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A Mother’s Prayer――悠悠寸草心

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提到“A mother’s prayer”,大多数人首先想到的会是Celine Dion唱给自己刚出世的宝贝的那首歌曲,不过这里要介绍的是不为大家所熟知的歌手Carnie Wilson演唱的一首同名歌曲。Carnie Wilson于1968年出生在美国洛杉矶,父亲是比肩The Beatles的传奇组合Beach Boys的主唱Brian Wilson,母亲是The Honeys乐队的成员。或许是从小受到家庭的影响,Carnie长大后走上了音乐的道路。1989年,她同自己的妹妹Wendy Wilson以及儿时好友Chynna Phillips组成了流行歌唱组合Wilson Phillips。该组合于1990年首张专辑,专辑销量突破一千万张,其中的几支单曲曾跻身美国《公告牌》(Billboard)年度百首热门单曲榜单,并获得过四项格莱美奖提名。可以说,Wilson Phillips组合在上世纪90年代的乐坛里留下了属于她们自己的印记。

不过,经过一段时间的辉煌之后,Wilson Phillips组合逐渐淡出了人们的视野。此后Carnie尝试了很多职业,比如作家、演员、电视节目主持人等,但同时她也一直坚持自己的音乐道路。2006年,第一个女儿出生一年后,Carnie了首张个人专辑A Mother’s Gift: Lullabies from the Heart。单看这个专辑名称就能知道,这张专辑是为传递母爱与亲情而打造的。在这张专辑中,你既能听到对“Over the Rainbow”“What a Wonderful World”“Love Me Tender”等经典之声的重新演绎,也能听到像“Lola Sofia”“A Mother’s Gift”这样的原创作品,所有曲目都包裹着浓浓的爱意,让听者沉浸于优美旋律之时也感觉到心灵的慰藉。

专辑中这首“A Mother’s Prayer”很值得一提。Carnie的嗓音温柔、亲切,而钢琴大师Jim Brickman的演奏也为歌曲增色不少。当音乐响起,仿佛能看到一位年轻的母亲正对着躺在自己臂弯里的小宝贝细语轻言,述说着母亲的寻常心愿:“I pray for angels by your side ... I pray that all dreams you dream come true.”如歌中所唱,母亲们无时无刻不在为孩子祈祷,愿他们得到上天的护佑,幸福成长。而对于自己的奉献与付出,母亲从不渴求回报,她所期望的不过是时光缓流,希望能有更多的时间陪着孩子慢慢成长,期望孩子长大后能将这种爱延续下去。


As I lay you down to sleep

I pray the Lord your soul to keep

’Cause I don’t need that much for me

This is a mother’s prayer

I pray for angels by your side

And ask they watch you day and night

Walk with you all through your life

This is a mother’s prayer

I pray that all the dreams you dream come true

And every star you wish upon

Grants every wish times two

I hope one day you’ll get the chance to truly see

What real love is like you show me

As I watch you fast asleep

I close my eyes and pray for peace

’Cause now it means much more to me

This is a mother’s prayer

And as you grow and seasons pass

I hope that time won’t move too fast

Though it is too much to ask

This is a mother’s prayer

I pray that when you give your heart it’s true

And all the love you give away

Comes back to you times two

I hope one day you get the chance to truly see

What real love is and what you mean to me

In this great big world you can’t stay small forever

’Cause before I know it you’ll be grown

And standing on your own

But I hope these words are something that you’ll treasure

And you get the chance to whisper them to children of your own

(Refrain )


This is a mother’s prayer