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摘 要:阿斯克勒庇俄斯作为古希腊的医神,其影响一直延续至今。许多医疗机构、卫生组织和医学院都采用了“蛇绕手杖”的图案作

>> 从《埃勒克特拉》中探析欧里庇得斯戏剧的现代感 打造“天神之杖” 海外并购的“阿克琉斯之踵” 篮球运动阿克琉斯之踵 阿贾克斯老了 汉斯,穿越克勒青河谷 漫谈十大豪门与十大名剑系列之纯钧-阿贾克斯 庇古还是科斯? 阿贾克斯的神话 阿贾克斯,重启星工厂 索福克勒斯“忒拜剧”中的对位与轮回 参孙与赫剌克勒斯神话背后的故事 从《大希庇阿斯》到柏拉图的理念论 《大希庇阿斯》中柏拉图论美的两个阶段 执行,企业战略的“阿克琉斯之踵” 互联网金融的阿克琉斯之踵 邛竹杖之产地新说 “上帝之杖”大起底 盖世英雄赫剌克勒斯 德拉克斯勒青春年少样样红 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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To Explore the Related Issues of “Gang rape”Recognition

XU Miao-xian

(Law school of Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)

Abstract: With the frequent gang rape case in recent years at home and abroad, Such as " india black bus gang rape case" which create a great sensation, "The three man gang rape a woman teacher in Jingde county, "Li gang rape case" etc. Great effect of gang rape to the society become the adverse factors that hinder the social order and stability. The criminal legislation of our country place it on one of the statutory aggravating circumstances of crime of rape to be severely punished. But the circumstances of the judicial application still exist problems. A reflection of legislation are to explore perfect path.

Key words: forcible rape;gang rape;establish mentcondition;joint crime;aggravating circumstances