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The Hobbit was filmed in New Zealand, but there are 6 other locales that would suit scenes from J. R. R. Tolkien's beloved book just as well.



The Shire 夏尔

Location: The Lake District, U.K.


J. R. R. Tolkien's Shire—home of Bilbo Baggins and the rest of hobbit-kind—is a place of pastoral1) simplicity and beauty. Its hills and fields and woodlands are neither vast nor daunting2), but retain the sort of cozy charm Tolkien must have encountered in his own frequent rambles3) through the English countryside. The rugged4) Lake District in the country's northwest has for centuries drawn visitors in search of a rural idyll5), notably inspiring 19th century Romantic poets like William Wordsworth. Regardless of what New Zealand's protesters say, it would be a fitting home for Hobbiton.


Rivendell 瑞文戴尔

Location: Huangshan, China


When imagining Rivendell, the castle of the elf lord Elrond, Tolkien supposedly thought of the mountainous valleys of Switzerland. Here is an even more atmospheric suggestion: the mountains and deep valleys of Huangshan, in central-eastern China. A hiker in Huangshan can be forgiven for thinking he has stumbled into the land that time forgot—its bumpy6), strangely shaped peaks wreathed in mist and lush forests that plummet7) into impossibly steep gorges8) below. With innumerous precarious9) mountain paths and a fog that sets in without notice, navigating Huangshan can be bewildering10), even treacherous11). Reachable only over bridges and narrow causeways12), Rivendell, too, is kept safe by its dramatic surrounds.


The Misty Mountains 迷雾山脉

Location: The Carpathian Mountains, Eastern Europe


The Carpathian mountain range is one of Europe's longest, winding its way from Poland down into Romania. The mountains have the same jagged13), brooding14) character of Tolkien's Misty Mountains—the site of the abandoned dwarf city of Moria seen in the first The Lord of the Rings film. The Misty Mountains are also where Bilbo and his friends get captured by goblins in The Hobbit; their escape leads Bilbo to that pitiable creature Gollum, keeper of the Ring of Power, an object of unfathomable15) evil. And in the shadow of the Carpathians lies Transylvania16), fabled domain of perhaps humanity's most frightening and threatening abomination17): Dracula.


Gollum's Cavern 咕噜姆的洞穴

Location: Reed Flute Cave, China


In the Misty Mountains, Bilbo finds himself alone in a deep, dark cavern where he first comes into possession of the Ring of Power and then meets the creature twisted by its magic—Gollum—paddling a boat through a rock pool. In the underground gloom, Gollum plays a game of riddles with Bilbo that the latter tricks his way through. He flees the clutches18) of the despairing Gollum, who realizes too late his "precious" is being taken away from him.

The Reed Flute Cave in southern China boasts one of the world's most spectacular underground lakes, ringed by stalagmites19) and stalactites20). The production crew of The Hobbit would have to rig up21) the location to make it more suitably oppressive and dank22).



Mirkwood 幽暗密林

Location: The Black Forest, Germany


Bilbo and his cadre23) of dwarfs voyage through Mirkwood, a forested realm of secretive wood elves, wolves and evil giant spiders. Nights in Mirkwood are cold, and so dark that Bilbo can see only the eyes of others looming24) around him—and not just those in his traveling band. The Black Forest in southern Germany earned its name from terrified Roman soldiers who had to troop beneath its dense, coniferous canopy, constantly fearful of the enemies that lay silently in wait25).


The Lonely Mountain 孤山

Location: Mount Fuji, Japan


The Lonely Mountain, once the seat of a prosperous dwarf kingdom, has been usurped26) by Smaug. It stands by itself, snowcapped, dominating the landscape around it. Mount Fuji in Japan is one of the most iconic peaks in the world and can be seen from miles around—one famous 19th century Japanese artist27) created 36 different views of the mountain, emblematic28) of how central it is to the Japanese people's vision of their own landscape. In folklore, the forests at Mount Fuji's base are said to be haunted by goblins and demons.


1. pastoral [?pɑ?st?r?l] adj. 乡村的,田园的

2. daunting [d??nt??] adj. 吓人的;令人胆怯的

3. ramble [?r?mbl] n. 漫步,漫游

4. rugged [?r?ɡ?d] adj. 多岩石的;高低不平的

5. idyll [??d?l] n. (适于作为田园诗题材的)轻松欢乐情景

6. bumpy [?b?mpi] adj. 崎岖的

7. plummet [?pl?m?t] vi. 快速落下;陡直掉下

8. gorge [ɡ??d?] n. 峡谷

9. precarious [pr??ke?ri?s] adj. 危险的

10. bewildering [b??w?ld?r??] adj. 使人困惑的;使人昏乱的

11. treacherous [?tret??r?s] adj. 危险的,变化莫测的

12. causeway [?k??zwe?] n. (穿越低洼湿地或浅水的)堤道

13. jagged [?d??ɡ?d] adj. 凹凸不平的

14. brooding [?bru?d??] adj. 笼罩的;森森然逼压的

15. unfathomable [?n?f???m?bl] adj. 深不可测的

16. Transylvania: 特兰西瓦尼亚,是当之无愧的“吸血鬼之乡”,因为最早、最经典的吸血鬼文学《吸血鬼伯爵德拉库拉》中的主人公德拉库拉就居住在这里。

17. abomination [??b?m??ne??n] n. 令人憎恶的东西

18. clutch [kl?t?] n. 紧抓

19. stalagmite [?st?l?ɡma?t] n. 【地】石笋

20. stalactite [?st?l?kta?t] n.【地】钟乳石

21. rig up: (尤指就地取材而)草草构筑,临时架起

22. dank [d??k] adj. 阴湿的,潮湿的

23. cadre [?kɑ?d?(r)] n. 骨干队伍

24. loom [lu?m] vi. 隐约地出现

25. 此处描绘的是发生在公元9年的著名的条顿森林之战。当时罗马帝国在皇帝奥古斯都的统治下企图征服日耳曼人,但在这场战役中,日耳曼人在他们的杰出首领海尔曼的指挥下诱敌深入,在茂密的黑森林中一举歼灭了三个罗马军团,从而捍卫了日耳曼人的独立。coniferous [k??n?f?r?s] adj. 针叶树的。canopy [?k?n?pi] n. (顶篷似的)树荫

26. usurp [ju??z??p] vt. (用武力)夺取;侵占

27. 此处的画师是指日本江户时代著名的浮世绘画家葛饰北斋(1760~1849),他的代表作之一便是晚年创作的《富岳三十六景》,描绘的是由日本关东各地远眺富士山时的景色。

28. emblematic

[?embl??m?t?k] adj. 象征……的