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The Study on College Student Psychological Health Education for Harmonious Socie

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Abstract: This paper expounds the connotation of the harmonious society, and puts forward the construction of harmonious society is inseparable, college students' psychological health education. And then expounds the meaning of the harmonious society. Finally it especially analyses improve mental health education of important significance for college students and education measures to solve the college students' psychological problems.

Key words: college student; psychological health education; harmonious society


The harmonious society is a new culture mode is a check and balance is more and more obvious to the gap between rich and poor, the more serious the social conflicts. It is not only a kind of solving social imbalance, chaos of the crisis, conflict and confrontation, but to create a new moral integration of different people market economy environment. The essence of the construction of socialist harmonious society is the ideal mode of the Chinese people's recasting of the leadership of the communist party of China construction in the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary hu jintao pointed out that achieve social harmony, build fine society, is always human philosophy of social ideal. It is also a social ideal Marxist political party unremitting pursue including the communist party of China. According to the fundamental principles of Marxism and the practice of socialist construction experience, to China's economic and social development of the new requirements, our country in the new century, the new trends and characteristics of the existing in the society, to construct a socialist harmonious society is a society where should is the human and the nature harmonious get along with democracy and the rule of law, justice and fairness, honesty, energy, stability and order. Democracy and the rule of law means to give full play to the socialist construction of democracy, the implementation of the basic rule of solid strategy and widely mobilize social from all walks of life positive factors. Justice and equality means proper harmonious relation between the parties all fields, correctly deal with the contradictions among the people and other social contradictions, safeguarding and realizing social equity and justice. Sincerity love and help each other and honesty is refers to the social and an equal, friendly, harmony of the individual. Energy means that all the composing desire to the progress of the society is respect, creative activities support, creative talents display and creative achievements are confirmed. Stability and order means a healthy social organization, perfect social management, good social order, and a peaceful people's life and a stable and united society. In the human and the nature harmonious coexistence means production and development of the life rich, good ecological environment of assurance. These characteristics are connected with each other and influence each other with another person, need a complete control and the embodiment of process completed construction of a well-to-do society.

Therefore, the harmonious society is the dialectical unity of the harmony of man and society, man and nature. Only the all-round development of human beings, the people, and the social economic and political culture and consistent, coordinated and sustainable development, and to realize people and nature we can achieve the whole harmonious society, namely harmonious society. The harmonious society is seeking the harmony of man and nature. At the same time, it should focus on the pursuit of harmony of man himself, interpersonal relationship, man and society. The harmony of human and harmonious interpersonal relationship, the harmonious society and harmony of man, and man and nature is four giant harmonious societies.


Health is the most basic human needs. It is everyone's wish. Average person can answer what is healthy, but few people are aware of its competitive idea. Today, medical researchers and sociology accepted definition define the world health organization health, disease. Health is not just a free state of disease or injury. It also means that a healthy state of mind of biology, psychology and social relations. According to this definition, bag, if a person's health, we should at least three aspects of the human body, spirit and social environment. Health in the above three aspects is a whole health [1].

Psychological harmony reflects people's psychological health. Mental health is the foundation of the harmonious. The world health organization believes that spirit "mental health is one of the best of the psychological development of range of others don't conflict for mental health body, intelligence and emotional". Special symbols including: a very harmonious state physical, mental and emotional aspects; To adapt to the social relations as dies, have happiness; And efficient professional life to full play to one's ability. Therefore, mental health is to feel inside the mind experience stability, subjective well-being of the value and significance of achievement. Psychological harmony, not only reflects their harmonious, but people and social harmony reflect the human and the nature harmonious. It also reflects the needs of material, the relationship between the spirit and social needs of mankind. It reflects the personal psychological harmonious relationships and society as a whole. Human psychological harmony covers more extensive, and more thoroughly. An important sign of mental health is self harmonious this means that a good balance, in their knowledge, adjusts, self development for personal and career. First of all, should represent physical health and harmonious life energy, in order to achieve the intrinsic harmonious and unified psychological environment is proposed as cognition, personality, mood, emotion, will, and behavior. The key is "adjust itself". The second is the people's harmonious and matters needing attention; this means that unity of knowledge, ability and interest, language and behavior and ways of doing things. A positive, calm, and appropriately and optimistic attitude should be kept. A person should be able to "work". Third, this is interpersonal harmony. It refers to the positive active communication and communication, in the proper, tacit understanding human relations. A person should be good at "as a man". There are many individual self harmonious influence factors, such as spirit pursuit, the demand level, thinking mode, character and behavior patterns. In addition to the objective cause form, harmonious also depends on a person's ability to adapt and adjust ability. Mental health is basically the same psychological harmony. Mental health psychological harmony is not divided. Psychological harmony is the symbol of mental health. Only improve mental health can promote mental harmony. Psychological harmony is an important part of the education of overall quality education, also is a kind of important content in the school mental health education. Make a mental harmonious campus full of vitality, vigor, stability and order and order. Development and mould harmonious talents can promote the development of various education work and coexistence and social development and natural. University has entered into a special stage of development of the coexistence of "gold development period" and "outstanding contradictions period". The strengthening psychological harmony and the construction of a harmonious campus has become a topic, must pay attention to [3].


The so-called college students' psychological health education is to point to psychological help and guide students through some ways and methods to develop their psychological state of direction, so their enthusiasm and healthy psychological ability, social adaptation, the mental state can be harmonious development.

Core of the concept of scientific development is "people-oriented" overall economic and social development. To realize the all-round development of economic society must be based on the comprehensive development of man. The future competition is the talented person's competition development and human psychological ability to competition. It play a crucial role in cultivating the students' positive attitude to life and indomitable will, improve their social adapt to the competitive environment, the formation of ambitious personal psychological quality, promote the development in an all-round way and coordinate the psychological quality, thought quality, cultural quality, professional quality and physical quality, improve mental health education of college students.

An all-round development of man is the basic purpose of socialist education. An important period of college students, form their values and the view of the world. They are also in an important period of comprehensive personal development. Mental health is the necessary key indicators, the comprehensive development. Therefore, we must promote the comprehensive development of students, improve the quality education, and strengthen the education of the university students' psychological health of students. Constructing harmonious society is an important task of CPC put forward the general target, considering the total construction of well-off society of the opening of the new period of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We are building socialism harmonious society's democracy and the rule of law, justice and fairness, honesty, energy, stability and order, the human and the nature harmonious coexistence. The foundation of the harmonious society is a harmonious interpersonal relationship. Therefore, we must strengthen the education of the university students' psychological health in order to lay a foundation, the construction of socialist harmonious society.

Because of the complexity of the present international situation and the growing independence, selection, variety and diversity, people thinking activity brings the domestic social economic development, the ideological and political education drab guidance can no longer meet the requirements of our times. Form of practice, mental health education provided a lot of ideological and political education measures. It plays an important role in college students' ideological and eradicating the wrong psychology, because the psychological quality and ideological quality of college students are interlinked, to promote each other. The good thought quality will promote the forming of a healthy psychology. And a healthy psychological will make the ideological and political education produced a good effect. In face of the new situation, the new duty, we must make the students' mental health education in college students' ideological and political education to strengthen pertinence and effectiveness of improve college students' ideological and political education method.

People's psychological quality is not natural. Instead, they rely on get education and training. So education plays a decisive role in improving the psychological quality.

College psychological consultation is an important way to improve mental health and optimization of the university students' psychological quality. This is also one of the important part of, the psychological quality education. With the passage of time, the psychological consultation is admitted and accepts more and more people to accept. More and more university and even high school set up the psychological consultation institutions. Counseling is to guide students to reduce internal contradictions and conflicts, draining the inner anxiety and the development of their physical and mental potential. It also help students know themselves and control their own better adapt to the external environment is more effective. In recent years, the psychological consultation organization also has a great improvement in providing various kinds of service provided. They have become the most effective way for college students' mental quality education.

The premise of developing psychological quality education is to understand the state of students' psychological quality so as to propose educational measures and programs pertinently. Our college carries out psychological health census each year to freshmen. We sort out students with psychological symptoms form "psychological health questionnaires" and invite these students to come to the psychological counseling center for further interviews of analysis and diagnosis. There are about 10% freshmen each year to be invited for an interview. Through interviews and analysis, we adopt different handling measures to different problem types and degrees. It is never too early to prevent. By finding out psychological problems as early as possible and intervening in time, we secure the students to get specific psychological health instruction at the beginning of their college life.

Psychological quality education for in the subject teaching is not only a kind of methods of implementation of the college psychological education, but a necessary requirement for the development of each subject teaching. As long as a teacher to care for students' psychological needs, stimulate students' interest in learning, exploring education significance of in-depth knowledge of the knowledge in the teaching process in, he can put the knowledge, experience and skills of human history into his own spiritual wealth, and how to further transformation for the students' thought, values and good psychological quality, can be rooted in a long time.

Improve psychological quality can't get away from the corresponding knowledge master. A systematic learning psychology, health and health, can help students to understand the psychological development law, the state of psychological adjustment methods, improve self education ability. Psychological quality education depends on the influence of the students' activeness and enthusiasm self education to a great extent. All in all, it relies on a standard of the students' self education ability. Therefore, the psychological quality education must focus on the development of students' self education ability.

Growth of college students can't from a healthy psychological social environment. And the development of college students' psychological quality is not divided a good campus cultural atmosphere. The climate is not only the school is an important part in the construction of campus culture, but an important condition to influence the students' psychological development. A good school climate is a leaven of optimizing students' psychological quality. For example, the unity of the school environment and friendly is soil growth group cohesion and the collective sense of honor, be beneficial to the harmony between the people of interpersonal relationship, promote the mutual exchanges between students and aid. Rich and colorful campus cultural activities committed to the development of optimistic attitude towards life and healthy and happy mood. Therefore, the university should be in working to build the construction of campus culture. We should carry out various kinds of cultural activities and academic activities form healthy and positive atmosphere and a relaxed and understand the environment, can help students to deepen their knowledge, give full play to the personality and to improve the ability to adapt.


[1] Chief Editors,Ni Yahong,Yang Xuehua.A course of psychological health of college students[M]. Southeast University Pressing House, 2010.

[2] Fn Mumin.study on psychological health education of college students[M]. Tsinghua University Pressing House,2009.

[3] Ma Jianqing.Mental health and mental counseling forum[M]. Zhejiang University Pressing House,2004.