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市场竞争激烈,连外商都不得不退出竞争。日前,阿尔卡特才和中国国产品牌TCL的合资公司拆伙,退出竞争激烈的手机市场。“未来,能够存活的手机制造商会愈来愈少。”诺基亚高级副总裁赵科林(Colin Giles)不讳言地说,中国可能是全世界竞争最激烈的市场,因为随时都得面对超过上千机种的竞争。












渠道若经营不善,可能会是危机, “迪比特”就是一例,它原本渠道采取区域经销的方式,后来为了降低经销成本,改由省级分公司直接出货跳过商,结果造成既有商反弹,加上不熟悉当地渠道文化,使手机销售大受影响。















Early this year, China changed its mobile phone licensing from an ″approval-based system″ to a ″verification-based system″, in which anyone would have the opportunity to attain domestic sales license for mobile phone as long as he has a capital investment exceeding RMB200 million, possesses essential technology and over 3-year manufacturing experience.

Being known as the world's largest mobile phone battleground, how much business opportunity does China have in this market after all? According to IDC data, the sales volume of Chinese mobile phone market reached 79 million in 2003, and this figure further increased to 86 million in 2004. By March this year, the number of China's mobile phone subscribers had reached 349 million, and are still growing at a rate of 4.6 million per month.

Out-of-Control Production Capacity of China's Mobile Phone Just Like a Non-Time Bomb

However, under a pretty appearance with seemingly unlimited opportunity, China's out-of-control production capacity of mobile phone acts like a non-time bomb. In 2004 China's production capacity of mobile phone was estimated as high as 240 million, which was 2 to 3 times higher than its market demand.

The fierce market competition even forced some foreign manufacturers to withdraw from the competition. Recently, Alcatel just split with its Chinese partner TCL and withdrew from the fiercely competitive mobile phone market. ″There will be less and less surviving mobile phone manufacturers in the future,″ said Mr. Colin Giles Senior Vice President of Nokia. China might be the most fiercely competitive market in the world, since one may face with the competition from over a thousand mobile phone models any time.

How should the foreign mobile phone vendors invest and cope with the rapid change and challenge of Chinese market? As the No.1 player in this market, Nokia's experience to turn its failure into victory may serve as reference. According to a survey agency GFK's statistics, Nokia's market share ratio in the Chinese mobile phone market always ranked the 1st place every month last year; and in a survey report on 121 large cities, among the top 10 sales of mobile phone models, Nokia accounted for 9.

3 courses on ″channel economics″ must be studied first in order for one to charge into the Chinese mobile phone market.

Course #1 for Getting into China: Channel Is the King.

In the 2nd half year of 2002, China's native branded mobile phones broke in upon the market in full fury. With their strong localized advantage and sales measures, as well as the long-established familiarity with the channels for home appliances by many of these mobile phone manufaturers, via a successful strategy of that ″village attacks city″, they secured quickly their mobile phone market shares and gave then international players a surprise.

At that time Nokia realized that there are still a large market to cultivate besides the existing ones in level I cities. As Mr. Xu Peizhen, vice president of Nokia Greater China Service Provider and 3G Development put it, many things should go through guanxi (meaning relationship in Chinese) when doing business with Chinese. Those regional representatives are just like local bullies. It will determine one's market competitiveness whether one can setup good guanxi with them and establish one's marketing channel.

Course #2 for Getting into China: Multi-Channeled Representative System to Get Close to Customers

Mr. Colin Giles, Senior Vice President of Nokia,who spent 18 months before understanding gradually the Chinese market, stated that it took Nokia 2 years to get its channels laid out and marketing methods established in the start-up period due to the mega size of Chinese market.

Nokia started the overall arrangement for its sales network from 2002. For its channel strategy, it took an all-round channeling approach called ″4-legged walking strategy″. It developed gradually from only 1 state-level general agent at the very beginning, to multiple sales models and channels that includ provincial-level agents (regional agents), system providers (telecom carriers), direct clients (appliance hypermarkets like Gome and Suning), etc. The company had not only lowered its sales layers, but also started to proceed to level III & IV cities, so as to build a sound sales network.

3 years ago, Nokia had only 3 offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and now the 4th office has been added in Chengdu. The company is providing services via its 80 regional offices to nearly 100 representatives in the vicinity.

Course#3 for Getting into China: IT Management to Reflect Market Instantly

In many hypermarkets, in addition to the sales clerks, each mobile phone vendor also sends specialty marketing personnel to attract customers to the counter to market its products. Nokia not only has 6000 marketing personnel, it also has its specialty information software system built in the mobile phone of each marketing personnel. In this way,every day the marketing personnel from all over China are able to transmit the sales figures of the day and information of other competitors directly back to Nokia's information system via GPRS, so that the company can grasp the first-hand info of the market.

Nokia's Vice President Xu Peizhen said, that via instant data, the company can not only feel the pulse of market, but also understand consumer's habit and demand. For example, the company often didn't know about when the high season of sales in China really began, and could only know from the data of the research and consulting firms. While nowadays, via its direct information system, thecompany can know clearly about when the sales take off and thus starts preparing for promotion. Mr. Xu said that to promote too early would result in waste of resources, while too late would let the competitors to act ahead. Therefore, it is essential to have good timing by using correct information.

(Translated by Yang Xu)