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There are few things in this life more difficult to experience than the loss of one’s child. Jim Wallis tells about a 1 and terrifying incident that happened during the terrible war in Sarajevo not many years back. A reporter who was 2 the violence in the city saw a little girl 3 on the street.

The reporter 4 to the aid of a man who was now 5 the child. He helped them both into his car and sped off to a 6 .

“Hurry, my friend,” the man urged. “My child is still alive.” A moment or two later he begged, “Hurry, my friend. My child is still 7 .”

When they got to the hospital, the young girl was 8 . “This is a terrible task for me,” the troubled man said 9 to the reporter. “I must go and tell her father that his child is dead. He will be heartbroken.”

The reporter was 10 . He looked at the sad man and said, “I thought she was your child.” The man replied, “No, but aren’t they all our 11 ?”

I think that is one of the 12 questions of our age—a question that 13 an answer. To say they are not all our children is to put the 14 to more struggle—family against family, 15 against group, nation against nation. 16 we say yes, how can we ever again have them fight against each other?

“If we have no 17 ,” said Mother Teresa, “ it is because we have 18 that we belong to each other.”

There may be no greater 19 for our generation. And how we answer that question will 20 the shape of our world for years to come.

Whenever you go, remember that we belong to the united family.

1. A. happy B. safe C. sad D. strange

2. A. clearing B. reporting C. stopping D. repeating

3. A. shot B. treated C. trapped D. knocked

4. A. walked B. jumped C. moved D. rushed

5. A. feeding B. receiving C. holding D. calling

6. A. hospital B. station C. school D. shop

7. A. running B. begging C. singing D. breathing

8. A. hurt B. accepted C. gone D. lost

9. A. angrily B. sadly C. carefully D. calmly

10. A. worried B. tired C. amazed D. amused

11. A. friends B. children C. neighbors D. partners

12. A. great B. easy C. public D. secret

13. A. allows B. contains C. accepts D. deserves

14. A. city B. village C. country D. world

15. A. team B. group C. row D. class

16. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although

17. A. skill B. news C. peace D. dream

18. A. suggested B. hoped C. learned D. forgotten

19. A. plan B. question C. idea D. leader

20. A. determine B. find C. consider D. share

一、 完形填空答案

1~5 CBADC 6~10 ADCBC 11~15 BADDB 16~20 ACDBA

二、 部分试题答案解析


3. A。根据上文during the terrible war,既然是战争中,因此推断一个无辜的小女孩在街头被子弹击中,并且身亡。

4. D。看到小女孩中弹这一幕,记者心里一定是很着急,于是飞奔过去,与另外一名救援人员一起来救助那名受伤的小女孩。

7. D。根据上文the man urged, “my child is still alive.”与之平行、对等,下文my child is still ______ 所填的空与alive 相一致,因此,用breathing 仍有呼吸,做此题是利用平行、对等的形式来解题。

12. A。根据下文There may be no greater ______ for our generation暗示,对于我们这个时代的人来说这确实是一个大问题,所以应选great。做题方法:利用上下文提示来解完形填空题是做此类题的重要方法,其中80%都是利用这一方法来完成。

13. D。根据下文“如果说他们不是我们的孩子,那就将把整个世界推向更多的战争;如果说他们是我们的孩子,我们彼此就不会大动干戈,战事不断了。”所以这个问题是一个大的问题,并值得回答的问题。另外在文中恰当的运用了破折号起解释、说明的作用。既然是大的问题就应该值得回答,所以选择D。

20. A。根据上文的a greater question 表明,对于我们这一代人来讲,没有比这个问题更令人深思的了。我们如何对待这个问题将决定世界的未来,这正与上文的重大的、值得回答的问题相照应。

三、 词汇讲解

1. contain vt. 包含,含有,容纳,指某事物被容纳在比其更大的东西之内,食物之间彼此不相关联,侧重所含量与成分。

例如:He was worried, because he lost his bag containing his passport, ID port and a lot of money. 他很担心,因为他失去了装有护照、身份证和一大笔钱的包。

其中containing表示装有,与bag 构成逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词形式。


例如: A team of seven people, including a nurse and a doctor arrived at the village inflected with bird flu. 一队七人,包括一名护士和一名医生,到达了禽流感感染的地区。

其中a nurse and a doctor与七人是部分与整体的关系,所以用including。

2. amaze vt. 使惊讶,使惊愕

例如: Your letter amazed me. 你的来信使我惊讶。

It amazed me to hear that you were leaving. 听到你要走的消息,我很吃惊。

【拓展】 amazement n. 惊讶,惊愕的情绪

to one’s amazement 使人感到惊讶的是

amazed adj. 使人感到惊讶的(用来修饰人)

例如:He stood there, amazed at what he had seen. 他站在那儿,对他所看到的感到吃惊。

amazing adj. 令人惊讶的(用来修饰物)

例如:This is an amazing story. 这是一个令人吃惊的故事。

注意:中心词如果是face, look, expression, shout, voice时需要用过去分词来修饰。

例如:an amazed expression 一种令人吃惊的神情

3. deserve vt. 值得,应当受到

例如:Bad acts deserve punishment. = Bad acts deserve to be punished. = Bad acts deserve punishing. 坏的行为应该受到惩罚。

注意:deserve+doing(要用主动形式表示被动含义) = deserve+to be done

4. belong vi. 属于(指某事物属于某人);是……的一部分,和……相关联;是某集体中的成员,常与介词to 搭配。

例如:The coat belongs to me. 这衣服是我的。

That top belongs to this box. 这盖子是盒子的一部分。

He belongs to a large family. 他是这个大家庭的成员。

【注意】belong 不用于进行时,不用于被动语态。

5. aid vt. 援助,帮助

例如:She made no effort to aid the old. 她不遗余力地去帮助老年人。

We are determined to aid the poor to struggle. 我们决心帮助穷人起来斗争。

【拓展】 aid n. 帮助,救助

first aid 急救

in aid of 用来帮助,起……作用

with the aid of 在……的帮助下

注意:“帮助某人做某事 aid sb. to do sth.”,其中to不能省略。

“help sb. to do sth. / do sth.”中 to 可省略也可不省略。

四、 长难句分析

1. A reporter who was reporting the violence in the city saw a little girl shot on the street.


主句是“A reporter saw a little girl shot on the street”,从句“who was reporting the violence in the city”,先行词reporter在从句中作主语,关系代词用who。

2. To say they are not all our children is to put the world to more struggle—family against family, group against group, nation against nation.


主句是“To say they are not all our children is”,不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,从句“they are not all our children”是宾语从句,作say的宾语;破折号起解释、说明的作用,解释more struggle。

五、 语法点滴

1. A reporter who was reporting the violence in the city saw a little girl shot on the street.

语法分析:句中用到了see somebody done看见某人某物被做,somebody是动作的承受者。另外,see somebody do/doing看见某人某物正在做某事,somebody是动作的执行者。

例如:We saw the thief caught by the policeman. 我们看到贼被警察抓到。

练习:We could see the buildings ____ by trees.

A. being surrounded B. surrounded

C. to be surrounded D. surround


2. To say they are not all our children is to put the world to more struggle.

语法分析:主句谓语动词be to do sth. 表示注定要做某事,不可避免要发生的事,后来将发生的事。

例如:All these are to be answered for. 这一切注定会得到报应的。

As a young man, he did not know that he was to become famous later on. 作为年轻人,他不知道后来他将会出名。