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Fabulous Fashion for Fall

By Alexandra Jennings


At last, the end of the sweltering summer nears, and relief from the heat and humidity is close at hand. Autumn is nearly here, and I, for one, am celebrating. In my case, that means shopping for a few key pieces to ①spruce up my wardrobe in preparation for the cooler weather. Autumn fashion this year comes with a whole new set of fresh fashion trends to get you inspired, and your credit card worried. This autumn fashion goes unconventionally glamorous - with an emphasis on pretty ladylike themes juxtaposed with traditional man-style cuts and fabrics.


This season, the 80's are making a comeback. Skinny jeans, biker jackets, ruffled ra-ra skirts and leggings were all featured heavily on catwalks.

So for your convenience I've compiled a short list of the most dominant trends this season, to guide you on your way to a fabulous, fashionable autumn.




Red possesses that unique x-factor to really transform any outfit into a show-stopper. Even a smear of red lipstick transforms a plain Jane into a goddess. Red is the colour of passion. It is the epitome of sexy, and an absolute must have this autumn. Just because it is autumn and the weather is turning grey doesn't mean you have to dress head to toe in dull shades of black, grey and brown. Add a little red to your outfit, whether it be a coat, stockings, or the most coveted item this season - a pair of patent, red high heels. This is a sure-fire method of looking fabulous and sexy.




Coats will be everywhere this autumn. The trench coat is the most popular style and is the most glamorous. When shopping for a coat, make sure that the cut and make are good. This way you can be certain that it will last you a couple of seasons, and you will ②get your money's worth.Nothing ruins a good look faster than a low quality, badly made, unflattering coat. When looking for a coat, make sure it is lined and has plenty of pockets. When you try it on, see that it possesses a nice contoured shape that emphasizes your curves, so you don't look like you're wearing a sack. I suggest investing in a crimson trench coat. It adds glamour to any outfit and definitely ③makes a statement.

Fitted corduroy jackets are also a great buy. Try and get one in a bright colour, such as turquoise, orange or rose pink.





The preppy look is another winning look this season. Taking British public schoolgirls as inspiration, wear short pleated skirts in wool blends teamed with crisp white shirts, tartan print v-neck sweaters and fitted blazers. To ④top off the look just add black opaque stockings, flat round-toed shoes and a headband. School girlish but sassy, sexy yet demure. It is certain to get you an A+ in any fashion examination!




One trend that has continued into this autumn is tweed. Last spring essential, the Chanel tweed jacket continues to be essential this season. Not only jackets are in tweed, everything from hats and scarves to pleated skirts and man-style boxy overcoats and trousers are available in tweed. Pair a fitted, tweed blazer with your best pair of dark jeans, or add a tweed baker boy cap to complete your outfit. So hip!




Houndstooth is one of those patterns that, although it tends to come and go in drifts and waves, will forever remain stylish and deserve a place in your wardrobe. Inspired by English country farmers and posh-types at polo tournaments, houndstooth represents the perfectly preppy, traditional man-style trend which is so big this season. Blazers, woolen skirts, hats and scarves all look wonderful in houndstooth, and all add a touch of English country elegance.



Chiffon and Frills

Flaunting your femininity is always fashionable and this season is no exception. Good buys are beaded, slinky camisoles, flirty skirts and ruffled dresses. Although it may be getting cooler outdoors, a hot dinner date or cocktail party always requires something romantic or sexy. This autumn, opt for anything with ribbons, sequins or embroidery. For extra warmth, add a beaded cardigan, or shawl.



Skinny Jeans

I, myself, can't wear them, but if you are stick thin, then skinny jeans are a great buy this season.Levi's have recently released their skinny jeans range, confirming that it is not just a passing trend.When shopping for the perfect pair, ⑤steer clear of lighter colours. Opt for dark shades which are slimming. Be sure to team them with a pair of killer heels so you can elongate your legs and achieve a svelte sex kitten look. Skinny jeans can be teamed with just about anything, but my personal favourite is to team them with a pretty, beaded or sequinned camisole and cardigan. Warning: Do not attempt to wear skinny leg jeans if you are not thin. They are unforgiving to fuller figures.




I am well aware of the power of accessories and their ability to make or break an outfit, so I have kept the best for last. Key accessories this season include chunky scarves, baker-boy style hats, skinny belts, leather gloves, opaque tights and fishnet stockings. All accessories should be bold and make a statement. Jewellery also goes chunky this season with big bangles and extra long earrings proving popular on the red carpet. Red also features heavily in jewellery with various shades of red coral being a popular medium for necklaces and bracelets.

With regards to shoes, anything goes. Popular are knee high boots in brown suede, court shoes, and ballet style flats. Also, as mentioned before, if you find a pair of red patent high heels, buy them!




So there you go. To summarize, 'elegant' and 'stylish' are the two key words this autumn. So be indulgent and dress up. Also don't forget that autumn dressing is all about combining textures. Mix lace and tweed, sequins and fur in any combinations. Remember to smile, it completes any outfit.


sweltering /`swelt9riM/ adj.酷热的

juxtapose /`_7kst9p9uz/ vt.并置;并列

ruffled /`r7fld/ adj.有褶饰边的

legging /`leGiM/ n.(通常用复数)绑腿;裹腿

compile /k9m`pail/ vt.编纂;汇编

catwalk /`k2tw5k/ n.(时装表演时模特走的)T型台

show-stopper n.被长时间的掌声所打断的表演

epitome /i`pit9mi/ n.体现;缩影

covet /`k7vit/ v.垂涎;觊觎

sure-fire /`Hu9fai9(r)/ adj.准不会有错的;一定能达到


line /lain/ vt.加衬

contour /`k4ntu9/ vt.使与轮廓相符

crimson /`krimzn/ adj.深红色的

corduroy /`k5d9r4i/ n.灯芯绒

turquoise /`t8kw3z/ n.绿松石色;青绿色

preppy /prepi/ n.(大学)预科生

crisp /krisp/ adj.(衣服)挺适的

blazer /`bleiz9/ n.运动夹克

opaque /9u`peik/ adj.不透明的

demure /di`mju9/ adj.端庄的

tweed /tw1d/ n.粗花呢

houndstooth /`h=ndzt6F/ n.犬牙织纹

chiffon /`Hif4n/ n.薄纱;薄绸

frill /fril/ n.褶边;褶边饰

svelte /svelt/ adj.苗条的, 体态娇美的

sequin /`s1kwin/ n.&vt.(加)小金属片

chunky /`tH7Mki/ adj.厚实的;矮矮胖胖的

bangle /`b2MGl/ n.手镯

coral /`k4r9l/ n.珊瑚

medium /`m1`dj9m/ n.介质;媒介物

suede /sweid/ n.小山羊皮

① spruce up 打扮整齐

② get one's money's worth 花钱合算

③ make a statement有表现力;创造某种效果

④ top off 结束;完成

⑤ steer clear of 避开;绕开