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摘要 目的 介绍脐孔腔阑尾切除术的科学性、实用性、先进性及微创美容价值。方法采用文献综述的方法。结果 外科学者从盲肠活动度,麦、脐距离测定,预测并实现了盲肠阑尾拉出脐外手术达到了微创美容的目的。通过肚脐的测量,创制了不同型号的脐刀―周氏脐刀,脐镜鞘气囊“碘伏(洗必肽)棉球浸渍换药法”的发明,加快了手术速度,保障了术后肚脐不感染。结论 脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术是完美的微创、美容、科学的结晶,利在人类,启迪来者。

关键词:阑尾炎 肚脐测量 盲肠活动度与麦―脐距离测量 脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术 周氏压痛点 周氏脐刀 脐镜鞘气囊 碘伏棉球浸渍换药法





1.2麦氏点至肚脐的距离[3]。为了了解盲肠起端至肚脐的距离,外科医师们认为:麦氏点、盲肠端、脐中心点,三点构成一直角三角形。在一般情况下,腹壁是贴合在肠道上的,他们把这个距离设定为1cm,麦氏点、盲肠起端、脐中心点,构成一直角三角形。如麦氏点至盲肠起始端为“勾”,那么,麦氏点至脐中心应为“股”,盲肠起始端至脐中心点,应是“弦”,根据勾、股、弦定律。勾(1)2×股2=弦2,因此,麦氏点至脐中心的距离(股)与盲肠至脐中心点的距离(弦)是相近的。故,测量麦―脐距离,就如同测量了盲―脐距离[3],测量325例成人,521例儿童,成人该距离为8-9cm,Mj=5.68778+0.01041age+0.08153weigh cm (F=52.29P<0.0001),(性别和身高没有统计学意义)。儿童为Mj=42.79-2.90sex+1.77weighmm,sex为性别,男=0,女=1,weigh是体重。是故,确证盲肠阑尾可以拉至肚脐(手术)。



2.2周氏脐刀Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet;专家以肚脐脐口各径[4-5]为依据,制造相应型号之脐刀[4],并命名为“周氏脐刀”[1][4][6],使切开脐内右侧皮肤快了800至2000倍。


3.1时至今天,腹腔镜的应用已经普及。但使用腹腔操作镜做手术,尤其是科学、准确、完美、成功、快速的,用操作镜拉盲肠、阑尾至脐外手术,并完成理想包埋,这种手术,即“脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术”Peritoneoscopic Appendectomy through the Umbilicus还很少。



4. 关于trocar及Trocar气囊。

4.1 Trocar,国内翻译为“穿刺鞘”、“气腹针鞘”。这不适用于我们和香港腹腔镜手术第一个孔的层层切开入腹置入之trocar。在“脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术”中,我们译trocar为“腹腔操作镜鞘”,简称“脐镜鞘”。


4.2脐镜鞘气囊,Trocar Umbilicus Balloon


5.脐入路手术的 “脐疝”预防。


5.2预防脐切口感染。由于肚脐是藏于污垢之所,故术者,发明了“碘伏(洗必肽) 棉球浸渍换药法”Chemicaly-Soaked dressing,使术后肚脐持续浸渍[1],造成无菌状态,保障肚脐不感染,有效的进一步预防了“脐疝”的发生。



6.1阑尾炎病人在左侧卧位时,压痛点移位至脐右或脐下1-3cm,说明盲肠活动,很适合做脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术。作者把阑尾炎病人左侧卧位之压痛点叫作“周氏压痛点”Zhou’s tenderness Poit[8-9],凡是周氏压痛点近脐者,说明盲肠活动适合做脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术,如周氏压痛点与麦氏点重合,就说明盲肠不活动,有炎性挛缩、粘连,不适合做该手术。故“周氏压痛点近脐”,是脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术的适应症。



















9.4使用“脐孔腔镜阑尾切除手术包”,除常规器械外,还有特殊“腹壁拉钩”,5/8爱惜康带线针、周氏脐刀、脐镜鞘气囊、消毒脐切口的碘伏棉球、灭菌的石碳酸、酒精、生理盐水、24cm操作镜――阑尾操作镜、33 cm抓钳、分离钳、冲洗吸引管等。










3.成人及儿童盲肠活动度及“麦”―脐距离之测定中华医学实践杂志 006 5(1) 1356




7.郭黎、蒲敏、黄卫等:阑尾炎诊断与治疗的进展[J]西部医学200416(4) 369

8.周家镇、王德荣、任明扬等:“周氏点”对脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术的应用报告[J] 西部医学(J)200517(2):116

9.魏成刚、周家镇、夏全等:“周氏压痛点”403例脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术预测报告[J]中华医学实践杂志(J)20054(11): 1176

10.张晓华、王静:脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术术中配合[J]实用医院临床杂志20063 (1):99

11.谢敏、蒋纯、唐雪梅等:脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术前术后护理[J] 华西医学(J)200621(1):


13.周家镇、王德荣、夏全等:521例肚脐测量报告[J]中华实用医学杂志2006 6(20):2261

The peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus is an operational procedure, which is performed through the umbilicus with the help of the peritoneoscopic exploration to pull the cecum and appendix out of the umbilicus and perform the removal of the diseased appendix. With this approach, the residual end of the appendix can be desirably embedded and the umbilicus can be cosmetologically restored.[1] The absorbable sutures can be used to the hypodermis with no need for the sutures of the epidermis. Thus, there are no incision and needle marks left on the abdomen because the incision is hidden in the right lateral wall in the umbilicus, with perfect minimally-invasive cosmetological features.

This kind of perfect operation is attributed to the inventions of Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet; [4, 5] Trocar Umbilicus Balloon,[6] and the Chemicaly-Soaked Dressing in entizol solution, which were based on the determinations of the cecum activity and the distance between the McBurney's point and the umbilicus. It is also attributed to the following improvements on the peritoneoscope, operational approaches and procedures, definitions for operational indications and contraindications,[7-9] specific requirements for anesthesia,[12] and the nursing before operation, during operation,[11] and after operation.[11]

1. The activity of the cecum

1.1 Observation and determination of the activity of the cecum.In the early 1980’s, the surgeons at the Nanchong Municipal Central Hospital of Sichuan Province occasionally found that the cecum and appendix were located in the patient’s left lower abdomen when they performed sigmoidoscopy or operation on the patient’s left lower abdomen. The conventional appendectomy was performed by pulling the cecum and appendix out of the abdomen so as to remove the diseased appendix and to embed the residual end of the appendix.In the 1990’s, with the wide spread use of the peritoneoscope, these surgeons began to explore and determine the activity of the cecum.[2, 3] They read in Normal Human Anatomy (1961 ed., p.140) that the cecum is about 6-8 cm in length and is mostly covered with the peritoneum; therefore, it is capable of movements. Based on the anatomical determination and thousands of operations, these surgeons found that the activity of the cecum in the adults was in the range of 10-12 cm;[3] and the activity in the children was more than that range.

1.2The distance between the McBurney's point and the umbilicus.[3]In the calculation of the distance between the starting point of the cecum and the umbilicus, the surgeons generally have an idea that the McBurney's point, the starting point of the cecum, and the central point of the umbilicus form a right triangle. In general, Theabdomen wall is attached to the intestine, and therefore their distance is supposed as 1 cm. If the distance between the starting point of the cecum and the umbilicus is regarded as the shorter leg of the right triangle, then the distance between the McBurney's point and the central point of the umbilicus becomes the longer leg of the right triangle and the distance between the starting point of the cecum, and the central point of the umbilicus becomes the hypotenuse. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the shorter leg (1)2 × the longer leg 2 = the hypotenuse 2 . Therefore, the distance between the McBurney's point and the central point of the umbilicus (the longer leg of the right triangle) is almost the same to the distance between the starting point of the cecum, and the central point of the umbilicus (the hypotenuse). The determination of the distance between the McBurney's point and the central point of the umbilicus is equal to the determination of the distance (Mj ) between the starting point of the cecum, and the central point of the umbilicus.[3]The surgeons measured the distance in 325 adults and 521 children and found that the distance in the adults was 8-9 cm,Mj = 5.68778 + 0.01041 age + 0.08153 weight (cm), F = 52.29P < 0.0001. There was no statistical significance in the sex or height. In the children, Mj = 42.79-2.90 sex + 1.77 weight(mm), male = 0,female = 1. Therefore,they confirmed that the cecum and appendix could be pulled out of the umbilicus during operation.

2.Anatomy of the umbilicus and Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet

2.1Anatomy of the umbilicus.[4, 5]The umbilicus is shaped like a round concave pit. The umbilicus appears in a form of creases of the skinned stump of the umbilical cord. Under the surface comes a layer composed of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the fibrous connective tissue. Sometimes the networks of the umbilical vein and the para-umbilical vein are also observed. And next comes the circle-shaped linea alba, umbilical blood vessels, and residual vessels. The most inner layer is the peritoneum. The vagina musculi recti abvdominis is connected on the right and left sides, without any circular muscles. Therefore, the umbilicus does not change in shape or size when the abdomen is expanded or restricted. In this research, the surgeons used plasticence to mold the umbilicus shape, and then measured the depth and the outer and inner diameters of the corresponding molded parts of the umbilicus with the divider and the ruler. [4, 5, 13]

2.2Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet.Based on the corresponding diameters of the umbilicus, [4,5] the researchers designed the umbilicus lancets of different kinds. This kind of umbilicus lancets are named Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet (Figure 1).[1,4, 6]This lancet has increased the incision speed by 800-2000 times when used to incise the right lateral skin in the umbilicus.

3.Operating and improving the peritoneoscope

3.1Application of the peritoneoscope.So far the peritoneoscope has widely been used in clinical practice, but the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus has rarely been seen. This kind of appendectomy can achieve a more scientific, accurate, desirable, successful, and rapid operative result because this kind of appendectomy can pull the cecum and appendix out of the umbilicus so as to accomplish an ideal removal of the diseased appendix and the embedding of the residual appendix.

The incision of the appendectomy was hidden in the right lateral wall of the umbilicus, [1] and a 5/8 curved needle with an absorbable suture thread was used to suture the linea alba and the hypodermis. There were no incision or needle marks left after operation. This appendectomy has more creatively and desirably used the peritoneoscope.

3.2Improvement of the peritoneoscopic manipulation.The peritoneoscope used in foreign countries is 36 cm in length, which requires a 45-cm-long clasper, a separating forceps, and a washing suction tube. This makes the operation difficult to perform. Thus, the surgeon in this research asked the Shanghai Jinbaolong Peritoneoscope Institute to make a special 24-cm-long peritoneoscope for appendectomy (Figure 2), which was used on October 11, 2005 in the Nanchong Municipal Central Hospital of Sichuan Province, with the help of the conventionally-used 33-cm-long clasper, and the washing suction tube. The operation was made much easier by the above equipment.

4. The trocar and the Trocar Umbilicus Balloon

4.1The trocar.The trocar, also called puncture sheath or pneumoperitoneum needle sheath, is not suitable for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus. Therefore, the surgeons in the hospital have improved the trocar and the improved trocar is named Trocar Umbilicus Balloon.

For more convenience in pulling the cecum and appendix out of the umbilicus, the curved incision in the umbilicus should be 10-14 cm in length, so the pneumoperitoneum needle cannot be used.

4.2The Trocar Umbilicus Balloon.The previous peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus has some problems. For example, when the umbilical skin is flaccid, which makes the cutting more difficult, the umbilicus lancet should be used, [1,4,6] and at this time the lancet should be placed in the trocar to form a balloon for an operation. However, the trocar will leak occasionally, which makes the operation not smooth; therefore, the pneumoperitoneum has to be established repeatedly, which is both time-consuming and energy-consuming.

To solve the problem, these surgeons have invented Trocar Umbilicus Balloon (Figure 3), [1, 6] which has solved the leaking problem and has shortened the time for the operation.

Fig.3Trocar Umbilicus Balloon for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus.

5.Prevention against umbilical hernia caused by operation via the umbilicus

5.1Repairing and restoring procedures.The incisions in the umbilicus should be repaired and restored layer by layer. The hypodermis and the subcutaneous tissues should be sutured together and attached to the linea alba so as to form a concave-shaped pit; the linea alba should be repaired and restored by the 5/8 curved needle with an absorbable suture thread, and the suturing should be reliable and the thread can be absorbed after 3 months.

5.2Prevention against infection of the incision.As the umbilicus is a place for dirts hidden, these surgeons have invented Chemicaly-Soaked Dressing in rotersept solution, which can keep the umbilicus soaked with the dressing after operation, effectively preventing infection and avoiding umbilical hernia.

6.Indications for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus

6.1When the appendicitis patient lies in the left lateral position and feels the tenderness shifting to the right side of the umbilicus or 1-3 cm under the umbilicus, this indicates the cecum is overactive and the patient is suitable for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus. The author of this article has named this kind of tenderness point in the left lateral position as Zhou’s Tenderness Point or Zhou’s Point. [8, 9]Whoever has this kind of tenderness point in the left lateral position is suitable for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus because the tenderness indicates an activity of the cecum. If Zhou’s Tenderness Point is overlapped with the McBurney's point, it indicates that the cecum is not overactive and infective spasms or adhesion may exist, and therefore the patient should not undergo the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus. So, the nearness of Zhou’s Tenderness Point to the umbilicus is an indication for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus.

Zhou’s Tenderness Point is the third tenderness point to suggest appendicitis.

6.2The course of disease can be shortened within 72 hours, with no adhesion or mild, if any. The patient still can lie at 45°in the left lateral position, with 15°higher position of the feet than the position of the head on the operating table, which makes the adhesion separation easier so as to have an accomplishment of the operation.

6.3The clasper can easily pull the relatively-long appendix or the appendix in the case of appendicitis occurring in the pelvis out of the umbilicus for the operation.

6.4In the case of perforating appendicitis with peritonitis, the inflammation mainly occurs in the end or body of the appendix, and it is milder in the root part of the appendix; therefore, the clasper can relatively easily pull the root of the appendix out of the umbilicus. The pus accumulated in the abdominal cavity can be washed with entizol solution via the washing suction tube so as to keep a clean operating field.

7.Contraindications for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus

7.1The course of disease is prolonged with serious adhesion.

7.2Appendicitis occurring in the wall of the cecum,[1] and Zhou’s Tenderness Point overlapping the McBurney's point.

7.3Appendicitis occurring behind the cecum, and the psoas test is positive.

7.4Appendicitis accompanied by tumor of the cecum, tuberculosis, ulcerative colonitis or typhoid fever.

7.5Appendicitis accompanied by cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction, retention of carbon dioxide, or the patient unsuitable for pneumoperitoneum.

8.Anesthesia for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus.[10]

8.1Under general anesthesia, the abdomen becomes relaxed and the incision is easily made on the right lateral side of the umbilicus; and the small incision in the umbilicus makes it easy to observe the networks of the umbilical vein, the para-umbilical vein, the umbilical arteries and veins behind the linea alba so that stopping hemorrhage will become easier.

8.2Under general anesthesia, the abdomen becomes relaxed and Trocar Umbilicus Balloon can be inserted with ease, avoiding an injury to the internal organs.

8.3Under general anesthesia, after the inducing of general anesthesia and pneumoperitoneum, the patient is laid at 45°in the left lateral position, with 15°higher position of the feet than the position of the head on the operating table, which makes the adhesion separation easier so as to expose the appendix and cecum and to separate the mild adhesion.

9.Nursing during operation[11]

9.1The fixation is required, which can be achieved by the left hip on a support and the knee oppressed by a belt. When the patient has established pneumoperitoneum, the fixation can still be protected from shaking away during the change of the position.

9.2After the establishment of pneumoperitoneum, the patient is usually laid at 45°in the left lateral position, with 15°higher position of the feet than the position of the head. This position is called the position for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus.

9.3For the patient with purulent appendicitis or perforating appendicitis, the washing suction tube should be attached and entizol solution should be prepared for use.

9.4The operational package for the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicu should be prepared for use, including the routine surgical equipment and some special equipment as well, e.g., special retractor for the abdominal wall, 5/8 curved needle with a suture thread, Zhou’s Umbilicus Lancet, Trocar Umbilicus Balloon, chemically-soaked gauze rolls for sterilizing the umbilical incision, sterilizing carbolic acid, alcohol, normal saline, 24-cm-long peritoneoscope for appendectomy, 33-cm-long clasper, separating forceps, and washing suction tube.

9.5 The monitoring equipment should be protected from damaging. For example, when the 36-cm-long peritoneoscope for appendectomy and the 45-cm-long clasper are used, the monitoring equipment should be placed backwards and be stabilized for fear of being damaged.

10.Nursing before operation[12]

10.1All dirts in the umbilicus should be removed, hairs around the umbilicus should be shaved, and the interior of the cavity and the area around the umbilicus should be sterilized.

10.2Two hours before operation, antibiotics should be used to reduce the severity of infection and prevent the spread of the infection.

10.3Chemically-Soaked Dressing in entizol solution should be kept in use for 3-7 days after operation so as to prevent infection and umbilical hernia.

These surgeons have performed nearly 1000 peritoneoscopic appendectomies through the umbilicus. This research and its clinical application have been performed on a solid foundation and have consisted of discovery, invention, and improvement on the existing peritoneoscopic operations. They have developed preventive measures against the occurrence of umbilical hernia, scientific surgical approaches and procedures, strict requirements for anesthesia, and cooperated nursing cares before, during, and after operation. All these have indicated that this kind of operation is rigorous, scientific, advanced, mature and feasible in design and application, and it is easy to spread in clinical practice. The perfect minimally-invasive cosmetological features will benefit the patients and encourage the related medical professionals to adopt this kind of peritoneoscopic umbilical approach, e.g., in gynecological surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the abdominal cavity, and other surgical operations.


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