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Hew Year's celebrations around the world include foods that many people believe will bring good fortune in the year to come. These beliefs are a kind of folklore1--ideas passed down from one generation to another in a community or country. Whether or not you believe that foods can bring good luck, eating lucky foods from other cultures can add to the fun of ringing in a new year.

China In China, special foods are served because of whattheysymbolize2. Sesame-seed balls--made of red-bean paste, rice flour, dark brown sugar,and sesame (芝麻) seeds--stand for abundance3 and wealth. A common Chinese saying tells why people like to make sesame-seed balls for New Year's celebrations. "As the sesame balls are rolled, the house is filled with silver and gold."

Italy Pork sausages and lentils(滨豆) offer double luck in Italy. The fat, rich sausage is a symbol of plenty. The green, coin-shaped lentils represent money.

United states In the South, people pile their plates with black-eyed peas and collard(羽衣甘蓝) greens. Sometimes the peas are eaten in hoppin' John(豇豆、大米炖咸肉), a dish made with rice. These lucky foods are thought to bring fortune in the year ahead. The peas represent coins, while the greens stand for "folding money."

Greece In Greece, Saint Basil's cake is a New Year's favorite4. The cook sprinkles5 coins and other trinkets(小饰物) into the cake batter(面糊) before baking. Good luck comes to anyone who finds treasure in a slice6 of cake. This special treat has to be eaten very carefully!

Spain The Spanish lucky food tradition began with a grape harvest. One year the harvest was so huge, everyone believed it was a lucky year. Since that year, people eat one grape per chime(报钟声) as the clock strikes midnight. Twelve grapes are gobbled (大口地吃) in all, in hopes of another lucky year.

Japan When the Japanese celebrate the new year, they enjoy foods believed to bring long life. Long soba (荞麦) noodles must be sucked up and eaten without breaking them to ensure a long life. Sticky rice pressed into cakes and eaten in ozoni soup (年糕汤) brings good luck and good health.

Whether they truly bring good luck, riches, or long life, New Year's foods make great traditions!


1.folklore n.民俗,民间传说

2.symbolize vt.象征,标志

3.abundance n. 富有,富裕

4.favorite n.特别受喜爱的人(或物)

5.sprinkle vt.把…星星点点地分布,点缀

6.slice n.(切下的)薄片,部分


中国 中国的新年特别食物是根据它们的象征意义而准备的。麻圆(由红豆沙、米粉、红糖和芝麻做成)象征富足和财富,一则人们熟知的民间说法告诉人们为什么要用麻球作为新年食物,“麻圆一滚,金银财宝塞满屋。”。

意大利 在意大利,猪肉香肠和滨豆能带来双重好运。肥而油腻的香肠象征富足,绿色的钱币状滨豆代表金钱。

美国 在美国南方,人们将黑眉豌豆和羽衣甘蓝堆满盘中。有时豌豆也与豇豆、大米炖咸肉这道菜一起吃。人们认为这些幸运食物能给新年带来好运,豌豆代表钱币,而绿色代表“一叠叠的美钞”。


西班牙 西班牙的幸运食物习俗源自葡萄丰收。有一年葡萄大丰收,人们就认为这一年是好运年。从那以后,每当新年午夜钟声开始敲响,每一声钟响人们吃一颗葡萄,12颗葡萄一口气吃完以祈求来年12个月的好运。

日本 日本人庆祝新年吃的是祈求长寿的食物。长长的荞麦面必须一口气吃下去,不能折断,以此来祈求长寿。糯米打成的糕饼放在年糕汤里吃,会带来幸运和健康。
