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“You’re 1)cruising where? The Caribbean?” “No mom,” I reply again into the phone. “Quebec, Canada. You know, that huge French-speaking province in the north.” “I didn’t know you could cruise in Quebec,”she replies. “What a great way to see Montreal!” A good way indeed. Due to the deep, wide waters of the St. Lawrence River, cruise ships can reach far into eastern North America to Montreal and other ports of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Cruise ships offer an easy way to see a lot of Canada with little effort. We’ve chosen a seven-day Holland America Line cruise, and the comfortable fall weather is the perfect backdrop for such a journey.


Our cruise starts in Montreal, and my family and I have spent the day exploring the capital of Frenchspeaking Canada. Though it’s my first visit to the city, already I’m 2)smitten. Montreal is clean and 3)stunningly beautiful. This city of 1.6 million is very modern, yet it’s obvious that they 4)cherish their historic roots. That European 5)heritage is still alive and well in Old Montreal.

With its 6)cobblestone streets, historic 7)architecture and 8)patio-lined 9)alleyways, Old Montreal has the feel of Paris. Only this is much, much better, for I’m surrounded by Canadians. Everyone we meet is friendly and welcoming. French speaking or not, the majority of Montrealers are 10)bilingual, and communication is no problem.

The early fall weather is beautiful, so we head over to the 11)Quays of the Old Port for a picnic lunch. The harbor front is filled with bikers, 12)pedestrians and people out 13)soaking up the sun.

Further out, we can see our ship, the 14)MS Maasdam, waiting patiently for us.





Our cruise will take us to some of the top port towns in Eastern Canada. We’ll stop in Quebec City, at Prince Edward Island, in Sydney and Halifax, Nova Scotia, and then end our journey in Bar Harbor, Maine. Canada is a large country, and driving to these places would take days, while flying to these cities would cost a fortune. But cruising makes it easy. We see the best of each 15)destination, and then 16)hop onboard to be wined and dined while we sail to the next location—travel doesn’t get much easier than that.

Though 17)shore time in each port is short, we 18)cram in a lot of sightseeing. In Montreal, we spend an hour exploring the Montreal Biodome, a nature center that allows visitors to walk through 19)replicas of four 20)ecosystems found in the Americas.

Then we stop for a famous Montreal 21)bagel at Saint-Viateur Bagel & Café. This local favorite has been serving up oven-baked bagels since 1957. However, my two favorite stops are the Atwater Market and the Underground City.

The Atwater is a farmers’ market located in the Saint-Henri neighborhood. Established in 1933, the market is filled with 22)bakeries, butchers, and specialty cheese, wine and 23)produce shops. The folks in Montreal love fine dining—and it shows. I find food items at the market that I’ve never seen elsewhere.





The Underground City is also filled with life. Some 20 miles of connecting passageways 24)wind beneath the city, filled with restaurants, stores, and professional offices. The whole thing has the feel of a huge mall, and it’s easy to get lost. The Underground City is especially wonderful in the winter, when temperatures average below zero. You can do just about everything in the Underground City.

We could spend a whole week here in Montreal. But it’s time to 25)board our ship and begin our cruise adventure. Tonight we’ll relax on board with an excellent dinner, and then have a restful night in our 26)cabin. Tomorrow, we’ll wake up in Quebec City for a whole new adventure.

Ah, Canada. What’s there not to love?




Top Port Adventures

We’d love to write a whole article on each port city, but here are our favorite “Must-Do” activities for each location.



Quebec City

There’s no need to buy a shore

27)excursion in Quebec City. You can spend hours on your own just wandering around the cobblestone streets, churches and shops near the port. Quebec City is the closest you can get to the feel of Europe on this side of the Atlantic. Take the 28)funicular to the top of the mountain, where you’ll find more charming alleyways and gorgeous architecture.

Sydney, Nova Scotia

Step back in time at the 29)Fortress of Louisbourg. Carefully restored to its original appearance, the fortress recalls the relationship between France and the American 30)colonies, and portrays life in 1744. 31)Period-costumed 32)interpreters share details of life in those days. The fortress is now part of Parks Canada.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Duncan’s 33)Cove is the 34)picturesque cove that you’ve seen on so many postcards. The tiny village is located 30 miles from Halifax. After time in the shops and walking the seashore, enjoy a yummy lobster lunch.




