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狗狗Clifford 之我是最棒的

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Emily: “Hi, I’m Emily. I have a new neighbour, a girl. She has a dog.”

Emily: “嗨,我是Emily。我有一位新邻居,是个女孩。她有一条狗。”

Martha: “Hi, I’m Martha, and this is my dog, Bruno. He’s very big.”

Martha: “嗨,我是Martha,这是我的小狗,Bruno。他个子很大。”

Emily: “This is my dog, Clifford. He’s big too.”


Martha: “Well,your dog is a little bigger than Bruno, but Bruno is smarter. I will show you some tricks.”


Emily: “Then Martha sends Bruno to the newspaper stand to bring her a paper. And I send Clifford to bring me a paper.”

Emily: “然后Martha把Bruno带到一个报亭,让他买份报纸回来。我也让Clifford给我买了份回来。”

Martha:“That is very good, but watch this. Speak, Bruno.” And Bruno speaks.


Emily: “I don’t want to do it, but I can’t let Clifford lose. I say, ‘Speak, Clifford.’”

Emily: “我并不想这么做,但我不能让Clifford输。我说:‘叫,Clifford。’”

Then they walk to the bridge. Martha says, “I think Bruno is braver. Bruno, jump on the railing and walk.”


He can’t do that. Then Martha gets up on the railing to show Bruno.But she slips.


Bruno jumps into the river to save her. But he isn’t big enough. Then Clifford saves Martha and Bruno.


Martha says, “Thank you, Clifford. You are the biggest, smartest and bravest dog!”


Now we both know who is the best dog of all.
