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The Study on Cultural and Creative Industries Development

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Abstract. Creative industry has developed when the world economy has entered the era of knowledge economy, advocating innovation, of individual creativity, emphasize the cultural art in economic security and promote the idea of the new culture, ideology, and economic practice. Today and strengthened in the trend of globalization in the increasingly fierce international competition, the scale and scope of the development of creative industry has become one of the important indexes of the country or city of comprehensive competitive power. From the view of development, and finally achieve the development of creative industries to promote economic, social and cultural coordinated development, families on the science, technology and culture. The achievement of the creative industry development is not an arbitrary unilateral.

Key words: cultural originality; creative industry; nesting zone


Creative industry is a new composite-based industry of the fusion of the fashion industry, cultural industry, information technology and amusement communication, industrial system is the development of the modern city from production-technological innovation phase of the cultural innovation-art-technological evolution stages.

Creative industry is the result of information times; it is in line with economic development and consumer demand, after the transformation of today's society, the economic growth pattern and people's way of life. At present, more than 30% of the labor force is engaged in science and technology, research and development, create department technology, art, music, culture, aesthetic, design, consultation, financial, legal and other developed countries. Especially in the United States, the creative industry account for almost half of the wage and income, the total manufacturing and services.

2006 years of age, known as the main Chinese culture the development of creative industry, this is the first year of the creative industry, begin to pay close attention to spread widely more people. In 2007, the year of China is the accumulation of creative industries, the year when creative enterprise put in the right direction, is China's first year to the creative economy forward. At present, China's Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities have emerged some culture creativity industry cluster. In addition, the joint venture enterprise park industrial park in Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Changsha, Wuhan, Dalian, Qingdao, Chengdu and other big cities. Compare some developed countries and hardware environment and software environment, there is still a big gap, but has already begun to take shape. All of these provide a warning and setting up a development of the creative industry of culture industry cluster.


The creative industry concept, put forward in the United States first K, English from the "cultural and creative industries". In 1998, British Prime Minister Tony Blair set up the cultural and creative industries of the task force, the first of the creative industry of culture a clear definition: comes from individual creativity, technology and talent, is a kind of industry and the creation of wealth and employment potential through the development and use of intellectual property rights.

Creativity is the essential ingredient to human survival. Everyone has ideas, and create potential, and in some way. The so-called "innovation" the industry is comes from individual creativity, skill and talent, has the potential to create wealth and employment development and application of knowledge property right through [1]. Generally speaking, the so-called "industry" has three characteristics: (1) batch production of products or services, a large number of customer services. (2) Standardized production process: to ensure that every product or service provided, and its quality is the same. (3) Self-sufficient: producers rewarded consumers through the market mechanism directly, to share the profits and risks.


Creative industry of high-end modern service industry, separated from the high-tech industry, the characteristics and high added value, low consumption of resources and the density of knowledge. Its development is less land resources, its powerful integrated characteristics can achieve technical, business, create and culture and manufacturing can extend and space the traditional industry, can expand. So the development of cultural creative industry can improve the content of the traditional culture and knowledge of the manufacturing product is greatly, improve the added value of the products, promote industrial upgrading, help to form the traditional industry with high added value, and to optimize the internal structure of the third industry, promote the competitiveness of the industry.

From the development of the modern economy, there is no doubt that the creative industry risk industry, cultural and creative industries of investment is a venture capital. Venture capital is considered a modern economic growth engine. It requires knowledge innovation and new and high technical support the characteristics of the system and the possible high income, high return, and high growth potential, but will also meet high income risk. Even very mature Hollywood movies, the same famous director, he also can't guarantee, everyone his movies can be successful, because the success of the risk exists in [2].

Demand uncertainty and the risk of industry Creative industry products is no longer the basic material products the time has in the past, but the product of the spirit, culture, entertainment and psychological needs of, have a lot of uncertainty. Consumer demand, every innovation products there is uncertainty, for example the existence of the fashion trends, personal interests, communication hype, the timing and social environment, cultural differences, and regional characteristics and so on, thus greatly improve the creative products of risk.

Creativity is a king and the spirit of the characteristics of creative industries People's spiritual, the mobility and the ephemeras sure of the foundation of the creative industry cultural and creative industries: innovation is a king. Although the organizational structure of the creative industry and business transaction is very complicated, but its core is still creativity. Creativity is the lifeblood of the creative industry. Creative industry including advertising, architecture, art and cultural relics, technology, design, fashion design, movies, music, software, interactive leisure performing arts, publishing, software, TV, video games, online games, animation, DV, flash, text messaging, mobile video, etc all rely on strong new ideas and new design.

The diversity and differences of Creative products Innovative products can complete more cooperation with creative planning, technology eventually manufacturing, communications business, management coordination and sale of goods, and products of the multiple collative synergy. Therefore, the creative process of creative products is more complex than other products. These require all the innovation investment creative products meet or exceed the ability of the generalized assembly line to produce qualified innovative products. Creative behavior is what economists call value-added production function. In appreciation of the production relations, "if you want to get business value, each input output must be in the right place, or at least of production behavior level or more than proficiency. No is not multiples. This is mike Cormier production theory association. The creative product has called the diversity and creative differences. Cultural and creative industries have more cultural and artistic characteristic, therefore its style, theme, artistic characteristics have more diversity and difference.

In general, globalization, the creative industry cluster is a new kind of reconstruction, or set up multinational companies, industry, different department and Cross-Domain. The paper is based on the consumption of the era, people's spiritual and cultural needs, with the aid of high-tech means, under the guide of the network and other new communication form, paying attention to the whole of the combination of culture and art as their own characteristics. It is a new economic creativity is the core, provide culture, art, spirit, psychological, entertainment products for the public.


Provincial resource analysis

Talent resource The development of creative industry, the key is talent. Which city can provide appropriate creative nature and human environment, for creative talents, is a very key to determine the size of the creative industry activity, city. Therefore, we must try to cultivate innovative talents, also want to cultivate a large talent can engage in science and engineering, construction, design, education, art, music and entertainment, and in business, finance, law, health care and other related fields. There are fifteen undergraduate colleges, and more than 30 schools, also have six to eight million graduates of higher education. The further expansion of ordinary undergraduate and graduate student size, will offer more and more talents.

Policy advantage of the development of creative industry State regulations is for national preferential policies frontier ports open, the development of the western region and the policy of regional national autonomy. All of these provide policy support modernization.

First is the development of policies in the western countries. 2 it is border trade preferential policies. 3 it is the policy of regional national autonomy. Four is, is west province in the coastal region only, have the effect of various open coastal preferential policies of the state.

Industrial advantages After years of construction, industry has developed rapidly and formed their own industry and leading edge industries.

Development strengths National and regional cooperation is international cooperation, which will provide an unprecedented opportunity for modernization. The development of western China is China-asean free trade area construction, and puts forward the "a triangle circle and axial two corridors" strategic vision, the construction of the beau gulf economic zone, the eastern industrial transfer.


Combination of culture creativity and industry in today's society culture is not only represents the human life, but also the economic transformation into one. Through the industry create economic culture. When the industry's culture change and economic value, cultural industry, cultural market appears. However, the scholars in the two models have different opinions. The cultural industry culture creative industry is to pursue the protection of cultural value itself, and then create the connotation, the characteristics of cultural products [3].

Cultural policy include economic development, dissemination and control information dissemination and the spread of social culture and identity of the individual. The emergence of the policy of cultural economic, cultural element is considered as the city, is also through the industrialization and commercialization of cultural resources. Cultural products and resources is stressed, enjoy and consumption, and the unique taste in local participation. Show the characteristics of the city, attracting tourists and investors visit then, promoting industrial development, create jobs, and this is the city cultural marketing strategy. Strategy of hardware and software resources synchronous growth should be emphasized in the city space, make overall development plan of cultural space (including theater, art gallery and museum, etc), at the same time planning festivals and cultural activities or local connected assets. Making full use of local culture and image integrated resources, and related combination stimulates and improves labor resources. Therefore, formulate and implement cultural policy, urban economic development space development is closely related.

Cultural and creative industries should show more and more into the services, manufacturing, and even the main manufacturing and other industries. Because the cultural and creative industries, high-end live in status value chain, and enjoy all links in the production of profit distribution permissions.

Cultural and creative industries have a special kind of industrial organization model. On the level of the individual enterprise, it may be a micro-small less than a medium-sized enterprise, and even individuals like studio.

To strengthen the creative industries of the construction area[4] Creative industry is in a personal small size general. The development of cultural industry cluster creative industry is the only way to expand the competition theory, according to Michael. Industrial cluster is refers to the special collection of a large amount of way of life a particular area of the form of industrial organization [4] based on certain regional culture, system background, focus on a particular industry, a lot of enterprises and related organizations through the competition and cooperation relationship.

Creative industry need a substantial industrial development and the promotion, and accumulation zones has lower transaction costs, promote the exchange of personnel and the characteristics of innovation, promoting culture and promote the development of creative industry one of the effective ways. The creative industry gathering area provides a good environment for the development of creative enterprise. The region gathered to share information between enterprise consultations, demand specific, Shared gathered infrastructure, such as high and new technology; At the same time, can will gather to district government financial support the construction of the policy. Therefore, the construction of regional creative industry, promote the rapid growth of the creative industry, promote the comprehensive utilization of resources and diversification, form the reasonable structure, the international division of labor in an orderly, sustainable pattern of development of creative industry is very important.

Cultural and creative industries collected in many factors influence each other. Hollywood can be said to be the world's largest park and the cultural and creative industries. Cluster effect is a key way; develop the cultural and creative industries.

Have certain acquisition areas such as Nanning, Guilin and other cities. The development of creative industry provides a good environment.

For the creative industries provide a good policy environment Attention should be paid to the development of creative industries, comprehensive development strategy planning should be. Improve the development of creative industries, optimize industrial structure, the implementation of the provincial science and education strategy and enhance competitiveness should be closely combining the pillar industry establish strategic development.

Overseas experience shows that the culture of the creative industry of government macro-guidance and support the fundamental guarantee of the development of creative industries. The government should formulate the policy support industry, to promote the creative industry to improve liquid, to support its rapid bigger and stronger. Encouraging investment in cultural and creative industries, and support the introduction and training of innovative talents, promote creative industrial park environment and infrastructure construction [5].


This is a comprehensive social system evolution including many such as science, technology, culture and business. The development of cultural creative industry is economic growth mode transformation model for natural resources about the internal growth efficiency, pharmaceutical growth mode. This is a change the concept of development, change the development model. It will help to improve the quality of the economical development and effectively with the economic and social development in a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the track. Facing opportunity and challenge the 21st century, the development of creative industry has important realistic meaning and long-term changes in promoting growth pattern, upgrade traditional industries, realize the strategic adjustment of industrial structure. It is imperative to economic development and social progress. Cultural and creative industries is a kind of practical innovation, emphasize canonizes mixed culture and economy in the background of knowledge economy. Cultural creative industry will not only promote the development of social economy and promote the urban competitiveness, but also produce community awareness in psychology and shape the city image. Cultural and creative industries are the economic growth of the new ideas of the economic development of the city. Along with the economic system switches, industrial upgrading and urban function transformation, the independent innovation has become a national strategy. Creative industry has brought great beneficial social and economic development. At present, many cities and regions has started to the development of creative industry. Against the backdrop of a collect, culture industry trends of the creative industry of the rise, and industrial development made new environment, show the different from the traditional new features, face the new problems, and expect the new idea and showed different from the traditional new development direction and development trend, under the guidance of the party's "17 th congress of the communist party of China". In this background, the article thinks that should comply with the history, to the development of creative industry, giving priority to the development of the cultural and creative industries. Analysis conditions, advantages, method and the rest of the industry.


[1] Garnham, Nieholas (1987) Concepts of Culture Public Industries, Cultural Studied 1(1):23 - 37 Policy and the Cultural

[2] Yang Haihai. Analysis on the urban creative industry and duster — a Case study of Xi'an advertisement. [D]. 2010.06

[3] Zhang Jingcheng. The development report of creative industry in China. [M]. The publish house of Chinese economy. 2009.03

[4] Gao Hongyu.cultural and creative industries and Urban development — A Case study of shanghai. [D].2010.07

[5] Lu Runde, Zhang Xiaochun, Ning Shaoqiang. The analysis of Guangxi's cultural and creative industries development model.[J]. Chinese advertising. 2009.01