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Leighton Meester早在11岁时就开始了演艺生涯,但真正使她大红大紫的还是那部风靡全球的美剧《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)。2011年,Leighton Meester在全美票选最美的一百人中排名第四,她精致的脸庞和精湛的演技也受到了无数粉丝的认可。

但是你知道吗?Queen B也会唱歌!《绯闻女孩》中的多首插曲出自她的歌喉。本期的《英乐魔盒》,就让我们在《Words I Couldn’t Say》中感受Leighton Meester荧幕形象之外的另一面吧!

In a book in a box in the closet

In a line in a song I once heard

In a moment on a front porch late one June

In a breath inside a whisper beneath the moon



There it was at the tips of my fingers


There it was on the tip of my tongue

There you were and I had never been that far

There it was the whole world wrapped inside my arms And I let it all slip away



* What do I do now that you’re gone?

No backup plan, no second chance, no one else to blame All I can hear in the silence that remains

Are the words I couldn’t say *

* 你走了我该怎么办?


那些无法说出口的话 *

There’s a rain that’ll never stop falling

There’s a wall that I tried to take down

What I should have said just wouldn’t pass my lips So I held back and now we’ve come to this

And it’s too late now



Repeat *

重复 *

I should have found a way to tell you how I felt And now the only one I’m telling is myself


Repeat *

重复 *

** What do I do? What do I say?

No one else to blame

All I can hear in the silence that remains Are the words I couldn’t say **

** 我该怎么办?我该说什么?(只能)独自默默承受


那些无法说出口的话 **

Repeat **

重复 **CS