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Shooting movies and selling hit records are some of the things that these stars do for a living. But there is one thing they love more than their job―charity.


emi Lovato

Demi took a stand against bullying. She teamed up with1) Stand Together to represent the Stand Together Campaign. Another anti-bullying charity Demi works with is STOMP Out Bullying. She also made a PSA2) for Vote Latina in efforts to engage young Latinos to vote and stand up for their rights. Demi worked with A Day Made Better, which works to erase teacher-funded classrooms, and she's worked with , where she donated designer dresses to be given to girls who cannot afford prom3) dresses―for free. Like most of her peers, Demi is also a proud donator to the Red Cross, Shoe Revolt, City of Hope, and Kids Wish Network.



risten Stewart

Kristen is one of the most down to earth4) celebs, which makes her cool in our list. But what really makes us love Kristen is her willingness to help. Kristen recently appeared at the 12-12-12 concert at Madison Square Garden on Dec.12, where she asked fans to donate towards Hurricane Sandy Relief. She took it a step further for Sandy Relief by donating her Zuhair Murad dress, which she wore to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Los Angeles premiere5), to the Robin Hood Foundation, who put it up for auction. Kristen has also worked with Shoe Revolt, an organization that raises money for victims of sex trafficking by selling donated shoes online.


克里斯汀是最务实的名人之一,这让她成为我们名单上的个性人物。但让我们真正爱她的是她的乐于助人。克里斯汀最近(编注:本文发表于2012年)出现在12月12日在麦迪逊广场花园举行的12-12-12演唱会上,号召粉丝为 “桑迪飓风赈灾”捐款。她还为“桑迪飓风赈灾”做了更多,将自己出席《暮光之城4:破晓(下)》洛杉矶首映式的祖海・慕拉裙子捐给了“罗宾逊基金会”供其拍卖。克里斯汀还跟“鞋的反抗”组织有合作,该组织通过在网上卖捐赠的鞋子为易的受害者筹款。

obert Pattinson

Not only does he have a forgiving heart, but Robert has a giving heart. Recently, Robert autographed an ESP6) LTD Xtone series acoustic7) electric guitar and auctioned it off via Julian's Live, a company that works with celebrities to create auctions that benefit their charities. The guitar sold for $1,280 and the proceeds8) went to The Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund. In 2011, E! 's Marc Malkin reported that the $80,000 Robert raised by hosting a meet and greet on the set of Breaking Dawn Part 2 was given to the Go Campaign to build a permanent home for PAGE (Program Advancing Girls Education) in Cambodia. Robert has also granted wishes for The Starlight Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that brightens the lives of seriously ill children, and their families, throughout Australia. He has also auctioned more guitars to support the Midnight Mission, an organization that helps provide for the homeless.


罗伯特不仅有一颗宽容的心,还有一颗乐于施与的心。最近,他将一把自己签过名的ESP LTD牌Xtone系列原声电子吉他通过“朱利安现场演奏会”进行拍卖――“朱利安现场演奏会”是一个与名人携手发起的有益于慈善事业的拍卖活动的公司。这把吉他卖了1280美元,这些收入全部捐给了“龙尼・詹姆斯・迪奥抗癌基金会”。2011年,据《娱乐在线》主持人马克・麦尔金报道,罗伯特在《破晓(下)》拍摄地举行了一场见面会以筹集善款,并将筹来的80,000美元都捐给了“前进活动组织”,用来为柬埔寨的“促进女童教育项目”(PAGE)建造一个永久的家。罗伯特还为“星光基金会”实现了一些愿望,该基金会是一家旨在为澳大利亚患有严重疾病的儿童以及他们的家庭点亮生活的非营利性组织。他还曾拍卖过更多吉他以资助“午夜教会组织”―― 一家帮助无家可归的人的机构。


In 2006, Rihanna founded the Believe Foundation. According to the foundation's website, BELIEVE gives children a chance to not only survive, but thrive in a world where many will never receive the medical attention, school supplies, toys, and clothes that they deserve. The foundation is partnered with DKTS, an organization that fights the great fight to stop blood cancer. In 2007, Rihanna was named Cartier's LOVECHARITY Bracelet Ambassador. Rihanna has used her fame to help a mother of two find a bone marrow9) transplant. She also donates to disaster relief, AIDS, and environmental issues. Rihanna has raised money through concerts and has even taken the time to meet children from the charities she's supporting.


2006年,蕾哈娜创建了“信任基金会”。根据该基金会官网显示,“信任基金会 ”将在一个许多儿童将永远无法得到应得的医疗照顾、文具、玩具和衣服的世界里给他们提供机会,让他们不仅能生存下去,还能茁壮成长。该基金会与致力于消灭血癌这一伟大事业的组织DKTS有合作。2007年,蕾哈娜被任命为卡地亚爱心手环大使。蕾哈娜还利用自己的影响力帮助一位有两个孩子的母亲找到了匹配的骨髓进行移植手术。她也为灾难救援、艾滋病以及环境问题等捐款。蕾哈娜还曾借演唱会筹集善款,甚至抽出时间探望她所资助的基金会的孩子们。

elena Gomez

Aside from being named UNICEF's youngest Goodwill Ambassador, Selena has also managed to be named the first ambassador of the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, an organization designed to inspire today's youth through entertainment and education. Selena has also helped raised over $1 million for the St. Jude Children Research Hospital by strutting her stuff10) down the runway with other celebs. She took trips to the Congo with the ENOUGH Project, a project aimed at ending genocide11) and crimes against humanity, and made a PSA with Kermit the Frog12) to raise awareness of endangered amphibians13).



1. team up with: 与……合作

2. PSA: 公益服务性广告,是Public Service Announcement的缩写。

3. prom [pr?m] n. 学年末舞会

4. down to earth: 实际的;务实的

5. premiere [?premie?(r)] n. 首映式

6. ESP: 世界著名的日本吉他品牌,创立于1975年,在乐器界有很重要的地位。

7. acoustic [??ku?st?k] adj. (指吉他等乐器)不用电传音的,非电声的

8. proceed: 请参见P17注释2

9. marrow [?m?r??] n. 骨髓

10. strut one's stuff: 骄傲地展示自己的才华(尤其是在跳舞和表演方面)。strut [str?t] vi. 趾高气扬地走

11. genocide [?d?en?sa?d] n. 种族灭绝

12. Kermit the Frog: 青蛙柯米特,该木偶形象创立于1955年,是美国很多木偶剧的主角,如《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)。

13. amphibian [?m?f?bi?n] n. 两栖动物