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The Fox and the Tiger

One morning, when sun was rising(升起)in the sky(天空)and the birds were singing in the trees, a fox(狐狸)went into the forest(森林). He was so hungry that he came out to look for some food. Suddenly(突然), a tiger stood before him. The tiget saida, ha, I looking for something to eat, you come to me as my breakfast. I sorry, I must eat you.?The fox was surprised(惊慌的)at first, then he said, o you know who I am?The tiger said,the fox. I the king(皇帝,大王)of the forest,?the fox said.

cannot be so. I's the king of the forest, all the animals are afraid(害怕)of me ,the tiger said.

ell, The fox said, go together(一块儿)and surely I walk in front of you .you may walk behind me. Youl find all the animals and birds are afraid of me. Theyl run away or fly away the moment they see me.OK, let's go,The tiger said.


1 Why did the fox go into the forest on morning?

2 What was the tiger going to do when he met the fox?

3 What did the fox say to the tiger?

4 Did the tiger believe the fox ?

5 Do you know what the fox and the tiger were going to do?

The fox and the tiger walked together: the fox walked with his head high before the tiger, while the tiger walked with his eyes wide(张大的)after the fox. They walked like this from place to place. When the monkeys saw them, they climbed up into the trees; when the pandas saw them, they ran back home and closed their doors; When the birds saw them, they flew away; when the cats and dogs saw them ,they ran away at once--

The fox turned round(转过身)and said to the tiger, Look! They are all afraid of me . You walked behind me all the time, you saw all the animals fleeing(逃跑), no one dared(敢)to be around. They are afraid of me because I am their king. How dare(怎么敢)you eat me??The tiger said, sorry, Mr. Fox. It very kind of you to let me know that you are the king of the forest, I was quite wrong. I should show my respect(尊敬)to you ,bye-bye.?After the tiger walked away, the fox ran home without(没有)stopping.


1 Please describe the way the fox and the tiger walked.

2 What did the animals do when they saw the fox and the tiger?

3 What did the fox say to the tiger?

4 Why did the fox run home without stopping?

5 Who do you think was the king of the forest?Why?











