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Seek and Peruse Nature in Human Being

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Abstract: In Lawrence’s writings, it is evident to find that he attempted to reveal the evil capitalization, which damages the natural environment and the harmony relationship, and to emphasize the spiritual crisis, the distorted character under the capitalization society. He was eager for the friendly relationship. He provoked the idea that only in the harmony relationship between the nature and the human beings can we obtain healthy development.

Keywords: capitalization, evil, nature, harmony

Lawrence is one of the noticeable writers in English. Most of his works rooted in the Nottingham mine area. He depicted the powerful industrial civilization controlling everything, resulting in great negative effects on human moral, relation and belief. He tried to attack the selfish behavior of human beings destroying the beautiful nature. He believed that the capitalization destroyed not only the balanced environment, but also the circle of relations. He pointed that human should rebuild the divinity respect to the nature.

There are many descriptions about the machine-stricken nature. In the White Peacock, the nature and the capitalization are always antitheses. The Mercer Mayer Valley, a tranquil village, raised pure and hard-working peasants one generation after another, living the self-sufficient life. But eventually the capitalism civilization ruined the quiet life. The picturesque nature was shaped ugly by the mines, derricks and chimneys. The road was covered with the black coal cinder instead of the green grasses. It was not only damaged the environment, but also polluted the pure heart. In the Rainbow, Lawrence pictured the Eden-like scenery. In the Spin, the vivid vigor spread from the buds of every new tree. In the summer, the waves of green crops sing and dance in the happy sunshine. In the autumn, the birds fly over the golden field. In the winter, the men sit besides the warm stove and the women cook the coffee. Unfortunately, all these were replaced by the savage machine.

In the Ticket, Please, we can see it more clearly. The beautiful village was shaped into the ugly, grimy cold mine area. “There is the Midlands a single-line tramway system which boldly leaves the country town and plunges off into the black industrial countryside, up hill and down dale, through the long ugly villages of workmen’s houses, over canals and railways, past churches perched high and nobly over the smoke and shadows, through stark, grimy cold little market-places, tilting away in a rush past cinemas and shops down to the hollow where the collieries are, then up again, past a little rural church, under the ash trees, on in a rush to the terminus, the last little ugly place of industry, the cold little town that shivers on the edge of the wild, gloomy country beyond.” It is no wonder that the run-down mine area and the machine-hit nature are the main setting in the Lawrence’s writings.

Only the nature can cure our pain in soul. Lawrence was convinced that the human nature was cord with the nature. We could gain wit and power in the baptism of the nature. In The Women in Love, Lawrence represented that Brain took off his clothes, lying on the flowers and glasses to let them touch his body gently. The feeling was so wonderful that he seemed to have integrated into the nature. After suffering some pains in spirit, he turned to the field to get comforts. It was the beautiful and pure nature that helped him forget the suffering. The nature uses its colorful lives to encourage us to enjoy life, to be thankful, to be content. The nature is the best place to let off your soul and to hunt for the purest happiness.

During his whole life, Lawrence is appealing for nature in human beings. When we look back on his career, we can understand him clearly. He was born in a lower class family. His father is a poor miner and his mother is a primary school teacher with elegant behavior. This kind of cultural and spiritual differences spark many conflicts. And Lawrence obtained rich experience from his father and careful love from his mother. Back grounded in the industrial revolution and the First World War, the rapid development spread into every corner of the country. He hated the revolution, especially , for it destroyed the quiet nature. The pure and beautiful countryside is disappearing from his life little by little. He believed that the material development can not replace the civilization and the war can even ruin it. In his writings, he showed the solid sense of social class. He usually depicted that the lower class man married the upper class woman. And the man was weary and ugly, affected by the material world deeply. While the woman is more pure, close to the nature. The man changed themselves greatly in the capitalism society. Lawrence attacked the capitalism civilization incisively, not only polluting the environment, but also distorting the spiritual paradise, distancing the relationship. He considered that the nature had miracle power to set human beings free from the ugly industrial civilization. He was eager for the harmony and warm society that life came back to its nature. He spent his whole life to appeal for the nature in human beings.

Quoted works

[1]D.H.劳伦斯.白孔雀(M)北京:中国文联出版公司 1989.


[3] D.H.劳伦斯.恋爱中的女人(M)北京:中国文联出版公司1987.

[4] D.H.劳伦斯.查泰来夫人的情人(M) 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 1994
