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金手指 第6期

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Long ago there lived a young man whose name is Hao Yin. One day he was walking in the street in his town where he saw an old man asking for money. Many people walked past the old man but did not give him anything. Once Hao Yin saw the old man he went up to him.

"I haven't very much money, "he said. "But I would like to give you what I have. "

The old man took the money. "In this world, "he told Hao Yin, "we must help each other. Here is something for you." And he gave him a small green melon.

At home Hao Yin cut it open and he found in the melon, there was only one seed. He picked up the seed and his finger changed into the color of gold suddenly. He walked to the town to find the old man again.

The man told Hao Yin, "With your golden finger, you must always help those who are poor." Hao Yin thanked the old man and went home. On his way, he saw an old woman who was crying.

"What's wrong?" asked Hao Yin.

"For three days I have had a bad tooth," she said. "I cannot eat nor can I sleep." Hao Yin went to the old woman and touched her face with his golden finger. Immediately she stopped crying.

And that evening the old woman came to Hao Yin's house and brought him twelve eggs and chickens. Soon people came from all over the country to be made well and Hao Yin never asked for money. But they brought him fish or meat, wine or flowers to show their thanks.

Then one dayHao Yin thought to himself, "Why shouldn't I take money from rich people? In this way, I could become the richest man in this country." And so from that day on he only helped the rich not the poor. Soon he became very rich.

One evening, as Hao Yin was sitting at home counting his pieces of gold, an old man came to him, asking for help because he could not see. Hao Yin looked at him and asked, "How much money do you have?"

"I have no money," the old man replied.

"Go away then! I can't help you." Hao Yin said.

The old man said disappointedly, "You don't remember me, but I remember you. I am the beggar who made you have a golden finger. I told you then that you must use your golden finger to make sick people well again and that you must always help the poor. You have forgotten my words and now I must teach you a lesson."

The old man went away. All the pieces of gold became dust and his golden finger disappeared in an instance.













