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By Glynis Gertsch

格琳斯・格尔特斯奇 / 文

夏艺玲 编译


“And then?”

“I helped and we chased all over the place after the papers. When we sat down to get our breath back, he told me he was a student. He was ever so clever. Can’t remember what the devil it was he was studyin’. Somethin’ I’d never heard of then or since.”

“Why didn’t you marry him?”

“Marry him? Good Lord, Leanna, I wasn’t ready to marry and he wasn’t the type I’d have wanted to marry by a long shot.”

“What else did he look like, Mom?”

“Lord, stop the questions, child. Get some sleep.”

She saw my disappointment, however, and said she would write it all down for me. Put it in an envelope to open when she was dead and gone. I was happy with that. On a wet, slick highway, driving to France for a weekend, she was involved in an accident and died instantly. I was twenty-three then and on my own feet but as I sorted through and packed up the belongings in her flat, I felt like a child again. I looked for the envelope but didn’t find one. For a long time after, my mother’s death and not knowing who my father was, made me feel as though I was drifting on a sea without horizons.

One lunchtime I just decided to brave it and ask Malcolm who I reminded him of.

“Met her while I was a student,” he said.

“Was she studying too?”

“Oh, heavens, no. That was what attracted me to her. She was ... so different.”

“What were you like?” I asked.

“Like? Much as I am now. Nose in books, bit of a loner. Not very interesting. Not for a live wire like she was.”

“Go on,” I said.

“She fell pregnant. I was very happy until she told me she didn’t want my help. Thought she’d change her mind, though, as the pregnancy advanced but when I attempted to see her, she told me to leave her be. I was very hurt but accepted her refusal to involve me. A few months later, I took a job I’d been offered in New York. Salary was dreadful but I thought it would be for the best.”

“Was it?” I asked.

“No. When I returned, they’d moved. Left no forwarding address.”


“So you never knew whether it was a boy or ...?”

“A girl?” asked Malcolm.

I nodded.

“A boy,” he said. “Had the approximate date and went to the Registry of Births to look it up.”

I sat there, trying to take in what Malcolm had said. I felt as though I’d been flattened by a truck.

“Somewhere out there I have a child I know nothing about,” Malcolm continued. “I was stupid. Rushed off instead of staying to have a share in my son’s life.”

“I thought perhaps it was a daughter.”

“Beg your pardon?”

“A daughter. Me.”

“You thought I was ... your father?”

“Books, curry, I’m tall. We ... we like the same things.”

“We definitely have things in common but I’m not your father.” He looked at me.

“I’m so sorry to disappoint you, Leanna.” I tried to smile.

“We’re not related but we can be something else.”


“Can’t you think of anything?”

“Uh uh.”



“It’s been staring you in the face for weeks.” Malcolm’s use of that phrase made me burst out laughing.

“Let me in on the joke sometime,” he said.

“Okay,” I said. “Tell you sometime seeing we’re friends.”

Then I smiled. And my smile was as wide and warm as the one he smiled in return.



















“女的?” 麦可牧问。


“是一个男孩。” 麦可牧说,“我有他大概出生的日期,我去出生登记处查过。”


“在世上的某个地方,我有一个儿子,但是我对他却一无所知,” 麦可牧接着说,“我真笨,居然离开他们,而不是留下来陪他们并看着儿子长大。”














“你看我已经观察你好长时间了。” 麦可牧的话让我忍不住大笑起来。



