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Research and Implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management System Based on th

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Abstract. With the growing economic level and the continuous development of information network technology, as well as the continuous improvement of people's living standards, transportation demand gradually increased. Due to the current transportation system in China has been facing the problem of traffic congestion and inefficient, and cause serious pollution and energy shortages, and intelligent traffic management system is the key to solve these problems, the modern information network technology and transportation combined. This article gives a brief introduction to the development and study of the status quo of China's intelligent transportation management system, intelligent traffic management system architecture of CORBA and CORBA, and described the implementation of an intelligent traffic management system based on CORBA.

Key words: CORBA; Intelligent traffic management system; GPS; Achieve

China is an accident-prone country, there are more than 89,000 people each year due to the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents, the direct economic losses caused by 30 billion yuan, compared with other countries, traffic up to 20 times. As China is in a stage of rapid development, traffic problems to become one of the main factors limited to the development of our country. Although China has taken a number of corrective measures in transport, but it is only limited communication aspects. In recent years, the GPS positioning system appeared through a wide range of applications for wireless communication and remote tracking of artificial intelligence, especially in the CORBA technology in the intelligent traffic management system, the transport management not only real-time and accurate, but also efficient and intelligent the level is getting higher and higher.

1.Development and research of Intelligent Traffic Management System

1.1 Development of the Intelligent Traffic Management System

Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is based on a system of modern electronic information technology-based transportation services. ITS is mainly a combination of IT and data communications technology, automatic control and electronic control technology, computer technology and artificial intelligence, and practical application of the entire transport tube system through the existing transportation facilities, improve transport efficiency at the same time, ensure traffic safety and other aspects of the solution.

Since 1989, China has built a modern road network extending in all directions, however, with the level of China's economic development and social standards improve, the demand for road traffic gradually be highlighted, especially traffic congestion and clogging, pollution and accidents and so attracted the attention of people generally. It is hoped that through the intelligent traffic management system to reduce vehicle occupancy and residence time on the road, as well as to reduce the occurrence of accidents and to provide information services.

Although China has done a lot of research for Intelligent Traffic Management System, but, due to our lagging behind other developed countries in science and technology and experience, and not intelligent level, therefore, unable to meet the demand of the intelligent traffic management system before. With the deepening of research, the system gradually extends to the transportation department and the entire process, which led to the modern development of the intelligent traffic management system.

1.2 Research Status

After years of China's transport sector in the field of efforts in the development and application of intelligent traffic management system has made certain achievements, but also for the future intelligent traffic management system to make good bedding. Since 1999, China has begun the organization of the Ministry of Communications launched a study of the development of the intelligent traffic management system. The study has been included in the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the road and water transport, and also to determine the intelligent traffic management system ISO/TC204 Committee. At the same time, in order to be able to better development and application, preparation of relevant research centers, as well as the construction of the Systems Research Center laboratory. The new traffic along to the information and communication system integrated in the digital system, unified management. For example: the traffic information data and image combination for parking fees and vehicle information service system, as well as the application of fast freight and vehicle location tracking systems to provide services. Its development: from the development of the intelligent traffic management system development standards work and the transformation of the traffic management system, the development of public transport systems and car safety accident prevention systems, as well as express freight transportation system and traffic information services will have to show.

2. Technique of CORBA

CORBA also be known as the Common Object Request Broker Architecture, is kind of a common object request mechanism OMG make a technical specification. CORBA not only has a strong flexibility and the ability to cross-language, but also has the ability to achieve higher security and cross-platform, and more favorable comparing with other distributed object technology, CORBA capable of handling multi-system the interaction of distribution and communication mechanisms.

Object Request Broker is mainly related to the five parts of object services, public facilities, the domain interface, as well as the application interface. In order to make the transceiver requests and responses of the transparent object can be performed in a distributed environment to achieve a collection of basic services and shared, and can be implemented in the specific field of application services, given the application interface. The core of the CORBA specification is the Object Request Broker, mainly contained in the structure and function of the interface definition language and Static and Dynamic Invocation Interface (IDL, IDL Stub, DII), Object Request proxy interface and static and dynamic framework interface (Static Skeleton, DSI) object library and interface library, and the Object Adapter and ORB Protocol (IIOP) operation between.

3.CORBA Architectures of the Intelligent Traffic Management System

Intelligent traffic management system architecture consists of five parts: the service and user principal user services and system functions, as well as the logical framework. It is shown in Figure 1:

Fig.1. Intelligent traffic management framework diagram

Traffic management system to make more intelligent and scalability, we use CORBA technology and GPRS technology, intelligent analysis and GIS technology, and GPS positioning technology. Wherein the use of the CORBA specification ORB communication bus as inside the system server, the server connected with the bus use of CORBA interfaces exposed to external services. As a result, not only the server communication easier, and you can also add the appropriate server on the bus to achieve load balancing and fault tolerance. But for Web users, due to the system used by the structural formula B / S structure, and therefore, as long as a browser is installed in the system will be able to achieve control of the interface. Application server to respond to customer requests, and thus the operation of data and data services to more security and reliability, which is shown in Figures 2, 3:

Fig.2. CORBA intelligent traffic management system structure diagram

Fig.3. B / S structure diagram

The function of the intelligent traffic management system can be divided into three areas. First, the traffic data acquisition subsystem, the system includes a the vehicle terminal GPS system and data acquisition components, as well as the database server and vehicle terminal GPS positioning system, etc., in order to achieve the other subsystem functions of the system, real-time acquisition of road and vehicle information. Second, vehicle monitoring subsystem, the system contains a GPS and data communications components of the vehicle terminal monitoring terminal and service components, as well as to cancel the alarm and other functions of the application; Third, traffic guidance subsystem, the system is built on the traffic data collection and vehicle monitoring subsystem between a core system to provide vehicle real-time traffic information and the path of the query. The system is the important content part of the core of the intelligent traffic management system, a number of indicators of road traffic safety and smooth, comfortable and quickly have traffic guidance subsystem to implement their systems can be divided into two categories: traveler information systems, car navigation systems. Its specific design of the structure as shown in Figure 4:

Fig.4. Schematic diagram of traffic guidance subsystem framework

4. Achievements Based on CORBA Intelligent Traffic Management System

Based the CORBA intelligent traffic management system development and database tools are: J2SM and J2EE, Delphi and DB2, ORACLE and the SQL Server 2000, etc. Operating system and application server and operating CORBA platform: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and BES, Visit Broker.

First, the underlying communication uses CORBA as a distributed computing model. Client communication through the static and dynamic call request is sent to the ORB is responsible by the ORB through the static and dynamic framework will find the code parameter results send objects achieve. In which objects to implement the request, but also can make use of the object adapter for additional services. The static and dynamic behavior is roughly the same framework to achieve the object, the client does not need special treatment again will be able to achieve communication the client can also use dynamic invocation interface.

Secondly, the implementation of the system code, the object to be created and activated, work and freezing, as well as the destruction of life cycle model manipulation. Advantages of cross-language are based on CORBA IDL defines an interface CORBA object services interface to obtain information, and at the same time send a corresponding request.

Again, the service objects and server applications, as well as the realization of the client application, service object must pass the IDL compiler generated Skeleton combination to complete, therefore, Order Service Impl inherited Order Service Impl Base can be achieved. It servers at the same time, the Order Service registration process is as follows: ORB and BOA initialization, the establishment of a Service Impl object, and notify the BOA is ready to receive objects available information request.

All in all, the development of the society has led to the development of transportation. At present, the development of transportation, information and intelligence is not only the main direction of development, or the main ways for traffic management and services. While in many departments and agencies, it achieves the intelligent traffic management system in the field, but the data they collected not only the lack of effective data analysis capabilities, but also facing the traffic data is not comprehensive. Development of CORBA Chile technology, not only can effectively solve the above problems, and can also build and improve the intelligent transportation system within the broader scope of the technology platform.


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