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Reflections on “Mass Line” Campaign Among College Student Party Members

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For the purpose of building up the awareness of college student party members,which will promote the practical activities among college students and which is to be of great significance and value to the present campaign,it is a compulsory and urgent task for college students, as an important component of Party members, to reflect and consider the profound significance of “mass line” along with the emengence and development of educational practiccal activities.Apart from that, it is also of great importance for them to make a clear defininition for the role that they play and promote a series of practical campaign led by themselves combing with the particularities that they are possessed with for fear of being isolated by the people.

Key words: College student party members; Implementing “mass line” campaign

XI jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese president, delivers a keynote report during the 18th CPC National Congress which highlights the promotion and education of “mass line” campaign, whose main contents include‘for the people. Down to earth, free from corruption’.“Mass line”, as a vital and significant guideline which has been and always will be upheld and enriched by Chinese citizens, has provided invaluable experience and has made important progress and achievements in contemporary China throughout the past 30-plus years. As the future talents in the development and construction of Communist party, college student Party members have inescapable responsibility and duty to follow the principles and policies carried out by Communist party. This thesis is intended to present a detailed analysis on the following three aspects. Namely, the importance and necessity of implementing “mass line” campaign by college students Party members, the phenomenon of College Student Party members’ divorcing from masses and the measures to solves these problems.


Mass line, as an effective working methodology, can improve the quality of college student Party members; keep the image, purity and progressiveness of them through keeping pace with the practical situation.

1.1 Assuring the Quality of Party Members Through Carrying Out Practical Abilities among Them

For college student party members, what matters is not merely their excellent academic achivements, their free of destroying the positive images of themselves, their timely accomplishment of the tasks given by their teachers and supervisiors; what really matters is their clear and thorough understanding of the essence of party members through serving the others wholeheartedly and selflessly. Concerning this,it is their duty that they should try their best to help their classmates, discovering the potential problems which are meant to hinder the stability of the Party. While at the same time, they should also deal with these problems by themselves or report them to their authorities in time. During leisure time, they should keep close touch with the other people by making the Party’s line, principles and policies known to people all around. Through participating in these activies, They will learn to deal with various kinds of serious emergency through summarizing and refining from their successful experiences, which is sure to be of great significance and value in their later activities. On the other hand, they should also learn from their previous experiences and failure, finding out the reasons which will provide invaluable references for their future development. In this way, their ability of adapting to the new environment will be greatly enhanced, which will lay a solid foundation for their future. Generally speaking, with college student party members’ firm faith to Marxism through their systematic and thorough apprehension of relevant theories, their deep convince to the lines, principles and policies, their active participation in activities, it is deemed to improve the quality of college student Party members and guarantee the steady and healthy development of the CPC.

1.2 Winning the Faith and Support of Students, Maintaining the Images of Parties at Schools

Undoutedly, College student party members are sure to win the support of all the other students because of the important role that they played at schools, which is sure to play an important part in maintaining the images of the school party. To be more specific, all the party members should exert all their efforts to help those people in need through taking part in different kinds of activities. For those students who benefited a lot from these activities, they would be very grateful for party members’ unyielding supports and efforts all the way through. Traditionally speaking, college students are all witnessed as the elites of the society and thus hard to get in touch with. This has led to an invisible gap between ordinary citizens and college student party members. In order to solve these problems, college student party members should be close to the common people initiatively and actively, listen to their voices and truly do something for them. Through a series of effective approaches, not only the college students but ordinary people as well will have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of college student party members. Their affection and trust towards the Chinese Communist Party is sure to be enhanced and will eventually unswervingly support the Party’s principles, lines and policies.

1.3 Strengthening the College Student Party Members’ Consciousness of Following “Mass Line”, Keeping the Purity and Progressiveness of Communist Party

The above-mentioned activities not only led the college student Party members closer to ordinary citizens, but also strengthened their determination of following this line all the way through. This will greatly improve the ability of college student Party members and win the support of ordinary people at the same time. It will also help to keep the purity and progressiveness of college Party members. Nonetheless, although college students has been regarded as a pillar of the society who are responsible for leading the way forward, there are still problems exist. For this reason, the “mass line” campaign among college student Party members should be put into practice, rather than ignored. Through combining the theory with practice, such as helping their classmates with their problems or helping elderly people with their daily lives. That is to say, through taking part in these activities, College student party members will have a clear and deep understanding of what “for the people “truly means. As long as they put the benefits of the people, who has always been the foundation for the party, in the first place, they will always bear in mind the answers to the questions as “who I am”,“who I rely on” and “who I work for” no matter when it is, who they become and where they go. Therefore, This activity is sure to be of great help to College student party members, who remain the vanguard among teenagers, in retaining the purity and progressiveness of college Party members by means of “rigorously disciplining, strictly conducting, strengthening the daily view and remedying mistakes or wrongdoings”.


It goes without saying that College students are the constructors and successors of our country’s socialist construction, who are also likely to be the leading cadres in the future. As an important component of our CPC members, college students has become an indispensible part in building up socialism with Chinese characteristics. Such being the case, Whether college student Party members follow the route or not directly link to the party’s governing capacity. Nevertheless, there are still problems exist in practical activities among college student Party members.

2.1 Part of College Student Party Members’Weak Consciousness That Lead to the Failure of This Activity

Although CPC considers “mass line” as the ultimate importance, there are still problems that exist among college student Party members. On the one hand, they firmly believe that it is the Party members’ obligation to get fully involved into the common citizens. However, it is absolutely impossible for college students, who seldom get the chance to get in touch with the others, to listen to their hardship and tribulations and truly solve the problems for them. Therefore, they made a conclusion that lacking of consciousness make it hard for college student Party members joins the Party wholeheartedly. However, this viewpoint is extremely narrow and limited in that their understandings of “the masses” have been completely uncomprehensive. The masses, in its real sense, distinguish themselves along the same scope with Party members, rather than with students merely. In this sense, there are many common students around the campus who should be closely paid attention to by their Party members counterparts, which can truly be given the name “for the people” in larger extent. Another common mistake among them is their equaling an excellent Party member to remarkable achievement, their free from destroying the image of a Party member, their finishing the task that their teacher sent them. Although the abovementioned aspects determine the life or death in becoming a qualified Party member, they are far from enough. The problem is (Zuo, 2010), what they concerned about is merely their own businesses, rather than the life or study of the other Non-Party-Members, whom are greatly in need of help and be closely paid attention to by Party members, which is also an important component and essence of “mass line”. However, their conscience of actively providing service, positive action and good at discovering are far away enough and remains to be further strengthened and improved.

2.2 Excessive Exaggerating and Practicing Formalism Among College Student Party Members

Needless to say, It goes without saying that tightly connected with and depend on mass has always been mentioned. However, the spiritual essence of “mass line” has never been carried out. They just go through the motion and never take it seriously, which greatly damaged the positive image of the Party. This problem is too serious to ignore. College student Party members, as the representatives of those who have advanced ideas, should actively respond to the call of the Party and earnestly follow the routes, principles and policies made by the party. However, due to their limited awareness of the important roles that they play among the Party, they just regard the “mass line” as a slogan and never bring the spirit of it into full play. This has caused serious consequences of formalism in multitudes of activities that they held. In order to solve this problem, College student Party members should help their classmates around them willingly and actively in daily study and life. Helping them solve their problems in almost all fields. Besides, they should also set a good example and have a clear awareness of the role they play. In a word, it is completely inappropriate for an excellent, promising college student Paty member to treat “mass line” as a slogan. That will surely damage the image of the Party and will hinder the advancement of our party.

2.3 The Absence of a Sound, Legal and LongTerm System That Provides Support and Assurance

A couple of activities are definitely not enough for carrying out the “mass line” among undergraduate communists. Instead, it is they who should find out what the people really need by trying out various approaches and take timely actions to solve those problems that exist. Such being the case, A sound, legal and perfect long-term system should by all means be established so as to solve the underlying problems that had occurred. While the problem is, during this process, the undergraduate communists seldom realize that it’s their obligation or duty to serve ordinary students, especially those who are greatly in need of help. Instead,Their thoughts and actions are predominantly self-directed which caused all things that done by them strongly utilitarian. The reason that caused this serious phenomenon is that a long-term as well as effective system in observing and reviewing them is still in the air. Owing to this, the party organizations only passively finish every activity without taking any experience or successful actions into consideration.


The education and practice of “mass line” among undergraduate communists is a long-term activity which requires an appropriate way that suits the specialty and uniqueness of the students. It aims at helping the undergraduate communists to keep the concept of “mass line” deep in mind. They should take action in daily life and always bear in mind: work for their fellow students, their teachers and community willingly and selflessly.

3.1 Fostering the Idea of “Serving the People”Through Theoretical Education

Undergraduate communists, as the backbone in constructing socialism in China, should firmly believe in communism, Marxism-Leninism and strongly advocate the leading position of the Chinese Communist Party. While according to recent survey, the purity and advancement of the undergraduate communists’thoughts can not be compared with that of the past, which caused their extreme divergence from the people. Therefore, theoretical education of “mass line”, namely, strengthening their conviction, doing away with the grandiose style of work should be put in the first place so as to reshape their behavior. On the other hand, during the learning process, the emphasis should not only be paid on the materialistic dialectics which should be considered as a method rather than a theory. If it could be employed appropriately in practical work, the communists can surely keep close connection with the masses and improve their style of work and become more efficient in performing their duties so as to become public servants with whom the people are satisfied.

3.2 Carrying Out Various Activities and Always Keep Close To The People

The undergraduate communists should always put education in the first place while practicing activities with practical needs based on the uniqueness of the undergraduate communists. Anyway, the practices can be varied according to the different characteristics and personalities of the people.

For one thing, the “mass line” activities that carried out among student members can be put forward as follows. Considering the fact that College Student Communists has not stepped into the society yet, they should make full use of this opportunity to show their talents and abilities. For those Non-Party member College Students, it is their duty and requirement to follow the following aspects. First and foremost, they should help their classmates with their difficulties or troubles in daily study and life willingly and actively. And they may report these problems to the Party organizations immediately suppose they are too difficult for them to handle. Secondly, they should accept others’ criticisms and suggestions with an open mind, learning from others, making arduous efforts so as to become an excellent Chinese citizen. Thirdly, it is a must that they have a deep and clear understanding of the essence of Communist Party through ideological and political work ,actively attaching themselves to the Party so as to make great contribution to the Party in the future. Fourthly, they should get fully involved in the practical activities carried out by party organizations, such as free psychological consolation offered by the college of psychology, which will surely be of great help and benefit for them. On the other hand, on the other hand, practical activities outside the campus should also be frequent carried out. Being the most excellent students with fresh and original thoughts, College Student Communists are not only the representatives of all contemporary students, but also the representatives of the communist party of China. Thus, the activities outside campus should also be closely paid attention to and should be closely associated with undergraduate students’ daily study and life. For example, They could get themselves fully involved into the lives of the ordinary people through delivering speeches or presentation, serving temporary positions, walking into the countryside, various investigative activities, questionnaire survey, art performance, etc. During the process, the data and information could be collected and analyzed so as to help those communists coming up with effective solutions to the difficulties that people are facing.

3.3 Holding Innovative Educational Activity and Enhancing the Effectiveness That Brings

In order to reflect the temporal spirit and the creativeness of the organizers, the practical activity requires innovating ideas, fruitful contents, and reinforced effectiveness to follow. Besides, the activities among College Student Communist Students should be carried out both in and outside the campus. At school, stories of the advanced workers or events can be reported through school newspapers, websites or particular sites. Apart from that, the activities that carried out among undergraduate communists could also be reported and publicize. These activities will not only attract large amount of people to take active participation into the Party, more importantly, these activities can also solve the problems that need to be solved at the earliest time. With the help of these activities, the undergraduate communists’ consciousness of organization as well as their ability of thinking would be greatly enhanced, which would become a rich store of experience and a valuable asset to their later activities.

3.4 Improving the Policy and Mechanism of Practical Activities, Guarantee the Quality of the Activities

The fact that College Student Communists’ lack of consciousness of serving the others is too serious to be neglected. This will not only hinder the political awareness of them as qualified party members, but also defer the realization of a long-term effective policy. The reasons behind this can be summarized as follows. First and foremost, long-range planning and relative policies need to be set up before the activities. Besides, The task and purpose of which must be closely associated with the current direction and trends of the Party. Also, the plan should strictly follow the particularities that College Student Communists are possessed with in order to ensure the success of these activities. What’s more, the incentive mechanism should be carried out during the process. That is, the job involvement and satisfaction of each Communist could be evaluated if it is permitted, and for those who receive most positive feedbacks could get extra bonus or awards. Through this way, the motivation of the participants would be greatly enhanced. In addition to what has been mentioned above, the Communists should carefully summarize or conclude the experiences and beneficial methods from the previous activities in order to distill the universal, long-term and effective factors which could be of great help and value in putting forward the advancement and prosperity of the party. While once it is put into practice, it is inevitable that new problems and setbacks would occur. In order to solve these problems that hinder the development of the party, College Student Communists should have a thorough and deep apprehension of these tips and freely apply them into practice so as to ensure the smooth progress and great success to be achieved.

To sum up, it is an excellent decision and wise choice for Communist members to adopt the “mass line”, for it not only maintained, and forward the successful experiences that we had achieved since revolutionary period, but it also act as an effective approach to the most urgent issues that need to be solved. For this purpose, the undergraduate party members should carry out activities both in and outside the campus, absorbing experiences and drawing lessons from all these activities under the guidance of the spirit of the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC. Provided we have full faith in the masses, give full scope to democracy that practically guarantees the long and steady development of the Chinese Communist Party.


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