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There are many American expressions that use parts of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even the heart. Today we will tell you some expressions that use other body parts―the back and shoulders.

When I am facing a lot of pressure at work, my back and neck will start to hurt. Sometimes, this tension is the result of too much work. I have too many things to do because my supervisor is on my back all the time. In other words, my employer is always telling me to do things.

Sometimes, I want my employer to get off my back! I want her to stop criticizing me and making too many demands on my time. I can not say this, however. I would never turn my back on her and refuse to help when there is a need. If I did refuse to help, my supervisor might say bad things about me behind my back. She might criticize me when I am not present. This would surely be a stab in the back. It is never kind to unfairly harm or say bad things about other people.

Sometimes, when I am very productive in my job, my employer gives me a pat on the back. She praises my work. She might even say “I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine.” This means she will do something for me, if I do something helpful for her in exchange. Such an offer usually comes straight from the shoulder. My supervisor has a very direct, open and honest way of speaking.

I know that my employer carries a lot on her shoulders. She is responsible for many things at the office. And because she is so important, she sometimes gets to rub shoulders with the top officials. She gets to spend time with some very important people.

I believe the top official values my superior. He never gives her the cold shoulder. He is never unfriendly to her. He always treats her like she is an important part of the organization.


“be on one’s back”从字面上看,是“在某人的背上”的意思。我们不妨这么来理解这个短语:当自己的肩背上担负着外界来的压力时,会感觉到有些不适,比如工作压力太大会导致心情烦躁等。“be on one’s back”其实就是“找某人的麻烦”、“打扰某人”的意思。例如:The children were always on my back while I was trying to write something. (当我设法写点什么的时候,孩子们总是打扰我。)

如果有人一直对你指指点点或是喋喋不休、纠缠不清而使你感到非常厌烦甚至生气,这时候就可以用到“get off one’s back”这个短语。例如:Hey, get off my back!(嘿,别再烦我了!)

“turn one’s back on sb”是“不理睬某人”的意思,也就是转过身去背向对方,态度冷淡,或者是不愿对人施予帮助。例如:When you turn your back on the world, the world turns its back on you. (当你抛弃这个世界时,它同时也会抛弃你。)

“behind one’s back”也很容易就从字面理解为“背着某人”的意思。例如:Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs.(别在背后说人坏话。)

“a stab in the back”是“背后中伤、背叛”的意思,例如:Such a vicious lie is nothing but a stab in the back.(这种恶毒的谎言完全是暗箭伤人。)

“pat on the back”从字面上理解是“拍拍某人的背”的意思,以这样温和的方式给予他人肯定,实际上是“鼓励、表扬”的意思。例如:For children, a pat on the back is much more beneficial to their healthy development than blaming them.(对于儿童的健康成长来说,鼓励他们要比责备他们更有益。)

“I will sctrach your back if you will scratch mine”是一句谚语,意思是,如果我做了一些对别人有帮助的事,对方也会做一些事作为回报。


“straight from the shoulder”原意指拳头直接从肩膀瞄准对方打出去,这是既狠又重的打击,因为这样出拳使出了全身力气,后来便成为习惯用语,形容直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害到对方感情的。例如:She gave it to me straight from the shoulder.(她坦诚地批评了我。)

“on one’s shoulders”是指“在某人肩上”的意思,与carry连用即是“肩负重担”的意思。例如:Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.(别太操心了。)

从字面上看,“rub shoulders with”是“与某人擦肩”的意思,实际上是比喻与某人有联系,但并非深交。例如:It was a rare opportunity to rub shoulders with the rich and famous.(这是个与富翁名人来往的难得机会。)

在上期中,我们已经学习过“give someone the cold shoulder”这个短语,也就是“对某人态度冷淡、不以为然”的意思。例如:She always gives me the cold shoulder.(她总是对我很冷淡。)