抚仙湖流域人和畜禽粪便的产生、利用及流失状况进行了专题调查,以期为抚仙湖流域生态环境保护及湖泊水质改善提供理论参考。

1 调查方法

2010年对抚仙湖流域内351个自然村的畜禽养殖现状进行调查,依据《第一次全国污染源普查 畜禽养殖业源产排污系数手册》的排污系数,计算出流域内人(该区域农业人口,下同)、畜禽粪便污染负荷量;对流域内农村居民及规模化养殖、圈养及散养三种养殖方式产生粪便的排放、利用、流失状况进行定点观测,统计各类粪便的利用率、排放率及入湖率;针对畜禽粪便的主要污染因子,对湖泊水质污染状况进行分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 抚仙湖流域粪便污染物产生量