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The Chinese Undergraduates’Suicide Probability:Gender Differences

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(Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang ,Guangdong Province 524088,P.R.China)

Abstract. Objective To Explore the gender differences of the college students' suicide probability. Methods By means of cluster sampling method, a total of 6794 undergraduates were tested with the Suicide Probability Scale (SPS). Results there are significantly gender differences on SPS items, sub-scales and total scale(p

Key words: Undergraduates; Suicide Probability; Gender Difference

1 Introduction

International Suicide Research found a significant difference between suicide and gender. The suicide rate of Most countries is higher in men than women, the ratio is about 3:1[1];But the attempted suicide rate of women was significantly higher than male, the ratio is 1:3[2].Only in China the suicide rate of female is about 25% higher than men, mainly due to the very high suicide rate among young women in rural areas: The suicide rate in rural areas among young women is higher than that of young men by 66% [3].Some academics have also found [4], that 15-24 years old is the peak period of female suicide, whether in urban or at rural. They say two female commit suicide successfully when one man did. But the male suicide rate increased with age, and the increased suicide rate is roughly close to that of female by 55-64 age groups. Over the age of 75, the suicide rate of male is higher than that of female. This article explores the gender differences of the chinese college students' suicide probability.

2 Method


Participants consisted of 6794 college students (4162 males and 2632 females) at a comprehensive university in southern China. Participants ranged in age from 14 to 25 years, with the mean age being approximately 20 years, (M=19.5; SD=0.9).


The suicide possibility Scale (SPS)[5] advanced by Cull and Gill in 1982, a total of 36 items, using the 0-4 score to assess the frequency of an individual's subjective feelings or behavior for the population of more than 14 years old, above the fourth grade of educational level. The higher the score, the greater suicide risk. SPS are widely used among college students [6],the offender [7],substance abuse [8] and the mentally ill [9].The Chinese version [10] have the same good reliability and validity as the original scale [11],Switzerland [12]and Turkey [13].

The Chinese Version of SPS was input into an online software system of psychological test. All classes finished it online in the same week. SPSS18.0 was used for the statistical analysis.

3 Results

SPS Analyses of the Gender Differences

See Table 1 for means and standard deviations of SPS items by gender. Gender differences were explored using t-tests. The results indicated that males and females differed significantly on 23 of 36 items (P

The SPS Rate of Gender Differences

Based on the average score for boys and girls, SPS total score was changed into the standard T-score, 50 for mean, 10 for the standard deviation. According to the standard T-score of the SPS total score, all participants were divided into five groups, the number and rate of each group are listed on table 2.

4 Discussion

This study indicates gender differences in the SPS of Chinese college students are very significant on items, or subscale and total scale, with boys are significantly higher than girls. Though Cull and Gill (1988) and subsequent researchers as Tatman, Greene, and Karr, (1993) [5] were not found gender differences of SPS, Eltz, Evans and Celio (2007) proposed that women have scored significantly higher than men on 13 of 36 items of the SPS (p

Gender differences are also significant in the number and rate of the SPS. Although there is not a clear demarcation criteria for the SPS in the international community, Valadez and Granello (2009) [8] pointed out that the SPS standard T score 50 or more means the increased risk of suicide; Individuals who score more than 60 require a detailed clinical interview to assess suicide risk; more than 70 points, is considered a great risk of suicide, need immediate intervention or immediately hospitalized. In this study, gender differences in the SPS of Chinese college students are very significant with boys (9.2%)are significantly higher than girls(5.5%).The SPS rate is 14.6%, which is close to the results of other studies of suicidal ideation in China[14,15].


Human and Social Sciences Fund of Ministry of Education ( 09YJCXLX003 )


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