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【Abstract】The brand name which represents the image of a company needs to be effective in the market if the merchandisers attempt to harvest competitive advantages. With the development of modern cognitive psychology, the theory of schema has been widely applied to linguistics. The author attempts to study brand name translation from the perspective of cultural schema and expects to arouse certain enlightenment on the brand name translation.

【Key words】Schema; Cultural Schema; Brand Name translation


Brand name symbols the image of product, its corporation in consumer’s eyes.With theopening of Chinese market, many foreign brands emerges in China.However, the brand name translation is not that appropriate. In this article, the author tries to analyze brand name translation in the framework of cultural schema, which is proved to shift certain enlightenment to linguistics, like listening, reading as well as translating.

1. Schema Theory and Cultural Schema

1.1 Definition and Classification of Schema

Cook defines a schema as a mental representation essential to discourse processing, which means schema is an essential part existing in people’s mind and specialized knowledge in a certain area which is called “knowledge block”. The most popular classification of schema is the distinction between formal and content schema.

1.2 Definition and Classification of Cultural Schema

Generally speaking, the cultural schema belongs to the content schema, which is all the knowledge concerning culture. The theory of cultural schema presents a cognitive approach to the question of how cultural knowledge is represented and how their representation facilitates the use of knowledge (Rumelhart, 1980).Namely, there are three kinds of situation when one cultural schema appears in source and target texts.

1.2.1 Schema correspondence

When cognitive schemata embodied by cultural words of the source text is correspondent with those of the target text, so the translator can process and understand the cultural words in the target text easily.

1.2.2 Schema conflict

Different life experiences between Chinese and English people lead to different cultural schemata. And the different concepts in English and Chinese can lead to differences or even conflicts in cultural schema.

1.2.3 Schema vacancy

Cultural vacancy is the extreme form of the heterogeneity of both language and culture of a nation.For instance, the English people may have difficulties in understanding Chinese expressions due to the absence of corresponding cultural schema.

2. A Schematic Approach to Translation of Brand Names

2.1 Brand and Brand Name

Murphy proposed that a brand is a synthesis of all those elements, physical, aesthetic, rational and emotional and cultural, which is a perception created in the mind of consumers who ascribe beliefs and values to the product. Correspondingly, a brand name is one part of the brand that is vocalized in specific words.

2.2 Application of Content Schema in Translating from different aspects

(1)The Schema Correspondence

For instance, Playboy is a famous American brand. It literally refers to a man devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, who is dressed loudly, unaffectedly and fashionably. And the Chinese version of the word “Playboy” is “花花公子”, which stands for a kind of young guys who are well-dressed, wealthy and enthusiastic for pleasures. The schema of the translator corresponds with that of the original language. It is proved that the brand has been a great success in the Chinese market.

(2)The Schema Conflict

Gold lion, a brand of men’s clothing, is very popular, which inspires masculine association: power, strength, courage and popularity. At first, it was translated into “金狮”, which did bring similar association with that of the schema in the western cultures but ignored the Chinese psychology. “金狮” sounds like “尽失” or “金失”, which means the loss of money and total failures. It is regarded as a violation of the cultural taboo in China. Then the ultimate translating version is 金利来, for the ultimate goal of a brand is to make profits and in this version 金 means money and 利 means profits, thus it makes up the deficiency that 金狮 brings.

3. The Strategies of Brand Names Translation

3.1 Preserving and Reinforcing Consumers’ Schema

Cook proposed that the discourse should have the basic function of preserving and reinforcing the readers’ schema (1994).The translated brand names should be attractive and persuasive, taking both language schema and cultural schema into consideration so as to cater consumer’s psychological needs without any violation of cultural taboos. Examples can be seen from the translated version , such as “金利来”, “可口可乐”.

3.2 Refreshing Consumers’ Schema

Bartlett stated that “an organism has somehow to acquire the capacity to turn round upon its own schemata and to construct them afresh. This is a crucial step in organic development.”(1932) Schemata have an active and developing future just like the nature of human society. Consequently, people’s schemata are more or less changing and fresh schemata can be accepted gradually by consumers. Brands “劳力士” for Rolex(famous brand for watch) “路易斯.威登” for “Louis Vuitton”(luxury clothing and bags).


This thesis presents a study of brand name translation on the basis of schema theory in the translation process. With all the analysis and research, by preserving and reinforcing consumers’ schema, refreshing consumers’ schema, the author is convinced that schema theory in the translation process can make a better aid to brand name translating.




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