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A Giant Salamander Farm

By Fu Tongxian, our staff reporter

The Beijing Oceanarium has recently received two 8-kilo giant salamanders as a gift from an aquafarm in Zhejiang. The precious creatures caused a stir in the capital’s news media. The giant salamanders came from the farm located near the Double Dragon Cave, a scenic zone in central Zhejiang’s Jinhua City. Specializing in breeding giant salamanders, it is a private business named Zhejiang Yongqiang Agrotech Co., Ltd., owned and operated by Sun Rongfu and his son Sun Haiqiang.

In 1996, the father and the son decided to invest 20 million to build a giant salamander farm after a very successful business year when they sold 100,000 soft-shelled turtles.

Their ambition was grounded in their belief that giant salamanders would bring them good business. Giant salamanders appeared on earth much earlier than humans. They date back to 350 million years ago. And they are the largest amphibians on the planet. They are very valuable both as food and medicine. When the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-207B.C.) was buried, the fat of giant salamanders was used to fuel the candles in his underground mausoleum. Decades ago, natural habitats of giant salamanders were found in 17 provinces across China, but later the creatures were wantonly poached and were rapidly pushed onto the verge of extinction. In the late 1970s, scientists began to breed them under artificial conditions.

Flamed by their ambition and enthusiasm and backed by the initial investment, the father and the son went into the new breeding business. But the first year was a total failure. The salamanders did not breed anything. As it turned out that there was a fifteen-day gap in sex maturity between the male and female salamanders. According to scientists, the salamander sperm lives for only two hours and fertilization effects within 10 minutes only. A fifteen-day gap meant the giant salamanders on the farm did not have a chance to produce a single baby.

In 1997, the father and the son adjusted water temperatures so that the male and female giant salamanders came into heat at the same time. Twenty-eight baby giant salamanders were born. But the ecstasy was short-lived. Most of the baby fishes and their parents died mysteriously later. After investigating the situation, the father and the son concluded that the pools had been disastrously polluted by mercury.

They decided to build a new farm near the Double Dragon Cave where water quality was excellent. The 5-hectare farm cost them another 60 million. In addition to the new site, the giant salamander farm partnered with a state research institute to solve technical problems and get technical advice.

Today, the farm is the country’s largest aquafarm for breeding giant salamanders. The number of giant salamanders has multiplied to 100,000. In 2005 alone, more than 50,000 have been bred. Thousands of adults weighing from 3 kilograms to 10 kilograms wriggle in the pools. The great grandpa salamander measures 1.05 meter in length and weighs 28 kilograms. He enjoys a separate pool of his own.

Though the state government does not allow the first-generation salamanders to be sold on the market and the sales of the second-generation giant salamanders must be approved, the farm does not encounter financial problems. The father and son are sharp entrepreneurs.

They became wealthy first by setting up a fish farm in a mountain. People stopped laughing at them when tens of thousand kilos of fish from the farm were sold in the county capital in September in the following year. In the early 1990s, the father and the son wanted to set up a large-scale soft-shelled turtle farm. Some again thought they were too ambitious and the project sounded extremely impossible. But their venture was a success again. In 1996 alone they sold more than 100,000 soft-shelled turtles. In addition to their business ventures, they built the first park in Yiwu and donated all the admission fees to public services. The family has also built a large amusement park with an investment of 60 million in Yiwu city.

This year, Sun Rongfu proposed a new giant salamander project. It has become part of the provincial government’s key projects.The State Development and Reform Commission has allotted an amount of 10 million to finance the construction.

(Translated by David)