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Two YAOs · Big Boss Forever

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People, cannot live without friends.

Yao Ming is good at chatting and enjoys it too. One of his leisure activities in Houston is calling a couple of friends out, to find a beverage shop, drink Boba milk tea, sit in the sun, talk about anything, and shoot the breeze.

In the U.S., Yao Ming learned a word “MEN’S TALK”, which is translated as the dialogue between real men. Actually, it is not important what is talked about between men. It is nothing else but what books they read, which war movie looks good, which team plays well, whether to watch games of these two days or not, and what big event or trivial thing happen on the earth. Even a slam dunk in a game can be discussed about for one hour with gestures and comments. Men’s talk, what matters is how it is rather than what it is about. Putting family triviality aside, forgetting about daily necessities, and temporarily escaping from work, family and depression of daily life, a couple of friends just gather together to have fun.

Anymen need such friends, so does Yao. He hopes his friends can feel equal to him in mind, and can share the same honesty and the love for basketball. These requirements seem simple, but in fact, it is hard to reach. It is indeed very difficult to reduce him to an ordinary person, getting rid of all kinds of aura attached to him.

Two yaos

All the way through, there have been a lot of people around Yao Ming but most of them disappear automatically or passively. One reason is because of his height and his fame which is far above his height. Only a few people can reach high pitches, always. Fewer and fewer people can read Yao Ming’s mind and can let Yao Ming read theirs. The other reason is because Yao Ming finds it hard to see through people around him. He once frowned and said a sentence like this, “I can hardly see clearly. Most people around me try to present the best and kindest part of them for whatever purpose. I don’t have any chance to see them through.”

So Yao Ming treasures friendship. It is much harder for him to have friendship than ordinary people. And of course it is not easy to maintain friendship with him.

Yao Ming has been in Houston for eight years. There are only a few friends left who he often misses, sometimes makes a phone call to, hangs out with to eat and chats over a cup of wine after returning to China. To put these few friends aside, for these eight years, there are only three who can be taken as good friends of his: Steve Francis, Dikembe Mutombo and Yao Anhong. The first two now, however, contact less and less with Yao Ming as time goes on. Only with Yao Anhong, Yao Ming often contacts, sits down to have dinner and chat together.

The first two names are familiar to NBA fans. Let’s talk about the third one- Yao Anhong.

Yao Anhong is a Chinese, ancestral home Jiangsu. His grandfather, was a soldier of Kuomintang party, and brought his family to Taiwan at the end of the Liberation War. His father, was also a military, who married a local woman in Taiwan. Therefore, he spoke mandarin with his father and Taiwanese with his mother since he was young. At the age of thirteen, he migrated to Houston with his family. His English was a bit crappy when he just arrived, so he kept silent at school, and always immersed himself in martial arts novels of Jin Yong in class. Having talked back about this, Yao Ming recalled he killed time with Jin Yong’s novels too when he just arrived in the U.S.

Every kid should have an English name when he was in the U.S. Yao Anhong was so small that time that he didn’t know what kind name to have. Then he decided to name himself Andy as it was the first name he knew when he opened a dictionary of names and began to read with A.

Few people call him Yao Anhong in the U.S. All call him Andy, except his family members. His name card is also read Andy Yao. Yao Ming and I call him Fat Andy, or Fatty directly without the name. Yao Anhong is very tall, 193cm, and very heavy too, more than 230 pounds (about 210Jin). He likes to play basketball and always talks about his dunking when he was young. We have drummed him up for many times and also given him enough time to train, but he never succeeds. Every time when he fails in slam dunking, he pinches the fat of his belly and burbled, “How could this be there when I dunked before?”

In my eyes, Andy is Yao Ming’s guardian god in Houston.

On Nov. 13th, 2004, Rudy Tomjanovich got back to Houston with the Lakers.

Rudy Tomjanovich used to be the coach of the Rockets. He taught Hakeem Olajuwon and led the Rockets to win NBA championship twice. He was still the coach when Yao Ming joined the Rockets in 2002. He was a kind old man and fatherly to Yao Ming. Yao Ming was the first pick in the draft. The whole Houston, even all the U.S. fans were heading up to see how this young man from China would perform. But Rudy didn’t expose the unprepared Yao Ming to the stage where there is nowhere to hide. He gave sufficient buffering time to Yao Ming. Rudy said, “He just came here for 10days. Without participating in the training camp, without playing in the summer league, only with two pre-season games, he cannot be ready. I know how much pressure he has to bare if I put him in that most critical position. I used to be a player as well, and I was selected second in the draft that time. The coach didn’t let me start in any games in the first year. However, I transited very well in the second year. I didn’t want Yao Ming to bear too much pressure. He has already carried too much on his shoulders.” But later, Rudy suffered from cancer and stepped down from the Rockets. He became the head coach of the Lakers after recovering, but was still concerned about Yao Ming.

They were opponents on the court. Off the court, Rudy was like a father embracing and chatting with Yao Ming. Andy was with Yao Ming. Rudy patted Andy’s shoulder, pointing to Yao Ming, “Yao, help me to take care of this Yao.” Andy nodded head honestly, glanced at big Yao Ming with a cute smile. Actually, there is no need for Rudy to entrust Andy with Yao Ming. He has been always with Yao Ming since he joined NBA, watching every victory and failure of his and sharing his happiness and sadness.

Andy is the host of the Rockets Chinese Radio, presides over the weekly Chinese program of the Rockets, so hanging in his neck is not an ordinary journalist card, but a work permit of the Rockets. They didn’t have this program until Yao Ming came to Houston. The Rockets decided to set up such a program in local Chinese radio. And Andy was introduced to the Rockets by an old journalist, named Ali. Ali said, “The reason why the Rockets found Andy is because, firstly, it needs someone who can report news of the Rockets and Yao Ming to local Chinese in Mandarin since he’s here. But this is only the secondary reason. What’s more important is to create an environment for Yao Ming in which he feels respected and he is not that unfamiliar with as there is another Chinese with him.” And it truly developed in this way. Yao Ming needs someone to talk to, and needs someone he trusts to help with. The first one who comes to his mind is always Andy. It’s Andy who accompanied Yao Ming to Dallas for the treatment of the injured big toe. Wherever Yao Ming goes, he calls Andy when he doesn’t know how to go. Yao Ming brought Andy with him when he treated former teammate Nachbar who transferred to the Hornets for dinner ….

Andy’s profession is not presiding, but finance. He works for Wells Fargo, the fifth-largest bank of the U.S., as vice-president of business department of a branch, which is not a low position.

More and more Chinese emigrate to the U.S., but most of them are unable to communicate in English fluently. Where they gather and live is known as China Town. Now almost every city of the U.S. with a certain scale has a China Town, most of which are unlike what movie shows, have no typical symbol like an arch. China Town mainly consists of Chinese restaurants and Chinese markets, and many Chinese live in the surrounding areas. To serve them, the major banks employ salesperson who can speak Mandarin or Cantonese. This is how Andy joined Wells Fargo.

After more than one decade, Andy has already been promoted long time ago from counter. He has offices in two branches, in charge of commercial loans respectively. So Yao Ming and I joke that he is the big boss of China Town. Whatever we cannot handle, we can go to ask him for assistance.

The three of us once went to a Chinese restaurant to have dinner. Andy was the last one to come. With an advanced discussion, we all stood up from chairs the moment his entered and then bended and bowed to him, shouted loudly, “Hi, big boss.” Honest Andy was cruelly scared and didn’t know to step in or go out to hide.

It’s a bit exaggerating to say whatever we cannot handle. Actually it is all about trivial things of life. He has a very wide network in China Town, Any restaurants or stores could possibly deal with him regarding commercial loans. So sometimes, he solves many problems with a phone call. Yao Ming always calls him. When Ye Li’s due date drew near, Yao Ming gave Andy’s phone no. to all of his family on purpose, so that they could call Andy instead in case he couldn’t be reached, as Andy speaks Mandarin and English and is familiar with Houston. Of course, the most important thing is, Andy is the most trusted friend of Yao Ming.

They talk, laugh and tease each other when they are together. Yao Ming always laughs at Andy for his never-lose weight and Andy talks over about Yao Ming’s driving skills.

Andy said, “It’s probably Yao Ming not far away as long as we hear a horn.” Texas residents are actually quite patient, and also passionate, and more polite to compare with New York and Los Angeles, but many Texans have enough of Yao Ming’s driving. What Andy meant is: we can see how bad Yao Ming’s driving is.

Once went to China Town for dinner, Andy waited for a long time, but didn’t see Yao Ming coming. Suddenly he heard noisy honks not far away, and then felt at ease, “if it’s not wrong, that should be Yao Ming.” Sure enough, one minute later, it was Yao Ming wandering slowly over. On another occasion, Andy led to the market to buy iPod by driving a car, and Yao Ming followed. Andy drove into the underground parking lot of the market first, saw three side-by-side parking seats, and thought, “This old brother’s skill is just so-so, let him choose and park first. Then he pulled over, waiting for Yao Ming parking. Unexpectedly, Yao Ming chose the corner and drove in directly. Andy realized it got hit again when he heard a crunch. He told me later that he ran over to see, and found that paint on one side all went off. Admiration rose right from the bottom of his heart as it is, in fact, not easy to park like this when the parking space is so large.

Yao Ming struck back by talking about Andy’s belly and his girlfriend, “Wow, your girl is pretty hardcore, so fat that she eats for so many year without getting tired?”

Andy rubbed his fatty and so-fat-seem-to-flow stomach and said, “None of your business? She just likes meat, streaky meat.”

Yao Ming walked over and pinched his stomach, “streaky? Don’t be kidding. Yours is pure fat.”

Yao Ming only has one girlfriend in his life-Ye Li. After pursuit and being in relationship, they finally registered and got married in 2007. Andy, three years older than Yao Ming, knows his girlfriend longer than Yao Ming’s pursuing Ye Li. They are in love for entire 13years, which is very stunning to many people. Most women ask, “How can you dragging her for 13years? Why not propose and get married?” Most men praise with their thumbs up, “That hot shit, man. No giving in for such a long time. What a soldier!”

While Yao Ming said, “Since I came to Houston, he said he would get married in the following year, the following year. And six or seven years have past, he is still damn single.”

In April 2009, Andy got married and held a wedding ceremony finally. Yao Ming usually doesn’t participate in such occasions unless it is a must-go, like Liu Wei from Shanghai and Yao Anhong from Houston. Actually he should go to good friends’ weddings, but Yao Ming is afraid of stealing the show and troubling friends as he would attract all attention once he shows up.

To make everybody happy, Andy ordered all-seafood wedding feast. But Ye Li could only turn the table and found some side dishes to eat as she was pregnant that time, not allowed to eat seafood by doctor due to allergy. Yao didn’t even walk off earlier because of this. He waited until the end of the ceremony and Andy’s toasting around with his newly-married wife.

When it came to Yao Ming’s table, He and I mixed an extra-but-same-price “wine” with almost every dish soup. Looking at the wine cup with floating oil, Andy was shocked. Yao Ming coaxed, “This is the rule. How come grooms are not tricked? No tricking, no fun in celebration. Every groom is like this in China.” Andy was so honest that under his wife’s fearful eyes, he headed up and poured the whole cup to this stomach, including oyster sauce sticking to the bottom, and then ended up with a burp painfully after drinking.

Yao Ming was shocked, “You did drink it? Well, that is good. But anyway I was married, no chance for you to trick me. ”

After that, Yao Ming left with Ye Li to a restaurant for more food. He called me in the early morning of the next day about disturbing bridal chamber and asked for some X-rated photos when he knew that we took many, then he threatened Andy, “Fatty, want me to put these on my Face book? You will definitely get famous.”

Andy pouted, “I am already famous. You have to feed me after I retire, with the movie as the witness.”

Yao Ming starred in a documentary film named The Year of the Yao when he just came to Houston, There is one scene: Yao Ming was given a set of gold clubs which he had never played. He took out one and played it randomly. Yao Ming didn’t notice if there was someone behind, and then threw it backwards with his full strength. Then Andy got hit on his forehead with a bang. That was a driver, a huge iron. The hit was so real that Andy trembled and stumbled backwards for several steps with his head covered and neck shrunk. A gang of people was watching by the side, and kept laughing until the stomach hurt, and then rolling around on the ground. Every time when talking about this, Andy touches his head and pouts, “These people, are so inhuman. If I become silly at old age, ask Yao to feed me. This is all because of him. He cannot deny, with movie as the witness.”

Yao Ming and Yao Anhong are on good terms for so many years, but still their friendship is very simple. Andy, though, as a radio host, once a week and one hour every time, he simply doesn’t have to dig out anything from Yao Ming to write like other reporters. He engages in finance, but only comes up with some ideas instead of doing business with Yao Ming these years. Live at leisure, only have dinner, play cards, and have a chat together.

The friendship between men is as pure as water. Make friends, and then just be friends. Friendship will become difficult to form, when mixing with other things.

These years, who are with Yao Ming most frequently are his teammates. There are dozens for these eight years. Some of them are described as his friends, but not all are true. Think about your own life, you enter the office, sit in a cubicle, deal with your colleague every day from morning till evening, and how many of them can be your friends?

Once I went to the rehabilitation training after Yao Ming got injured. The Rockets was playing on the road that time, the locker room was empty. Yao Ming walked in, screwed the light beside his own wardrobe. And after he put on training suit, the trainer hadn’t arrived yet. With arms around his shoulders, Yao looked around the locker room which used to be very noisy every day. I asked him, “How many of these names on the wardrobes can be taken as your friends?” He thought and answered, “Big boss and the uncle.”

Big boss is the nickname of Francis, while uncle is Mutombo. Chinese fans call them the way as Yao Ming does. They two are the closest teammates of Yao Ming in the past seven or eight years.

Francis brought Yao Ming to NBA. He is three years older than Yao Ming, grew up with no father, while his mother died from cancer at his 18. It is his grandmother taking care of him, so he loves her very much, takes her to Houston for celebration on whatever festivals. He is also quite straight-forward, does everything as the way he is. In 1999, he was selected second in the draft by Vancouver Grizzlies of Canada, but he didn’t want to go, taking the weather and family and so on as reasons. With many fruitless negotiations with Francis, Grizzlies had to trade him to Houston the Rockets. This was one of the biggest trades in NBA history, with 11 other players getting involved. Despite of the twists and turns, Francis didn’t disappoint fans of Houston. Olajuwon was getting old, while he brought a new hope for the Rockets.

This hope refers to Francis, and also Yao Ming who was selected by Francis to Houston.

On May 20th 2002, Francis, wearing a cyan suit, stood outside the room marked as 3A of NBA Entertainment building. Besides him, there were representatives of other 12 teams which missed the playoffs, and most of them were general managers of the teams. Francis saw the stout Klaus from the Bulls, who created the dynasty of Jordan’s Bulls, and the NBA legend West, who was said the original model of NBA’s silhouette logo – a man dribbling a basketball. Francis didn’t know how his luck was among them as he hadn’t been a rising star yet with only three-year experience in NBA.

But the day Francis was very lucky. The Rockets missed playoffs, but only had 8.9 percent chance to get the top pick. However the fates crossed the Bulls and Warriors which were with worst performance last season and had nearly 23 percent chance to get the top pick, and then stood by the side of Francis. Looking at other 12 representatives, especially the Bulls and Warriors, he was overwhelmed by ecstasy. He recalled later, “I feel like they are likely to rush to me and beat me madly.”

Houston won the first pick, which also meant the way Yao Ming went was doomed. The Rockets knew exactly what a great center could bring, Moses Malone to Elwynn Hayes, to Sampson and Hakeem Olajuwon, especially the last one from Africa, once led the Rockets to championship twice in the succession. Olajuwon was getting old, announced retirement one year after leaving the Rockets to Toronto. The Rockets was getting worse and worse, and they needed a new pillar to reign over under the basket once again.

They already had Francis. Francis said, “We don’t want a point guard.” He didn’t need to pick another one to compete with him for the same position. He had to pick an insider to help. Yao Ming was the best rookie insider in 2002, in other words, Houston wanted him.

At that time, Yao Ming was preparing for summer games of national team in Beijing. When he got the news, he said, “Sometimes, you have to believe in fates. How your life will be, and how far you can go, will possibly be determined by the contract.

Hence, you can say that Francis picked Yao Ming for Houston, and also can say that everything of Yao Ming was brought by Francis.

Yao Ming called Francis “Laoda”, not in English, but in Chinese. He called him Steven to his face, but called Laoda when mentioning him to others. He still called him this way even after Francis was traded away from Houston. Because Francis was the big boss of the team when Yao Ming joined the Rockets, he listened to Francis despite the fact that he was picked first and the tallest of the team.

They first met each other in the parking lot of the Rockets Arena. Francis was driving a convertible Mercedes with loud music from stereo. The car was obviously modified, equipped with two large stereos in the trunk. Mega bass sound from it can nearly make a building as big as the whole arena shaking and roaring. And in the noisy music they shook hands with each others.

From Yao Ming’s face, Francis saw shyness, unfamiliarity and timidity of a young new comer. Acting as the big boss of the Rockets, he hugged the big guy he picked himself.

Yao Ming still remembered one afternoon, two days after his arrival in Houston, a super big Hummer stopped in front of him when he stepped out of training hall gate. Sticking his head out of the car window, waving towards Yao Ming, Francis said, “Come on, Yao. Let me guide you around Houston.” The city’s October could be taken as the most beautiful season. Houston is near the Gulf of Mexico. The short period of time between long and hot summer and winter is the most comfortable season. The sun is not that burning, but still bright, shines over the blue sky and the white clouds. Driving in the boulevard is such an enjoyment.

Looking at still-strange city out of the window, Yao Ming started to chat with Francis. But his English was not good that time, so he listened most of the time. Francis told Yao Ming with patience how the Rockets played, why last season was so bad and how to make a change… When they are talking, here comes a red BMW passing by. With his eyes wide open, Francis looked at the driver, a pretty blonder, whistling at her and then spoke to Yao Ming, “Very good?” Yao Ming nodded, “Very good.” Then they two laughed out loud together.

After the tour, Francis sent Yao Ming back to get his car, and then he said, “Having you, such a big man, there is nothing we will fear. We are brothers now, so let me know whatever you need me to help.”

That afternoon is significant to Yao Ming, a newly-arrived kid. He is quickly acknowledged by the big boss of the team. No matter how doubtful and worried he was when he landed at Houston International Airport, at least he feels much more relieved now. This is his new home. He makes new friends, and they get along well with each other.

Francis is a good big boss and also of great integrity. When he thought Yao Ming needed help, he would certainly stand out. He said, “I can see that he was very nervous in the first training and didn’t like so many cameras staying on him. He didn’t know how to come over and talk with everybody. Basically we are in a circle, but he’s stretching a bit far away from us. He tried to join us, but still we can see that he felt uneasy. So I walked over and said, hey come on, join us.

In front of Yao Ming are a group of strange teammates and a totally different basketball playing style. NBA is far more quickly than CBA by don’t-know-how-many times, so is physical confrontation. Yao Ming joined them as the first pick in the draft, so more or less, his teammates wanted to see the performance of this China-made first pick. Yao Ming was twisting and faltering by many knocks and was down to the ground for countless times in the first two trainings. Colin Pine, his interpreter, paced back and forth anxiously at the side of the court, wanted to tell him how to deal with it, but didn’t know what to come up with.

After the training, Yao Ming and Francis lied on the floor, doing stretching exercises. Francis explained with gestures, “Our team plays for speed, fast-paced, you know? It is like swishing, swishing.” His fingers were like flies, flying back and forth in front of Yao Ming. Yao Ming smiled as this was far easier to understand than coach’s complicated strategies and unceasing explanation, not to mention to face the cute face of Francis.

Not only on the court, but also off the court, Francis wondered what to teach Yao Ming. They two chatted, and then Francis asked him, “Do you have a girlfriend?” Yao Ming, touching the red string on his wrist, answered, “Yes.” Francis reminded him, “Be cautious, they just want your money.”

Yao laughed as this was the first lesson in NBA. He shook his head to Francis, “No, no, she is a player in the Chinese women’s basketball team. There is only one, not them.” Francis laughed and suddenly he realized how different Yao Ming was from other guys in the locker room. Yao Ming was from a completely different country, and was kind and innocent. He showed the red string on his wrist to Francis, which was from Ye Li as Valentines’ Day gift in his last year in CBA. He had never taken it off since it was worn, even when he played games. The red string now gradually faded away, and getting bigger and bigger. It was supposed to wear on wrist, but now was large enough for the arm. Yao Ming, pointing to the red string, said shyly, “This is from her. In China, it means girls are in love with you if they give you red strings. I guess you will get ten at least.”

Francis laughed, and from the change of his expression and the smile in his eyes when Yao Ming talked about Ye Li, he knew how significant this relationship meant to him. Yao Ming was different from his teammates. The first road game after joining Houston was a pre-season game against San Antonio Spurs. When they arrived in San Antonio, a bunch of veterans coaxed him to go to strip club with them. Yao Ming was so scared that he waved his hands again and again, as if it violated the taboo of the laws of heaven.

I joked with him afterwards, “Fortunately, you didn’t go. Otherwise, there would be one word “lady-killer” stamped on your passport.

He pouted, “Get away. Take me as a new comer?” But that time, the word strip club to him, indeed was like terrible flood and cruel beast.

However, this is bloody normal in NBA. In the early summer of 2006, the team dined together after the season. And the leader of the locker room, the veteran Juwan Howard, brought everybody to the most famous strip club in Houston. Everyone must go, and no one is allowed to be absent. After listening and seeing so much, Yao Ming, who was on this way to become a veteran, finally didn’t feel weird or shocked at all.

In his rookie season, he also encountered something embarrassing. Once on a road game, Yao Ming was already in bed late at night, half asleep. Having heard someone knocking at the door, he stumbled and opened the door, got a fright all of a sudden. At the door was standing a girl, saying with her ambiguous eyes expression, “Hi, your friend Eddie asked me to accompany you.” Yao Ming was dizzy just now, now got dizzier seeing this. He finally thought of who Eddie was after patting his head hard and thinking for a long time. Eddie Griffin, a silent power forward of the team, joined the league one year earlier than him, didn’t speak much, and was a nice guy. Yao Ming was completely lost, and thought no matter how nice he was, how come he went this far, sendding a girl directly to his room. He then closed the door quickly, shaking his head and waving his head badly.

Yao is completely different from his teammates. They are two kinds of people.

Francis knew and took Yao Ming as, “Being loyal to a girl is very good. Young men should be like this. It does good to him too without thinking too much. As for me, I am already old, forget about it. I know neither does he go to clubs, or hang out with us. No need to be fussy about it. That is his culture. No one will push him, or have to force him to accept the life style that he has never been. He doesn’t need this. Maybe nine of ten things we do are bad to him, hehe.”

Francis continued to take care of him.

The first formal game of Yao Ming in NBA was in Indiana. When the plane landed, the team went on the bus, Yao pretended to be at ease with laughs and jokes, but Francis felt it, or let’s say, he has been there too, he knew the nerve in Yao Ming’s heart, so to make him feel easier, he walked over and patted Yao Ming’s shoulder.

Indiana Conseco Fieldhouse is old enough. The players’ tunnel there is very narrow, Yao Ming remembered clearly how he ran through the tunnel and started his first NBA game, “After running through the narrow tunnel, it is the court at the end. Everything became clear and bright suddenly out of the tunnel and all lights were shining on the court, on your body, and then suddenly mind went blank and dizzy.” That night, Yao scored only 0 points and 2 rebounds. Francis came over and tried to make him feel better.

Francis talked to me afterwards, “I must back him up, people are the most vulnerable in the very beginning and it is most likely to fail. If I can give him some more encouragement, maybe pressure in his heart will be less.

Francis’ care to Yao is not only by words, but also by fists.

In April 2004, there’s a game between the Rockets and the Suns. The insider of the opposite is called Stoudemire, who is definitely a valiant. This Stoudemire entered NBA in 2002 too, same as Yao Ming. To distinguish with another Stoudemire in the league who plays as guard, we call this new comer smaller Stoudermire. He is taken as Yao Ming’s “lifelong enemy”. Both are rookie insiders in the same year, and are put together to compare with each other all the time. With surprising debut plays, Stoudermire was named the Western Conference Player of the Week twice in the first nine weeks of new season. He, 22 years old and 47 days, scored a career-high 50 points. While Yao Ming played step by step, didn’t become starter until the 11th game of the season. Many people doubted, why Stoudermire, such a good insider was selected ninth into NBA? Why Yao Ming selected first? Stoudemire was full of resentment, and was in high spirit when seeing Yao.

In the third quarter, Stoudemire broke through to the basket. With more-than-two-meters height, he was good at slam dunking. He rose to the sky and flied after stamping the floor, and then dived towards the basket of the Rockets like a Tomahawk Cruise Missile. The tall and thin Yao stood right under the basket, was completely overwhelmed without any reactions. Stoudemire looked at the still-shaking basket, no-reaction Yao Ming, and the stunned fans, suddendly blood filled in his eyes and then he shouted at Yao Ming like a boxer with his muscle tensed.

Yao Ming had never seen people so muddy and barbarous, while Francis already rushed over before he reacted. Francis was much shorter than Stoudemire, but still stretched out arms to seize his neck tightly, and then pushed him far away.

Francis said afterwards, “I cannot let anyone else to bully Yao Ming.” While Yao Ming said, “I will remember how he helped me out for a lifetime. In my heart, he is a good friend, a good friend called big boss.”