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英国问答 第10期

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Neil: Careful Jean, don’t walk under that


Jean: Why not?

Neil: Because it’s bad luck!

Jean: Bad luck?

Neil: Yes, in Britain some people say it’s bad luck to walk under a ladder. It’s a superstition[迷信]. A person who believes in superstitions is called superstitious.

Jean: Are you superstitious, Neil?

Neil: A little yes. Actually we got an email about superstitions.

Jean: Oh really?

Neil: Yes, Kathy in Hong Kong wants to know why people think the number 13 is unlucky, especially Friday the 13th.

Jean: That’s an interesting question.

Neil: Here’s an expert on superstitions.

Many people are scared of it really going back to the Last Supper. It’s said that as there are 13 people around the table, and Jesus was crucified[在十字架上钉死] on the Friday. That’s where people believe it originates from.


Neil: That’s where the superstition

originates from. So, people have thought the number 13 is bad luck, and Friday the 13th is even worse for about 2,000 years. Listen again.

Many people are scared of it really going back to the Last Supper. It’s said that as there are 13 people around the table, and Jesus was crucified on the Friday. That’s where people believe it originates from.

Neil: Did you know that lots of tall buildings don’t have a 13th floor? It just goes from the 12th to the 14th.

Jean: It’s the same in China but the unlucky number is four.

Neil: Oh, really?

Jean: Yeah, four is really bad.

Neil: No, four’s fine!

Jean: Maybe for you! So, is everyone scared of Friday the 13th?

Neil: No, lots of people think it’s just

nonsense[胡说]. There’s a place called the York Dungeon注 where they laugh in the face of

superstition. They celebrate Friday the 13th and they challenge their visitors to tempt fate[冒险]. Listen to this reporter:

Here at York Dungeon, they laugh in the face of superstition, and today they were celebrating Friday the 13th by challenging their visitors to tempt fate.


Neil: They tempt fate by getting visitors to do things which, if they are superstitious, will bring them bad luck.

Neil: See if you can hear what the first

challenge is, Jean.

Jean: Okay.

A: Right, Bernie, so what’s the first challenge?

B: First challenge today is smashing a mirror, which would signify[表示] seven years’ bad luck.

A: Okay.

Neil: Did you get that?

Jean: Something about a mirror.

Neil: Yes, smashing a mirror. And what

happens if you smash a mirror?

Jean: I heard something about seven years’ bad luck. Can that be true?

Neil: Yes, I’m afraid so. We say that if you break a mirror it will bring you seven years’ bad luck, or it signifies seven years’ bad luck. So be careful next time you’re in the bathroom, Jean.

Jean: I will be. Have you ever broken a

mirror, Neil?

Neil: I think I’ve broken about five. I have about 35 years’ bad luck.

Jean: You are superstitious really, aren’t you?

Neil: Well, that’s all we have time for today in Ask About Britain. Bye.
