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【导读】 《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)是英国作家亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding, 1707~1754)的代表作。全书以汤姆和索菲亚(Sophia)的爱情为主线,勾勒出一幅18世纪英国社会的全景图。弃婴汤姆被绅士奥尔沃绥(Allworthy)收养,渐渐长成了一个英俊倜傥、善良大度的青年。汤姆和邻家女孩索菲亚彼此倾心,但索菲亚的父亲却希望女儿嫁给奥尔沃绥遗产的继承人,奥氏的外甥布利菲尔(Blifil)。为了“挖墙脚”,布利菲尔中伤汤姆,致使汤姆被奥尔沃绥逐出家门。索菲亚为了逃离和布利菲尔的婚姻也离家出走。两人在各自途中经历了诸多波折后在伦敦相遇。在伦敦,汤姆为了解救索菲亚遭人陷害并身陷囹圄,随后被无罪开释。在小说的最后一部分,汤姆的身份水落石出,他是奥尔沃绥妹妹的私生子,也是奥氏的外甥;比利菲尔的阴谋也被揭穿。汤姆和索菲亚有情人终成眷属。

The novel Tom Jones written by Henry Fielding begins with the surprising appearance of the foundling(弃婴) Tom Jones as a new?born baby in the bed of an old childless squire(乡绅) Allworthy. The squire has a sister Bridget who has married and given birth to a son Blifil. Then she and her husband both died and left the care of the child to Allworthy. As a result, Tom and Blifil are brought up together and both of them are attracted to Sophia, the young daughter of a neighboring landlord called Western. Sophia prefers Tom who truly loves her to Blifil who wishes to marry her because of her money. In order to marry Sophia, Blifil plays a trick to make Allworthy drive Tom out of his home. Western tries to force his daughter Sophia to marry Blifil who is now the heir(继承人) to Allworthy, but she, in love with Tom, goes against her father’s will and runs away from home.

After leaving home, Tom plans to seek his fortune on the sea, but loses his way and heads for London, while Sophia, deciding to go to London, happens to travel on the same road as Tom. Though he is ahead of her at first, she later catches up and passes him at an inn. They do not meet until both of them arrive in London. During their respective journeys, many incidents happen to them, especially to Tom.

Tom Jones saves Mrs. Waters from an attack by a ruffian(恶棍) and has a battle with the owners of an inn who refuse to admit him and Mrs. Waters. Sophia, on the other hand, meets with her cousin and travels with her to London, listening on the way to a long story of her unfortunate marriage. This part of the novel about the hero’s and heroine’s adventures on the road to London is not only the most interesting but also the most significant part of the novel since in this part people from all walks of life are described and incidents of all kinds are told.

The third and last part of the novel deals with the adventures of Tom and Sophia in London. Tom meets Lady Bellaston and falls into her trap while he is looking for Sophia. Lady Bellaston persuades Lord Fellamar to marry Sophia and Tom, out of anger, wounds his servant and is put into prison. At this time, help comes for the young lovers. Mr. Western bursts into the room just in time to prevent Lord Fellamar from doing harm to Sophia and Tom is set free when his servant recovers. Allworthy makes the important discovery that Tom Jones is no other than his sister Bridget’s illegitimate son and his nephew. The squire also finds out all about Blifil’s tricks and makes Tom his heir. Then he and Western arrange for the marriage between Tom and Sophia. All ends happily, with union for the young lovers and punishment for Blifil.

Ⅰ. New Words.

1. childless adj. 无儿无女的;


【拓展】DINK(Double Income No Kids)丁克一族(有双薪收入而没有小孩的夫妇)。

2. landlord n. 地主;

【拓展】warlord军阀;Lord勋爵,如:Lord Byron拜伦勋爵。

3. respective adj. 分别的,各自的;如:Go to your respective places. 各就各位。

【辨析】respective, respectful, respectable:

(1)respectful意为“尊敬的”(showing respect),如:John is well mannered and respectful towards grown?ups. 约翰彬彬有礼,尊敬长辈。

(2)respectable意为“值得尊敬的”(deserving respect),如:Stephen Hawking is a respectable scientist. 霍金是一位值得尊重的科学家。

Ⅱ. Phrases and Expressions.

1. begin with... 以……开始,end with... 以……结束

例:The 2012 Spring Festival Gala began with a song and ended with a song. 2012年春晚以歌曲开始,以歌曲结束。

2. give birth to 产生,生小孩

例:It is said that James Watt’s observation of steam issuing from a kettle gave birth to the idea of the steam engine. 据说,詹姆斯·瓦特对水壶蒸气的观察使他产生了发明蒸汽机的想法。

3. be attracted to sb. 喜欢某人

例:Dante was deeply attracted to Beatrice. 但丁深爱着比阿特丽斯。

【近义词组】fall in love with sb., lose one’s heart to sb.

4. go against 违反

例:Susan goes against her father’s will and marries a poor guy.

5. head for 前往(某地)

【近义词组】leave for;例:The ship heads for London.

6. happen to

(1)碰巧,例:We happen to hold the same view. 我们两人的想法不谋而合。

(2)发生,例:How could this happen to me! 我怎么会遇到这种事啊!

7. ahead of 在……之前

例:He is ahead of others in English. 他在英语上超过别人。

8. catch up 赶上

例:You have to work hard to catch up with Wang Fei in singing.

9. on the other hand 另一方面

【常用短语】on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面;

例:On the one hand, Einstein engages in scientific research and on the other hand he devotes to improving the welfare of human being. 爱因斯坦一方面从事科学研究,另一方面致力于提高人类的福祉。

10. all walks of life 各行各业

例:In Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, people from all walks of life are described. 乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》描述了各行各业的人。

11. burst into

(1)闯入,例:The father burst into his son’s room and demanded him to stop playing DOTA. (2)突然发作(哭,笑等),例:When he heard that Jolin was going to give a concert in Nanjing, he burst into wild joy.

12. prevent... from doing... 阻止……做……

例:Many scientists are trying to prevent the globe from becoming warmer. 许多科学家在试图阻止全球变暖。

13. set free 释放

例:Gao Xiaosong was set free after four months in the prison for drunk driving. 高晓松因醉驾被刑拘四个月后释放。

14. no other than 正是

例:The little boy in the picture was no other than Zhang Guorong in his boyhood. 照片上的男孩不是别人,正是年少时的张国荣。

Ⅲ. True or False. Read the passage and mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. Sophia prefers Tom to Blifil because the latter is not in true love with her.

2. Tom has planned to go for London as Sophia does.

3. Tom fights with the inn owners because they don’t admit him and Sophia.

4. The novel Tom Jones has three parts.

5. Tom is Blifil’s half brother.

Ⅳ. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given to you.

1. Shen Congwen one of his student called Zhang Zhaohe. (爱上)

2. She walked too slowly to us. (赶上)

3. The man who wore a beard and walked with a stick was Chaplin. (正是)

4. The government has been encouraging people to plant trees along the Gobi Desert to the wind blowing sand from the desert at us. (阻止)

5. After the Civil War, many slaves in the south were . (释放)

6. Steve his daughter’s room and asked her to turn the music off. (闯入)

7. He lost his job and poverty. (陷入)

8. On the one hand Shakespeare’s plays are very interesting to watch but they are hard to read. (另一方面)

9. The journalists interviewed people from . (各行各业)

10. Should you see him, please give him my regards. (碰巧)

11. Steven worked day and night and finished the task the schedule. (提前)

12. Susan her boss’s advice and gave up the job. (不听)

13. Pound’s visit to a metro his poem “In A Station of the Metro”. (产生)

14. To escape from her marriage with Blifil, Sophia ran away from home and London. (前往)

15. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice the well?known line“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”. (以……开始)

Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 晓刚喜欢李倩,不喜欢王芳,因为前者在乎他的才华而后者却爱他的财产。(prefer... to...)


2. 丈夫把自己所有的收入都用来喝酒而妻子却为了家庭把自己的收入存起来。(while)


3. 直到他生了重病,他才知道健康的重要。(not until)


4. 工人不仅想要涨薪,也想要缩短工时。(not only... but also...)


5. 中学教师应试图阻止学生沉迷于网络游戏。(prevent... from...)



Ⅲ. 1~5 T F F T T

Ⅳ. 1. was attracted to 2. catch up with 3. no other than 4. prevent from 5. set free 6. burst into 7. fell into 8. on the other hand 9. all walks of life 10. happen to 11. ahead of 12. went against 13. gave birth to 14. headed for 15. begins with(注:该部分习题答案不唯一,所给答案仅供参考。)

Ⅴ. 1. Xiaogang prefers Li Qian who cares about his talent to Wang Fang who loves his fortunes.

2. The husband spent all his money drinking while his wife saved her money for the family.

3. It was not until he got seriously ill that did he realize the importance of health.

4. Not only did the worker want a pay increase but also they wanted reduced working hours.

5. Middle school teachers should try to prevent students from getting addicted to online games.