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Martin Luther King has ever said that: we must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. I believe that what he said is quite true. When something disappointing or something that doesn’t live up to our expectations and very hard for us to deal with

happened1, what we can do is accept the reality, but never give up and lose infinite hope. If we lose hope and in despair2, our life will certainly become dark, since life is a mirror, it will treat you the way in which you treat it3. In spite of the fact that we are painful and sad at times, we are supposed to be filled hope4 and belief5 that all efforts will worthwhile6 and the rainbow must appear after rainstorm.

From my point of view, hardship will pass through7 sooner or later and tomorrow is another day. Beethoven’s story is a case in point. As is know to all, Beethoven is so excellent a musician. But unfortunately, he became deaf when he was young. What a severe strike8 for him who liked music so much! Deaf as he was, he didn’t give up his dream and never surrendered to fate.

Instead, he challenged himself and the disappointing life. At last, he succeeded and became the9 famous musician. It is suggested we should learn from him. No matter how hard the life is, how disappointed we are now, never lose your infinite hope. I firmly hold the view that tomorrow is another day and nothing is impossible.

To sum up, life is not as wonderful as we imagine. When we suffer from the hardships, please accept the finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. Sunny day will come one day! S


章的中心思想:失望挫折都是暂时的,希望永不灭。第一段就围绕这句名言展开,阐述作者的论点。第二段用贝多芬的例子进一步论证了该观点的正确性,最后一段小结。本文结构完整,论证充分,语言比较流畅。本文最值得借鉴之处是它与2011年12月全国大学英语四六级考试的作文命题思路不谋而合,都是根据名人名言来对某一观点展开论述,对考生来说有一定的参考价值。 S

1. 这部分由when引导的时间状语,其主干就是when something happened,作者在其中用了三个并列的成分( disappointing; that doesn’t live up to our expectations; very hard for us to deal with)来修饰这个something,但表达的意思是相似的。在形式上显得冗长而拖沓,结构上虎头蛇尾。建议只保留一个即可。

2. 这个if条件句中,and连接的应该是两个并列成分,既然前一个是动词短语lose hope,后一个也应该是动宾结构,建议在in despair前加上动词sigh,表示在失望中叹息。

3. 本句逗号太多,使得句子结构松散。建议这样修改:If we

lose hope and sigh in despair, our life will certainly become dark. Life is a mirror, and it will treat you the way in which you treat it.

4. filled后面应该加上with,构成短语be filled with sth.,表示充满……。

5. 此处可理解为由and连接的并列谓语,因此应使用动词形式believe。

6. 形容词不能作谓语,因此应在worthwhile前加上系动词be,由be动词+形容词充当谓语动词。

7. pass through意思是“穿过……,通过……”,作者是想说困难终究会过去,考虑改为pass,意为“终止,消失”,表示这个意思时也常与away连用。如:His illness will soon pass away. (他的病很快就会痊愈。)

8. What开头的感叹句基本句式是what+ ( a/ an) + adj. + n. +主语+谓语,因此这里在strike后面加上it is。

9. 此处没有特指含义,应把the改成a。