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设计/Kelly Hoppen 翻译/Jasmine

项目名称:Kelly Hoppen之家

设计公司:Kelly Hoppen室内设计公司



Kelly Hoppen室内设计公司创始人

作为英国最有名气的室内设计师之一,Kelly Hoppen的设计天赋完全可以从她的自用别墅中展示出来。2500平方英尺的联排别墅极具乔治王时代的经典艺术风格,中性色的运用是Kelly Hoppen的设计标签,贯穿整个房间,其中墙面、黑色木质推拉门和灰色有孔的合成树脂地板是色彩运用的精彩体现。





入口处采用两面造型独特的镜子,花朵和照片装饰的玄关高雅而精致。丝绸地毯铺设的楼梯伸展至二楼,悬挂在入口大厅墙上的是来自Michael Hoppen美术馆收藏的•阿里的照片。


风格独特,可用于晚宴或特别场合。房间中央是一张漂亮的橡木桌,桌子上方悬挂的是Kevin Reilly设计的黑、白经典搭配的吊灯,简约而不失优雅,为进餐氛围增添了无限乐趣。餐厅内Peter Beard的摄影作品是Kelly最喜欢的物品之一,悬挂在餐桌正对面。白天,光线透过窗户,餐厅与室外通透无比,立于窗前,可以将花园的美景尽收眼底。


主卧内的摆设小品,感性、华丽,有着让人喘不过气来的美丽,仿如同梦境。房间中央摆设那张床,由Duxiana设计,床上放置的纺织品极具非洲风情,其中毯子和靠枕是由Kelly Hoppen亲自设计的。床的旁边摆放的是一张古色古香的黑色桌子,桌上有Kelly的全家福以及玛丽莲•梦露的照片。黑木制成的日式衣柜由Kelly设计,这款日式衣柜可以容纳衣服和电视装置,让卧室从整体上显得更加整洁。

Kelly Hoppen’s London home is homage to her talent as one of the UK’s most celebrated Interior Designers. The classic Georgian townhouse is 2,500 square feet and is imbued in her trademark neutral colour scheme

throughout -while walls, black wooden sliding doors and flooring and grey pored resin flooring.

With plenty of natural lighting throughout the house, Kelly has complemented this with concealed lighting coming up from behind the walls. With its eclectic mix of furnishings and designs by Kelly, the house is enriched with textural aspects such as couture covered black sofas, velvet cushions and lingerie satin curtains.

Kelly installed two luxurious bedrooms with pure white ensuite bathrooms, a separate walking wardrobe, a gym, laundry room and a gorgeous garden.

A truly ambitious project, the entire renovation of this Georgian townhouse remarkably took just five months from concept to completion.


The entrance area has two large antique mirrors and is tastefully accessorised and decorated with flowers and photographs. An outstanding art piece of Mohammed Ali from the Michael Hoppen Gallery also hangs in the entrance hall at the bottom of the silk carpeted staircase.

The dining room

Often used for special occasions and evening meals, the dining room is full of character. A beautiful oak table sits in the room centre and large white and black lights by Kevin Reilly elegantly hang over the dinner table. One of Kelly’s favourite items in the house is the Peter Beard photograph which is hung on the wall opposite the dining table. Naturally lit during the day, the dining room overlooks the back garden.

The Master Bedroom

The main bedroom, designed around everything Kelly dreams of is sensual, luxurious and breath-taking beautiful. The bed by Duxiana in the room centre is covered by sirocco fabric, with throws and cushions by Kelly Hoppen. A vintage chair is placed next to the focal point, a dressing table with photographs of Kelly’s family and a second image of Marilyn Monroe. The Japanese inspired wardrobe made from black wood was designed by Kelly and conceals television unit and her clothes.