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Living in Beijing Learning Chinese and Teaching English

By Tony Watkins

nglish is the lingua franca of the world. This fact has never been clearer to me. On my first day of class at the Beijing Foreign Language and Culture University I noticed three interesting things. First, the school has two names: an English one and a Chinese one. Second, the books we were given were in English and Chinese (I since found out that earlier editions also contained French). Third, the teachers and all of the students spoke English, despite the fact that well over half of the students came from non-English speaking countries, and the teachers were obviously all Chinese. For me it was frustrating: I had come to Beijing to study Chinese, imagining I would be in a Chinese only environment. I couldn't have been more wrong.

In my attempts to learn Chinese, I've learned a few things about education, language learning, and myself. As a teacher, I hope I can put these things to good use. As a student, I think I may just decide to abandon the classroom altogether, at least the foreign language one. The main idea I've come up with (perhaps I'm paraphrasing or downright plagiarizing) is that language is a living and breathing animal. It's alive, and any attempts to put it in a book, compartmentalize it, and teach it as a formula fail in some way. That being said, it seems that the highly formulaic Chinese style of teaching works well for some people. There are people in my class who can follow what goes on much better than I do, can read and write much better than I do, and who scored much higher marks on our midterm exams (one of which, I'm none too proud to admit, I failed disastrously).

I'm not sure how much studying, homework, or extra outside class stuff they do, but in the classroom they can perform better than me. But, and this is the big but, they are no better, and in some cases much worse than me, at speaking Chinese. I spent one week traveling in China with one of my classmates; I know his speaking level is approximately equal to mine. However, he scored a 95 on the midterm compared to my 51.5. Other students are either much worse than me, slightly better than me or on the same level as me when it comes to speaking Chinese. I don't know their test scores, but I'm sure that speaking and performing in class and on tests, at least how it's done in my school, are not strongly related.

So, what's the problem? What's the solution? How can I learn Chinese more effectively? How can I teach English more efficiently?

I've devised a three pronged approach to learning a foreign language that I hope can help the aspiring student.

The first prong is having a girlfriend who is also studying the same language as you, but whose mother tongue is different from yours! I've had the great fortune of finding a Korean girlfriend who can't speak much English. As my Korean is limited to ordering beer (I did live in Korea for over two years), our relationship is perfect and takes place completely in broken, screwed up, incorrect Chinese, but Chinese, nonetheless. We are in love and so we are very patient and kind about communication; we have to be. A Chinese girlfriend would create an unequal language balance. With a Chinese girl, Chinese and English would always be too easy for one of us and too hard for the other, creating conflict.

The second prong of my approach is having a driver. If you are in a foreign country and taking a lot of taxis, find a cool driver and make him or her your personal driver. Make a schedule, exchange phone numbers, pay whatever you have to pay. This is the most important thing you can spend your money on. There's nothing like talking in a moving car (or, as is often the case in Beijing, while stuck in traffic)!

And, with the possible exceptions of radio talk show hosts like Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, no one has more to say than taxi drivers! My driver, Shumin, is one of the coolest chicks I know in China. We drive around, eat street food, have fun and she teachers me more Chinese than anyone else.

The third prong is eating food and drinking beer on the street near a large university, preferably on campus. Every night I go to the Mining University to eat cheap street food, drink cheap Chinese beer, and fraternize with the vendors and students. They are all happy to help me and they teach me a lot.

So, the question I am asking myself now is this: how can I incorporate my three pronged approach to language learning into my English classes? How can I get the bored college students, housewives, businesspeople and retirees who I teach to learn English my way? Everything I've discovered about learning any language tells me to get the Hell outta the classroom and hit the streets!










About the Author:

Tony Watkins 是一名已过了而立之年的纽约人,自2001年起大部分时间都在韩国和中国居住。他曾经做过旅行社、健身教练、酒吧招待、咖啡师、推销员、作家,而且也曾经营过小生意,并在年届30之后义无返顾地离开了美国,至今无悔。现在,他在北京安顿了下来,住在一条胡同里的老房里,怡然自乐。


1. ...I think I may just decide to abandon the classroom altogether...

在文章中的第二段中出现了这句话。其中“classroom”在这里并非是完全指“教室”,而是更多地用作一种借代方式,即用“classroom”来指代“the whole activity of studying”,因而这句话的意思是作者可能不想再做学生了,要放弃学习生涯。

2. ... (perhaps I'm paraphrasing or downright plagiarizing)...

在文章中的第二段中,作者用到了这个括号,而里面的内容实际上是修饰“the main idea”的。作者这样写,其实是为了表达一种谦虚的态度,即他所提出的那个主要观点,别人可能已经提出过了,也许并不是什么新锐观点。

3. But, and this is the big but, ...

在文章中的第三段中出现了一个有意思的句子――“But, and this is the big but, ...”。有一点要弄清楚的是,第二个“but”是一个名词,指的就是句首的那个“but”。“and this is the big but”是在说明句首“but”所引领的转折是一个很重要的语意转折,起强调作用。联系上下文后,就可以知道,原来作者是在强调别人并非在各个方面都比他强,起码在口语方面就赶不上他,而这个对比是为了作者在下面得出“口语与成绩之间没有太大联系”的结论进行铺垫。

4. Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh

在文章倒数第三段中,作者在举例时提到了这两个人。这两人在美国非常有名,是著名的电台主持人。不过,民众对其的评价却褒贬不一,有人喜欢他们,有人憎恨他们。另外,这两人在主持风格上各具千秋:Howard Stern 以尖酸刻薄的幽默而著称,而Rush Limbaugh 则以煽动性的右翼政治观点而闻名。

5. hit the streets

在文章最后一段的末尾,作者最后用到了一个词组――“hit the streets”。其中,“hit”这个词需要注意一下。这个词,有时候就当“to go to”的意思来讲,如本文中的“hit the streets”。再如,“hit some bars downtown”和“hit the road”。

lingua franca /`liMGw9 `fr2Mk9/


come up with 提出;拿出

paraphrase /`p2r9freiz/ v.释义;解释

downright /`daunrait/ adj.彻头彻尾的;完全的

plagiarize /`plei_i9raiz/ v.剽窃;抄袭

compartmentalize /k9m,p3t`ment9laiz/


formula /`f5mjul9/ n.公式;定则

formulaic /`f5mju`leiik/ adj.(根据)公式的

approximately /9pr4ksi`m9tli/ adv.近似地;大约

solution /s9`l(H9n/ n.解决办法

pronged /pr4Md/ adj.尖端分叉的

aspiring /9s`pai9riM/ adj.有抱负的

relationship /ri`leiH9nHip/ n.男女关系

broken /`br9uk9n/ adj.(语言等)拙劣的

screwed up 混乱的;弄糟的

conflict /`k4nflikt/ n.冲突

chick /tHik/ n.(俚语)年轻女性

preferably /`pref9r9bli/ adv.更可取地;更好地

fraternize /`fr2t/naiz/ v.亲如兄弟;友善交往

vendor /`vend9(r)/ n.小贩

incorporate /in`k5p9reit/ vt.合并;并入

retiree /ri,tai9`r1/ n.退休人员