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1. The temporary shutdown of American government departments have brought about many unintended consequences, in which the cancer patients were treatments.

A. demanded B. denied

C. demonstrated D. abolished

2. Li Yapeng later the news that Faye Wong and he ended their marriage on his micro blog, posting “I wanted a family, but you are a legend!”

A. commanded B. conveyed

C. confirmed D. consulted

3. We can’t his mistakes, which were made because he was too careless with his work.

A. compromise B. condemn

C. tolerate D. transform

4. The new HOPE Elementary School will be constructed this year, and local construction firms have been asked to the work.

A. assign B. manufacture

C. provide D. undertake

5. My drawer is crowded with too many old files and they are just taking up much space, so I’ll have to some of them.

A. resist B. repeat C. remove D. recycle

6. Coca-Cola Company said that its cola recipe is still secret after nearly 125 years, a story by a public radio show that it has uncovered the secret.

A. demanding B. denying

C. abolishing D. representing

7. On the fourth day of the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, hopes of finding more survivors and the number of the dead reached 113 with more than 200 missing.

A. exposed B. improved C. faded D. abolished

8. He played a trick on Jane and he had to apologize by her to a nice lunch.

A. offering B. confirming

C. employing D. treating

9. You see, I want to use the machine for a cup of coffee. But as I have never seen it done before, I don’t know where to my coin.

A. store B. view C. spot D. insert

10. Well, as to when I go to sleep in the night, it , but on weekends I always go to bed late.

A. differs B. changes

C. varies D. distinguishes

11. Research that over 90 percent of high school students are dissatisfied with their academic performance and their test scores.

A. indicates B. introduces

C. dictates D. determines

12. As the case many people, it will be another two weeks before it is brought to court. The police are still looking for more evidence.

A. demands B. urges

C. tolerates D. involves

13. Leaving your car unlocked outside is just trouble.

A. inviting B. drawing

C. resulting D. attracting

14. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may more frequently over the next several centuries as a result of a longer fire season.

A. occur B. spread

C. decrease D. switch

15. The problem is that Man is using up at a great speed resources which have millions of years to and which he cannot renew.

A. cost; use B. taken; accumulate

C. lasted; develop D. accompanied; accomplish

16. When I made a tour at Mount Tai, the beautiful scenery me to write this song. It is all about the impression the scenery made on me.

A. confused B. functioned

C. inspired D. relaxed

17. At the meeting he a sharp question: who should be to blame for the food safety problems?

A. focused B. presented

C. devoted D. represented

18. No matter what your current circumstances are, you should always a strong belief in your ability to succeed, and then put your beliefs to work.

A. maintain B. monitor C. multiply D. evaluate

19. Some education experts the increasingly competitive education system and urged the government to recognize children’s need for more time and space to develop.

A. conducted B. condemned

C. conflicted D. confused

20. A recent survey conducted in Australia that people respond more warmly to colleagues and politicians with names they can easily pronounce.

A. requested B. regulated

C. released D. revealed

21. Looking at old photographs of yourself on social websites can improve your mood, and this finding previous research, which suggested otherwise.

A. consumes B. contradicts

C. confuses D. convert

22. Interested in the program, you can see the procedure of collecting money online.

A. imitated B. illustrated

C. advocated D. associated

23. ―Science and technology are developing so fast.

―Quite right. Modern medical science has helped many diseases.

A. recover B. comfort C. swap D. conquer

24. Jeremy Lin really has his career take off, and his fame is the US. Even President Obama claims he’s one of Jeremy’s fans.

A. clearing B. swinging

C. sweeping D. swelling

25. We are constantly introducing novel schemes and options designed to individual circumstances and the current financial climate.

A. demand B. promote C. match D. suit

26. To ensure that you stay in good health, some light physical activity like walking to the office or riding your bike.

A. undertake B. underline C. unite D. guarantee

27. Years may the skin, but sorrow, fear, self-distrust hurts the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

A. deny B. yawn C. wrinkle D. bend

28. Having stayed up going over his lessons, Tom kept and was in low spirit in the first morning class.

A. yawning B. yelling C. swelling D. swearing

29. In USA, annually the last Thursday of November is “Thanks-giving Day”, on which Americans customally their gratitudes for God’s blessing.

A. voice B. comment C. observe D. shelter

30. It’s only a month since they met online, and the pair are yet to meet, but Mr Mason that Rebecca is the love of his life.

A. circulates B. claims C. acquires D. conveys

31. She may her father facially, but in other respects she’s not at all like him.

A. classify B. prohibit C. resemble D. sacrifice

32. The little girl suffers from a rare eating disorder, and medical treatments are an unbearable burden on her poor family.

A. delivering B. handling

C. impressing D. imposing

33. It’s great fun to see how my kids , when I played a trick on them, saying that I had eaten all their Halloween candies.

A. revealed B. reacted C. restored D. removed

34. I’d like to 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.

A. withdraw B. assume C. distribute D. clarify

35. Officials said that the reason for the large number of trains was the bad weather conditions.

A. contributed B. abolished

C. delayed D. betrayed

36. Considering his contribution to our company, Mr White better treatment than this.

A. observes B. preserves C. pretends D. deserves

37. Dad bought me a nice new iPad for my birthday. It’s so nice that I can’t myself to use it.

A. bring B. take C. put D. advise

38. London bus drivers don’t usually greet the passengers of offer any help when they , so when a bus driver offered me help I felt so grateful.

A. reserve B. boom C. afford D. board

39. Generally on Sundays, I like to be left alone in my backgarden listening to music that , my heart.

A. forces B. polishes C. touches D. reminds

40. It was reported in 2008 that celebrity(名人) mummies had levels of depression in young mothers, making new mothers feel depressed about their own bodies.

A. fit in B. brought in

C. contributed to D. referred to

41. While companies desperately need money to the tough time, investors need to think whether it is reliable to to offer a helping hand under such circumstances.

A. pull through B. pull down

C. pull off D. pull up

42. With so many western companies, banks, and others setting up offices here, our telephone directory cannot and has to be updated every few days.

A. keep back B. keep up

C. take back D. take up

43. The event of milk powder from New Zealand has once again proved that food safety measures should be to make sure that we can have a good quality of life.

A. made up B. called for

C. allowed for D. caught up

44. In recent advertising the LG Group has been leading people to believe the LG , “Life’s Good”, but what it really means is “Lucky-Goldstar”.

A. stands for B. calls for

C. looks for D. applies for

45. Once a child gets lost in playing computer games online, he can hardly his study.

A. turn on B. pass on

C. concentrate on D. depend on

46. As more and more people began to explore a new way of shopping, overseas online purchasing fashion.

A. sinks into B. takes up

C. comes into D. rests upon

47. Buses have routes. They and , people at different places on the routes.

A. take on; get off B. take up; break off

C. pick up; drop off D. check in; drop out

48. Having theses numbers, she was sure there was no mistake with the result.

A. gone over B. gone into

C. gone out D. gone off

49. Honesty is the most important thing. We don’t want to turn people into actors but ,their personality.

A. take on B. bring out

C. pick out D. break down

50. Sadly, their radios were not powerful enough to the German stations broadcasting in English.

A. cut off B. take up C. drop off D. pick up

51. The efforts made by Jackson . He graduated with good grades and got into a top university.

A. paid off B. paid back

C. took off D. took back

52. Now I need lots of time to my thoughts thoroughly because I want to give them a confident report.

A. make out B. figure out

C. leave out D. sort out

53. This journey is a great chance for you to broaden your horizon and will how the earth is formed. We hope you won’t it away.

A. put to use; put B. take advantage of; take

C. throw light on; throw D. keep track of; keep

54. Farming me, and probably other people, because it’s simple and straightforward work outdoors with fruits from my labor.

A. appeals to B. refers to C. falls in D. fits in

55. Children on healthy diets are more intelligent compared with those eating junk food, new research suggests.

A. closed up B. caught up

C. built up D. brought up

56. Having been fighting against the enemy for three days, they wanted to find out how long their food supplies would .

A. knock out B. let out C. hold out D. put out

57. The young pianist named Lang Lang , among the music circle and is well received by the audience.

A. stands out B. makes out

C. picks out D. takes out

58. The driver told the policeman in great detail how the accident happened, with nothing .

A. brought back B. held back

C. put back D. paid back

59. The police have the possibility of anyone being trapped in the house, as the house was vacant when it suddenly because of the rain.

A. ruled out; caved in B. turned out; cut in

C. brought out; set in D. taken out; turned in

60. The race to seek out civilizations around distant stars , as an international group discovered an Earth-like planet in a special zone.

A. cleared up B. warmed up

C. lighted up D. built up

61. The term “babe”, a common word used between couples, has on top of the most hated pet name for women in a new study in England.

A. come across B. come down

C. come out D. come to

62. Even though computer screens don’t , radiation, the stress from staring over long periods of time can cause harm to your vision.

A. give away B. give up C. give in D. give off

63. In the past years, the university has , numerous well-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.

A. turned in B. turned out

C. turned over D. turned up

64. It’s estimated that 143,000 people die every year from lead(铅) poisoning, and lead exposure 600,000 new cases annually of children with intellectual disabilities.

A. gets through B. goes through

C. contributes to D. refers to

65. Under a law that makes bad manners a crime, New York subway police fined more than 7,000 riders last year for putting feet on the seats or too much space.

A. getting on B. taking up

C. applying for D. putting through

66. Mr Liang was disappointed that many students who had signed up for his adventure course at the last moment.

A. left out B. got out

C. passed out D. dropped out

67. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which powerfully our minds and feelings.

A. appeal to B. attend to C. refer to D. adapt to

68. By opening up its largest Asian store in the Wangfujing shopping district, Apple Company is its efforts to expand its presence in China.

A. picking up B. building up

C. bringing up D. clearing up

69. As I am an artist amongst other things, wherever I go I always feel the urge to , the world through color and art.

A. call up B. close up

C. brighten up D. clear up

70. I’ve come to realize that while nobody can go back and start a new beginning, anyone can stop doing the things that have been what they should do.

A. holding back B. holding down

C. putting back D. putting down

71. With great force, the former boxing champion the bank robber and pressed him firmly on the ground.

A. brought down B. took down

C. turned down D. pulled down

72. The ring was nowhere to be found. My husband and I looked everywhere but nothing.

A. turned up B. turned out

C. turned around D. turned in

73. For the last few days choking clouds of pollution have virtually the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin, forcing schools and the airport to close up.

A. held down B. came down

C. broken down D. shut down

74. Mr Hill’s car alarm is always in the middle of the night, which disturbs his neighbor’s sleep greatly.

A. breaking off B. falling off

C. going off D. taking off

75. Seeing that he had been driving for hours, I volunteered to , but he refused my offer.

A. take on B. take up C. take over D. take off

76. It is two months since I came to this community, and I’ve gladly found that I’m beginning to .

A. finish up B. hang out C. let down D. fit in