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双语 第7期

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The cover article in the issue of June 20th Time, Vol.177 No.25, What Recovery? The Five Myths About the U.S. Economy, mentions that stimulus-induced recovery hasn't overcome the structural challenges to large-scale job creation, and at the current rate of growth and job creation, the US would maybe get halfway to a healthy 5% unemployment rate by 2020 and jobs in these firms that did contribute to job growth are lower paid and lower skilled than those that were outsourced. At the end of the article, it says How the US deals with the longer-range crisis ― the crisis of growth and unemployment ― will define our economic future for not just the next few quarters but the next few decades


The article with the title saying Militants Press on in South Yemen, on June 13rd, 2011, mentioned that. Islamist extremists, many suspected of links to al-Qaeda, are engaged in an intensifying struggle against government forces for control of southern Yemen, taking advantage of a growing power vacuum to create a stronghold near vital oil-shipping lanes. U.S. and Yemeni officials worry that a loss of government control in the south could further destabilize this strategic Middle Eastern nation, already gripped by political paralysis, violent conflicts and fears of collapse.

.2011年6月13日的华盛顿邮报刊登一篇名为《激进分子在也门南部奋力前进》的文章称, 被怀疑与有联系的伊斯兰极端主义分子,正利用也门的权力真空在靠近十分重要的石油运输线附近建立了大本营,以此与也门政府军争夺也门南部地区。美国和也门的官员担心,也门政府一旦失去对也门南部地区的控制,这将进一步使这一早就饱受政治僵局、暴力冲突困扰,处于崩溃边缘,具有战略意义的中东国家陷入内乱。