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如:1. This is the house which my father built it five years ago.

析:which 在从句中代替 the house, 所以应去掉 it。

2. That is the factory where my father worked there.

析:关系副词where 已在从句中代替factory,所以应删除there。


如:1. Those who breaks rules should be punished.

析:在定语从句中,如果关系代词在从句中作主语,从句中谓语动词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数形式。所以上句中的breaks 应为 break。

2. He was the only one of the students who were late this morning.

析:在定语从句中,如先行词为结构 one of + n (复数),且关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词由该复数名词决定,即谓语动词用复数。但当该结构被 the only/very 修饰关系代词作主语时,从句中的谓语动词永远用单数形式。所以该句中的were 应为 was。


如:1. All which you have done is not necessary.

析:在定语从句中当先行词是all, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, much, none, few等时,定语从句只用 that引导。所以该句中的 which 应为 that。

2. My sister is a lawyer, who she wanted to be.

析:当关系代词在从句中作表语,表示身份或职业时用 which。因此此句中的 who 应为which。

3. This is the house, whose the roof is under repair.

析:注意不要一看到后面是名词就用 whose,一定要弄清句意和句子结构。此句中whose 和 the 都是限定词,所以该句中的whose 应为 of which 或去掉 the。


如:1. He is not the man who he used to be.

2. That was the reason why he told me.

3. I’ ll never forget the day when we spent together.

4. We are living in the house which my father lived ten years ago.

析:定语从句引导词的选择主要取决于先行词和引导词在从句中所作的成分。句1引导词在从句中作表语,而关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,定语从句只能用that 引导,所以 who 应为 that。 句2引导词在从句中充当宾语而 why 只能作状语,因而why 应为which 或 that,或者去掉why。同理,句3中when 应该为which 或that,或去掉 when。但句 4中从句缺地点状语,因此,可在which前加in 或把 which改为where。


如:1. He has three books; none of is very useful.

A. which B. whom C. that D. them

2. He has three books, none of is very useful.

A. which B. whom C. that D. them



如:1. ―Mom, what did your doctor say?

―He advised me to live the air is fresher.

A. in where B. in which

C. the place where D. where

2. ― Is this the town you always refer to?

―Yes, the one I visited two years ago.

A. which B. where C. in which D. in that

析:题1考查的是地点状语从句,所以应选 D。题2考查的是定语从句而且引导词在从句中作宾语,因而答案是A。


如:1. It was in Oct 1st,1949 the People’s Republic of China was founded.

A. when B. that C. in which D. x

2. It was Oct 1st,1949 the People’s Republic of China was founded.

A. when B. that C. in which D. x

析:强调句中去掉强调结构 It is/was... that/who...,通过语序调整仍然是一个完整的句子。所以题1应是强调句,选B,而题2应是定语从句,而且从句中缺状语,应选A。