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1. Eric received training in computer for one year,Bhe found a job in a big company.(2007辽宁)

A. after that B. after whichC. after it D. after this

2. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degreeBthey can be controlled on purpose. (2007重庆)

A. with whichB. to which C. of which D. for which

3. It is reported that two schools,Dare being built in my hometown, will open next year. (2007四川)

A. they bothB. which both

C. both of themD. both of which

4. Last week, only two people came to look at the house,Dwanted to buy it. (2007安徽)

A. none of themB. both of whom

C. none of whomD. neither of whom

5. He was educated at the local high school,Ahe went on to Beijing University. (2007江苏)

A. after whichB. after that C. in which D. in that

6. She was educated at Beijing University,Ashe went on to have her advanced study abroad.(2006全国II)

A. after which B. from whichC. from that D. after that

7. We saw several natives advancingtowards our party,and one of them came up to usBwe gave some bells and glasses. (2006湖南)

A. to which B. to whomC. with whom D. with which

8. I was given three books on cooking, the firstBI really enjoyed.(2006浙江)

A. of that B. of which C. that D. which

9. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the directionDshe had come. (2006重庆)

A. of which?B. by whichC. in which?D. from which


1. 考查定语从句中谓语动词的搭配习惯

(1) 看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配

Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。(注意搭配live in)

The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他们找寻的文件已经找到了。(注意搭配 search for)

This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. 这是一个我们可能长时间争论的问题。(注意搭配 argue about)

I wanted to find someone with whom I could discuss books and music. 我想找到一个可以和我谈书和音乐的人。(注意搭配 discuss sth with sb)


The boy (whom) my sister is looking after is getting better.

不能说成:The boy after whom my sister is looking is getting better.

(2) 看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配

He referred me to some reference books with which I am not very familiar. 他要我去参考一些我不熟悉的参考书。(注意搭配 be familiar with)

2. 考查先行词与介词的搭配习惯


This is our classroom, in the front of which there is a teacher’s desk. 这是我们的教室,前面有老师的讲台。(注意搭配 in the front of our classroom)

I’ll never forget the day on which she said goodbye to me. 我永远不会忘记她与我们告别的那一天。(注意搭配 on the day)

3. 考查表示所属关系的 of which [whom]

On the blackboard the teacher wrote a sentence, the meaning of which I don’t understand. 老师在黑板上写了一个句子,句子的意思我不明白。(注意搭配 the meaning of the sentence)

4. 考查表示整体与部分关系的 of which [whom]

I have five English dictionaries of which Longman Dictionary is the best. 我有5本英语词典,其中最好的是朗文词典。(注意搭配 of the five dictionaries)

The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 多数公共汽车已经上满了人,周围是一伙愤怒的群众。(注意搭配 most of the buses)

I met the fruit-pickers, several of whom were university students. 我碰到那些摘水果的人,其中有好几个是大学生。(注意搭配 several of them)

5. 考查表示同位关系的 of which [whom]

Her sons, both of whom work abroad, rang her up this morning. 她的两个儿子都在国外工作,今天早上给她打了电话。(注意搭配 both of her sons)


1. Do you like the book _____ she spent $10?

2. Do you like the book _____ she paid $10?

3. Do you like the book _____ she learned a lot?

4. Do you like the book _____ she often talks?

5. He built a telescope _____ he could study the skies.

6. There is a tall tree outside,_____ stands our teacher.

7. China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _____ is the Yellow River.

8. The tower _____ people can have a good view is on the hill.

9. The man _____ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling.

10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most _____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

11. The workers, some _____ stayed for four years, came from different countries.

12. The committee consists of 20 members, 5 _____ are women.

13. The book contains 50 poems, most _____ were written in the 1930s.

14. There are two left, one _____ is almost finished, and the other _____ is not.


1. on which2. for which

3. from [in] which

4. about which

5. through which

6. under which7. of which

8. from which9. to whom

10. of which 11. of whom

12. of whom 13. of which

14. of which, of which