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Sisters Create Life Miracle

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Wu Li and Wu Ping are sisters born in White Sand Village, Yiyang City of Hunan Province in central China. Their father Wu Dahai used to be a millionaire businessman but lost all his fortunes through gamble. Bankrupted and heavily in debt, the father runs a small business to make ends meet.

In July 2003, Wu Li and Wu Ping were qualified for a key senior high school in Yiyang after passing the entrance examination with good score. However, the family couldn’t afford the tuition of 5,000 yuan a semester for the two sisters. One of them had to drop out of school. The sisters were top students. The parents worried and hesitated and tried to figure out a solution. They finally decided to let the two sisters draw a lot to decide who would drop and who would continue.

On August 30, 2003, the family sat down to the big moment. Wu Li, the elder sister two years older than Wu Ping, said she would not draw the lot because she had decided to drop and let her younger sister have the chance. Wu Ping was surprised, for she knew Wu Li had dreamed of entering a good university. Wu Ping tried to talk her elder sister out of the decision, but Wu Li was determined.

On September 12, 2003, Wu Li left home for Guangzhou. With the recommendation of an acquaintance, Wu Li was hired by a real estate developer. She earned 1,500 a month. When she got the first monthly payment, Wu Li called home saying that all her money would be used for Wu Ping’s education. She promised that she would work hard toward her younger sister’s education and good life. Deeply touched, Wu Ping wowed that she would do everything possible for her sister after her graduation from university.

Wu Li had an accident a year later. The mother and Wu Ping rushed to Guangzhou. It turned out that the company boss owed Wu Li payments and tried to hurt Wu Li. Wu Ping spent the next two days with Wu Li in hospital. The younger sister received ten calls from her teacher, urging her to come back to school. Wu Li soon recovered and got back the payment owed her by her boss.

In June 2006, Wu Ping took the annual college entrance examination. She was enrolled by Wunan TCM & Pharmacology University. As soon as she received the letter of admission, she called her sister in Guangzhou. Wu Li’s ecstasy knew no bounds, knowing the three-year hard work had helped her younger sister achieve the college dream.

Wu Ping cherished the opportunity and worked hard. A top student, she received a scholarship every year. She found time to work in a restaurant off the campus. With the financial support from Wu Li, Wu went on with her college studies most smoothly. Whenever they chatted on phone, Wu Li wanted her younger sister to eat well to keep fit so that she could study well.

In February 2008, Wu Li came back from Guangzhou. With the money she had saved over the past two years, she paid for the tuition for Wu Ping’s next semester and started up a small dumpling restaurant next to the campus. Wu Li wanted to be close to her parents and to see the life of college at close hand. Wu Ping often came to help out at the restaurant. And the two sisters had more time to chat and more subjects to share. After learning that Wu Li still had her college dream, Wu Ping consulted the continuation education center at her university. The good news was that people like Wu Li could obtain college degrees by takingeducation courses and passing necessary examinations. Wu Li was overjoyed over the news.

In July 2008, Wu Li started her self-study courses. Wu Ping coached her sister in English learning. It was also in 2008 Wu Ping began to date Wang Haifeng, a classmate from a business family in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province. The Wu family liked the young man very much. Everything seemed perfect for everybody until a day in October 2009.

That day, Wu Li sat for her firsteducation examination. After leaving the examination venue, she called Wu Ping to let her know she had done quite well in the first examination. Unexpectedly she heard her sister’s scream “Help! Help!” on the phone.

Wu Li took a taxi and rushed to the back gate of the university only to see two robbers running away with Wu Ping’s handbag. Wu Li chased them. Seeing they were probably unable to get away if the chasing went on, one robber stopped at a crossroad to remove the danger. In the fight, Wu Li was pushed onto the fast lane and hit by a car traveling at a high speed. The car smashed into Wu Li and threw her away for more than 10 meters before she thudded onto the road. Wu Li was immediately sent to hospital. After the emergency head surgery, Wu Li survived. But she was in coma. Fifteen days after the surgery, she was transferred from ICU to an ordinary ward.

Wu Ping sat with Wu Li at hospital. After three months and a lot of money, Wu Li was still in coma. In January 2009, Wang Haifeng gave Wu Ping ultimatum: she had three days to make a decision: go to Shenzhen with him where he would run a family business or the relationship was over. Wang told Wu Ping that his father had visited Wu’s parents and talked with them about the consequences of Wu Li’s accident. Wang said his family had done everything possible for Wu Li, but they believed Wu Li had little chance to wake ever again.

Wu Ping refused to give her sister up. Wang Haifeng came to see Wu Ping at the hospital three days later and left after leaving 5,000 yuan. Wu Ping was heartbroken.

People at the university soon learned about Wu Ping’s difficult choice. The university approved her application for temporary suspension. Fellow students organized themselves into small groups to help take care of Wu Li at the hospital. Donations flooded in.

In April 2009, Wu Ping learned from a doctor who had flown in from Beijing that reading and speaking to brain-damaged patients in coma had proved to be effective in waking them up. Wu Ping was determined to try her luck at the method.

The hospital gave Wu Li a private ward for free. At seven o’clock in the morning every day, Wu Ping would play a recorded message of her parents to wake up her sister. Then at eight o’clock, the recorder would give a class bell to signal the beginning of a class. Wu Ping would act as a teacher. She would make a roll call and then read texts and newspaper. In the evening Wu Ping and her mother talked to Wu Li in coma.

On December 21, 2009, Wu Ping had just called the only name on her roster when she discovered that Wu Li’s head moved. Excited, Wu Ping called the name again. Wu Li responded by moving her head again, tears oozing out of her eyes and slipping down her face.

In excitement, Wu Ping ran to tell the attending doctor what had just happened. Running back to the ward, she shouted in the corridor, “My sister’s waken up! My sister’s waken up!” Many people came to take a look. Many people wept.

When the news about the miracle spread, Wu Ping received more donations. Many people came to the hospital to visit her and her sister.

On May 15, 2010, Wu Li underwent another head surgery. Ten days after the surgery, Wu Li was able to speak.