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“Unit 11 How was your school trip?Period 1(Section A 1a—2d)”教学设计及反思

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1. 语言知识目标:

学习课文中的重点词汇milk, cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, farmer, anything, grow, pick, excellent, country等,达到听、说、读、写四会;掌握并熟练运用be动词was/ were的一般过去时。

2. 语言技能目标:

学会用was/ were及实意动词描述过去发生的事情;学会写电子邮件;能积极思考,结合自己的生活实际,描述自己的爱好。



难点:一般过去时的运用; 不规则动词的过去式的使用。

四、教学方法 任务型教学法

五、教学手段 多媒体辅助教学

六、评价方法 英语形成性评价


Step 1 :Warming up

Ask students about what they usually do on weekends.

Model: T: how is your weekend?

S: It’s great/ terrible, good, OK. / Not bad.

T: What do you usually do on weekends?

S: I usually play soccer / do my homework /

clean my room...

T: How about your friend?

S: She / He usually stays at home and watch TV.

Step 2: Presenting

1. Make a list of the verb phrases students said just now on the blackboard.

For example: play soccer, do my homework, clean my room, stay at home, watch TV...

2. Go on asking students: What did you do last weekend?How was your last weekend?

Help students answer, using the past tense of the verbs.

Pay attention to the change of verbs’ form.

watch TV...watched TV,play soccer...played soccer

do homework...did homework,go to the beach ...went to the beach...

am / is /... was, are...were

Model: T: What did you do last weekend?

S: I played soccer and did homework.


Step 3: Practicing

Activity 1

1. Students ask and answer in pairs about their last weekend in the same way.

2. Check some pairs.

Activity 2

1.Point to the pictures(in the screen)in 1a and ask students to tell what they see. Name each activity and repeat in the past tense. At the same time, teach new words and phrases.

2. Ask students to match each activity with one of the pictures.

3. Check the answers.

1.e 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.f 6.d

4. Students read the phrases aloud.

Activity 3

(a)Students work in pairs to ask and answer about what the girl in 1a did on different days.

Model: A: What did Carol do in Picture a?

B: She rode a horse.

A: What did she do in Picture b?

B: She milked a cow.

(b)Check some pairs.


Step 4: Listening(1b)

1. Point to the activities in the picture in 1a. Ask students to listen carefully.

2. Before 1b,reminds students that they are only listening for the things that Carol “did” do.

3. Play the recording. Students listen and circle the answers.

4. Check the answers.


Step 5: Pairworks about Carol’s school trip(1c)

设计说明:学生在1a和1b的学习之后,利用本环节的问答练习进行所学知识的巩固和运用。采用one by one的形式可加大学生的练习效果。

Step 6: Listening (2a,2b)

1. Point to the 8 sentences and ask students to read them aloud.

2. Play the recording the first time, students only listen for the questions.

3. Check the answers.

4. Play the recording the second time, students listen and circle T for true or F for false.

5. Check the answers. 1.T 2.T 3. T 4.F 5.T

6. Have students read and answer the five statements in 2b in pairs.


Step 7: Pairwork (2c)

Activity 1

1.Students read the phrases in the box in 2c.

Activity 2

1.Students ask and answer the question by themselves about the conversation.

2. Practice it in pairs.


Step 8: Role- play the conversation (2d

1. Play the recording and students read the conversation after it together.

2. Role-play the conversation in pairs.

3. Introuduce something about the school trip in the western.


Step 9: Homework

Make a survey about what their friends or their parents did in their school trip. You can do it by using words and phrases in the peroiod.







开篇对日常生活的现在时(usually)的问答,使学生很容易走进英语课堂,投入到学习的状态,动词短语的呈现直观。过去时(last week)的对比教学在教师的示范下引出,并突出动词的词形变化。接下来的ask and answer的小对话的反复练习使知识点突出,明确。




1.在现在时向过去时的转换学习时,be动词和实意动词的形式的变化须从大量的对话练习中进行学习和掌握,综合本节课的设计来看,学生练习和活动的量还是不够,教学中对话式的核心语法的学习练习活动可采用one-by-one或in paris形式会加大学生的活动面和学习效果。
