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车手之梦 第7期

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It's July and that means that hundreds of millions of viewers around the world will be tuned into one of the most fascinating and punishing (for the participants that is) sporting events of the year - The Tour de France. Cyclists from around the world will compete, on a course that covers more than 3000km of road, to try to realize a lifelong dream of winning the Tour. Each moment is one of toil and each day provides a victory for someone. However, there is more to the Tour than victories alone. It is a test of human spirit as much as physical prowess. Therefore, in this edition of Sports we ①pay tribute to the greatest race on two wheels.


Types of Races

There are a myriad of competitions involving bicycles. BMX racing, freestyle competitions and mountain bike cross-country races have all grown in popularity over the last twenty years. However, the most popular, most keenly followed and still the most prestigious type of bicycle sport is road racing. Road racing can take different forms. Here are the most common ones:

1. Single-day races - The competitor to cross the finish line first is declared the winner.

2. Multi-stage races - Consists of several stages ridden consecutively. The competitor with the lowest cumulative time to complete all the stages is declared the overall, or General Classification (GC), winner. Most stage races also have other categories of winners such as the stage winner and the points winner and 'the king of the mountains'.

3. Open road race - Generally going from point A to point B; can include multi-laps.

4. Criterium - Generally a circuit race with multiple laps around a short, usually 4-cornered course.

5. Individual Time Trial - Every rider starts apart, and the rider with the fastest time wins.

6. Team Time Trials - Riders start in groups or teams, usually of a fixed size.

Types of Riders

Road races are competed by teams of cyclists. Each cyclist has strengths and weaknesses. There are four categories of rider and each team should be a mix of these four qualities.

1. Climbing Specialist - A rider who can maintain high speeds on hills and inclined roads.

2. Domestique - A rider who is good at supporting the team leader.

3. Sprinter - A rider who is capable of bursts of high speed but is usually not good at climbing.

4. Time Trialist - A rider who can maintain a consistent high tempo when racing against the clock.

Tour de France

The Tour de France (also known as Le Tour) is an epic road cycling race held over a period of three weeks in France. Sometimes a part of Le Tour will be held in another European country. It has been held annually since 1903, stopping only for the two world wars. Along with Giro d'Italia and Vuelta a Espana it makes up cycling's 'Grand Tours'.

Le Tour is a stage race. Each stage is a race held over one day. The total amount of stages has varied in the past but in recent years the entire Tour usually consists of around twenty and covers a distance of between 3000km and 4000km. Cycling teams have to confront steep mountain climbs, individual time trials and team trials. The teams that win will most definitely need to have good climbing specialists and time trialists. The race finishes on the Champs Elysees in Paris.

Famous Stages - The most famous stage of Le Tour is the finishing stage on the Champs Elysees in Paris. The Champs Elysees is a cobbled street, making it difficult to ride on. In most cases, this is not a nail biting finish because the race leader will already have enough of a time margin to be safe. However, dramatic finishes do occur. The first was in 1987 when Stephen Roche (Ireland) was leading the race by only 40 seconds and second place Pedro Delgado (Spain) almost snatched the victory from him at the last minute. Since then close finishes have happened more frequently.

Some of the mountain stages are also famous. Alpe d'Huez is a particularly tough one as is Mount Ventoux. The harsh conditions and grueling exertion involved in conquering these stages means that each year Le Tour will only include one or the other. Every year thousands of spectators will line the roads of these mountain stages to cheer on and encourage their favourite cyclists.

It is considered a great honour for a town to host a stage of the Tour de France. It brings prestige and a lot of business to the towns along its route. A certain portion of the race will be held in neighbouring countries. Past hosts include Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and the Republic of Ireland. Moving the riders to and from these destinations gives them a two day rest period. For the rest of the three weeks they will ②be in the saddle.

Jerseys -A coloured jersey is associated with each prize. The current holder of the prize is entitled to wear the jersey when they are racing. This colour system has been adopted by other road races and has come to have a meaning in bicycle racing generally.

The Yellow Jersey is worn by the overall time leader and is the most prized jersey. It is awarded by calculating the total combined race time up to that point for each rider. The rider with the lowest total time is considered the leader, and at the end of the event is declared the overall winner of Le Tour. The colour was originally a reference to the newspaper which sponsored the race, which had yellow pages.

The Green Jersey is awarded for sprint points. At the end of each stage, points for this jersey are gained by the riders who finish first, second, etc. The number of points and the number of cyclists rewarded depends on the type of stage - many for a flat stage, slightly fewer for an intermediate stage, fewer still for a mountainous stage, and the least for time trials.

The Polka Dot Jersey is awarded to the 'King of the Mountains'. It is white with red spots. At the top of each climb in the Tour, there are points for the riders who are first over the top. The climbs are divided into categories from 1 (most difficult) to 4 (least difficult) based on their difficulty, measured as a function of their steepness and length. A fifth category, called Hors Categorie (outside category) is formed by mountains even more difficult than those of the first category.

Record Makers

King of the Mountains - Richard Virenque from France has won the 'King of the Mountains' title seven times breaking the record of six times in 2004. Both Federico Bahamontes from Spain and Lucien Van Impe from Belgium have won the title six times.

Closest Finish - The closest finish in Le Tour history occurred in 1989 when Greg LeMond from the USA (also the first non-European to win Le Tour in 1986) beat Laurent Fignon from France by a margin of eight seconds. Fignon had led the race by fifty seconds but was defeated by LeMond's superior time trial.

Deaths - There have been three deaths in the history of the Tour de France. The first happened in1935 when Spanish rider Francesco Cepeda plunged down a ravine on a mountain stage. In 1967, English rider Tom Simpson died of heart failure on the ascent of Mount Ventoux. In 1995, Italian rider Fabio Casartelli crashed on a mountain descent. He was riding at a speed of 88km/h and died from head injuries at the scene of the crash.

Most Wins - American rider Lance Armstrong has won Le Tour six times (consecutively from 1999 to 2004). Four other riders have won five Tours: Jacques Anquetil from France, Eddy Merckx from Belgium, Bernard Hinault from France and Miguel Indurain from Spain.

Most wins by Country - French riders have won most tours with a total of 36 victories, followed up by Belgium (18), Italy and the USA (9 each), Spain (8), Luxembourg (4), Switzerland and the Netherlands (2 each) and the Republic of Ireland, Germany and Denmark (1 each).



1. 单日赛――首先跨过终点线的比赛者就被宣布为冠军。

2. 分段赛――包括需连续完成的若干赛段。用最短的累计时间完成所有赛段的比赛者就被宣布为总冠军或“总级别”(简称GC)冠军。大多数赛段的比赛还有其它类别的冠军,如赛段冠军、得分王和“山地之王”。

3. 公路公开赛――一般是从A地到B地;可能会绕行多圈。

4. 绕圈赛――一般是一项环道比赛,要在通常拥有4个弯道的短道上绕行多圈。

5. 个人计时赛――每名车手分开出发,用时最快的车手将取得胜利。

6. 团队计时赛事――车手以团体或团队(通常有固定的编制)的形式出发。



1. 爬坡专家――可以在山丘和斜坡道路上保持高速行进的车手。

2. 援护车手――善于协助本队领骑人的车手。

3. 冲锋车手――能够高速猛冲,但通常不善于爬坡的车手。

4. 计时赛车手――可以在计时比赛中持续保持高速行进的车手。


环法赛(又被称为“Le Tour”)是一项在法国举行、为期3周的大型公路自行车比赛。有时,环法赛中的一段比赛会在另一个欧洲国家举行。该赛事自1903年起每年举办一次,只是在两次世界大战时停办过。它与环意大利赛和环西班牙赛一道,组成了自行车运动的“顶级巡回赛事”。








红点衫是发放给“山地之王”的。它是白色的,拥有红色斑点。在巡回赛中的每个爬坡赛段的顶端,率先过顶的车手会有得分。爬坡赛段根据其难度被从1(难度最大)到4(难度最低)分出了级别,衡量标准就是它们的陡峭程度和高度。而难度更甚于1级的山地则造就了被称为“Hors Categorie”(无法定级)的第五个级别。







punishing /`p7niHiM/ adj.累人的

prowess /`prauis/ n.卓越的技能;本领

myriad /`miri9d/ n.无数

cumulative /`k(mjul9tiv/ adj.累积的

circuit /`s/kit/ n.绕行一周

consistent /k9n`sist9nt/ adj.一贯的;始终如一的

tempo /`temp9u/ n.进行的速度;步调

epic /`epik/ adj.壮丽的;英雄的

cobble /`k4bl/ vt.用圆石砌路;在……铺圆石

grueling /`Gr6liM/ adj.使人筋疲力尽的;繁重累人的

jersey /`_/zi/ n.运动衫

entitled /in`taitld/ adj.有资格的

plunge /pl7n_/ v.陷入;跳入

ravine /r9`v1n/ n.山涧;深谷

heart failure心力衰竭

ascent /9`sent/ n.攀登;上坡路

consecutively /k9n`sekjutivli/ adv.连续的;联贯的

① pay tribute to 向……表达敬意

② be in the saddle骑着马(文中指位于鞍座之上,即在骑车)

nail biting

文中,在谈到环法赛的著名赛段时,用到了一个词组――“nail biting”。这是一个形象的词组,因为自己并不知道结果会怎样,所以就一直啃咬着自己的手指,因而引申之意便是指某个非常令人兴奋或忐忑不安的情形。